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Surprising areas rich in cultural properties

Surprising areas rich in cultural properties   Table of Contents 1: What are National Treasures and National Important Cultural Properties? 2: Ranking of National Treasures and National Important Cultural Properties by number 3: Prefectures rich in national treasures and cultural properties not visited by foreign visitors 4: The best ‘Little‐known good spots’ for travelers seeking a local trip or a trip to an unfamiliar place   1: What are National Treasures and National Important Cultural Properties? We compiled the National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by prefecture according to the Agency for Cultural Affairs‘ website. The Agency for Cultural Affairs designates national treasures as being of particular value from the perspective of world culture. Important cultural properties are also defined as ‘important cultural properties.’ National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties are categorized as ‘buildings’ and ‘arts and crafts.’ 1,132 National Treasures and 13,377 Important Cultural Properties (including the number of National Treasures) had been designated as of 1 April 2023. Of the ‘National Treasures,’ 230 are defined as ‘Buildings’ and 902 ‘Arts and Crafts.’ Of the ‘Important Cultural Properties,’ 2,557 are designated as ‘Buildings’ and 10,820 as ‘Arts and Crafts’ (including the number of National Treasures). As a non-specialist inread moreSurprising areas rich in cultural properties

Climate change

We’ve Joined “Japan Climate Initiative”

We’ve Joined “Japan Climate Initiative” After undergoing a document screening, we are honored to announce our participation in the “Japan Climate Initiative” due to the recognition of our activities. The “Japan Climate Initiative” is a network that brings together diverse organizations to realize a decarbonized society. They are led by three organizations: CDP Japan, WWF Japan, and the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation. It’s worth noting that CDP is a leading British non-governmental organization addressing global environmental challenges. As of September 1, 2023, the total number of participating organizations is 784. We are very proud to be a member of the “Japan Climate Initiative,” which includes major corporations, local governments, and research institutions. The initiative’s primary goal is to achieve a decarbonized society by 2050″ and accelerate activities toward realizing the “1.5°C target.” This 1.5°C target is the upper limit of temperature increase set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and meeting this target is recognized as a significant global challenge. Our service, clothing rental, has the potential to reduce checked baggage on airplanes and thereby significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Suppose every passenger had 20 kg of checked baggage. In that case, it’s estimated that CO2 emissions would amountread moreWe’ve Joined “Japan Climate Initiative”


An Enriching Trip: Delving Deep into the Charms of Kagoshima

An Enriching Trip: Delving Deep into the Charms of Kagoshima     Table of Contents 1: Lunch (ramen noodles) and dessert (shaved ice) 2: Sengan-en Garden 3: Tram and Shiroyama Hotel 4: Dinner and bar 5: Lunch (eel bowl) 6: Visit to Kagoshima Prefectural Office 7: Dinner (Yamagataya Restaurant) 8: Airplane and sky   1: Lunch (ramen noodles) and dessert (shaved ice) I have been to Kagoshima to explain our services to the Kagoshima Prefectural Government and hotels. I will post the places I ate and visited during my visit. When you arrive at Kagoshima Airport and head to the bus stop, you will find a footbath called “Oyattosaa.” “Oyattosaa” is a Kagoshima dialect word meaning “Thank you for your hard work” or “Thank you for your effort.” In front of the footbath is a wooden carving of Takamori Saigo. There are only a few footbaths at airports such as Kagoshima Airport and Oita Airport. After going to Kagoshima City and checking into my reserved hotel, I visited a nearby ramen restaurant, Ramen Kokinta. Ramen Kokinta is Kagoshima’s No. 1 ramen restaurant, scoring 3.66 on the Tabelog. I expected a long line, but surprisingly I could get in without moreAn Enriching Trip: Delving Deep into the Charms of Kagoshima


與HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館作為商業合作夥伴正式開始運營

與HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館作為商業合作夥伴正式開始運營   本公司株式會社EDO KAGURA(本部:東京都新宿区、代表董事:山田真也、以下簡稱「EDO KAGURA」)決定與HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館(本部:鹿兒島縣鹿兒島市、代表董事:橋本龍次郎、以下簡稱「南洲館」)成為商業合作夥伴。今天我們要為各位介紹HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館。從2023年9月1日起,我們EDO KAGURA將開始為南洲館的住客提供無障礙的行李及語言的旅行服務「NINJA KOTAN」。 這是繼The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido之後的第二次業務合作。我們公司的「NINJA KOTAN」提供服裝租賃和旅行前禮賓服務。 而今天我們要為各位介紹HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館。   HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館 「HOTEL & RESIDENCE南洲館」是一家位於鹿兒島市的老字號住宿設施,並將於2024年迎來開業100週年。他們以「美味、親切、愉悅的酒店」為理念,為滿足各式各樣旅客的需求,至今仍然經常實施客房的改造、及提供多樣的體驗服務。 距離觀光區和鹿兒島隋一的市中心・天文館只需步行5分鐘,因此出入非常方便。 近年南洲館的客房進行了一次現代風格的翻新,有著各種的客房,如住宅式、宿舍式客房、以及以西鄉隆盛為主題的日式畫廊客房。 還有著可以從祖父母到孫子,一家人一起入住的「2世代,3世代方案」,以及可以與寵物狗一起入住的「狗狗計劃方案」。這種能滿足國內外遊客的各種需求的客房和服務極具吸引力。 此外,在南洲館的酒店大堂有提供燒酒品嚐的服務,以及與人力車和嘟嘟車合作的獨特體驗。 這些創新的客房和服務在各個旅遊預訂網站上均獲得極高的評價。 並且南洲館提供的「黑熊火鍋」在「全國火鍋大競技場」中獲得總優勝,深受國內外眾多顧客的一致好評。如下圖所示,「黑熊火鍋」的視覺效果也是令人驚嘆。 設施名稱:有限公司 南洲館 代表人   :橋本龍次郎 地址      :〒892-0842 鹿兒島縣鹿兒島市東千石町19−17 開業時期:1924年4月 網址URL: 對於曾經出國旅行200-300次,熱愛旅行的人(代表董事・山田真也)來說,HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館的「美味、親切、愉悅的酒店」理念非常有魅力。事實上,旅行者對住宿的主要要求也可以概括為「美味、親切、愉悅」。 我認為在鹿兒島旅行的首要樂趣便是「美味(美食)」。而HOTEL & RESIDENCE南洲館除了「黑熊火鍋」,他們也有薩摩炸魚餅、鶏飯、豚骨、雞肉生魚片、銀帶鯡等各種在日本很有名的鄉土料理。 鹿兒島縣的畜牧業和漁業非常發達,黑毛牛、豬和肉雞的飼養數量都是位居日本第一。 此外,鰤魚、紅魽和鰻魚的養殖產量也是日本第一。 甜點方面,也有著一種叫做「白熊」,加了輕糖和紅糖的刨冰。 飲料方面,以「知覽茶」為首的「鹿兒島茶(日本茶)」的產量只僅次於靜岡縣。 並與日本茶產量持續下降的靜岡縣相反,鹿兒島縣的茶產量卻呈現上升趨勢,現在的產量為靜岡縣的93%。 可能鹿兒島縣成為全國第一也只是時間的問題。 而薩摩燒酒是清酒愛好者的必備品。HOTEL & RESIDENCE南洲館提供的燒酒品嚐服務可以說是最好的服務。鹿兒島縣廳舍的入口附近的電梯也放置著許多瓶薩摩燒酒。 對於想要品嚐鹿兒島美食的遊客來說,最好的地方就是聚集了大量餐廳的天文館。天文館有著近百間飲場店,提供各式各樣的美食佳餚。而且鹿兒島市旅遊諮詢中心也位於天文館內,所以對於旅客來說也是很方便的地方。 各位不坊嘗試入住距離天文館步行5分鐘的HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館,享受一場美味、親切、愉悅的鹿兒島觀光嗎?    


Started business alliance with HOTEL & RESIDENCE Nanshukan (Kagoshima)

Started business alliance with HOTEL & RESIDENCE Nanshukan (Kagoshima) EDO KAGURA Corporation (Head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President: Shinya Yamada) has started a business alliance with Nanshukan Co (Head office: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture; Director: Ryujiro Hashimoto). EDO KAGURA will begin offering the “NINJA KOTAN” travel service to guests of Nanshukan on September 1, 2023. This business alliance is our second business partnership, following The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido. NINJA KOTAN is our service that provides clothing rental and pre-trip concierge. Today, we would like to introduce our business partner, HOTEL & RESIDENCE Nanshukan.   HOTEL & RESIDENCE Nanshukan HOTEL & RESIDENCE Nanshukan is a long-established lodging hotel in Kagoshima City that will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2024. Under the concept of a “Delicious, Friendly, and Delightful hotel,” the hotel continues to make innovative efforts, such as room renewal and various experience services, to meet the diverse needs of travelers. The hotel is located just five minutes walk from sightseeing areas and Kagoshima’s most prestigious shopping district, Tenmonkan. In recent years, they renovated the guest rooms in a modern style, including gallery-style Japanese rooms with a theme of Takamori Saigo, dormitory-type rooms, and residence-type rooms. The hotel also offers aread moreStarted business alliance with HOTEL & RESIDENCE Nanshukan (Kagoshima)



與野岩鐵路進行吸引外國旅客的意見交流   目次 1:關於吸引外國旅客的意見交流 2:野岩鐵路的魅力 3:使用野岩鐵路的外國旅客的國籍     1:關於吸引外國旅客的意見交流 我們公司於日前與野岩鐵道本部(栃木縣日光市藤原)進行了吸引外國旅客的意見交流。 野岩鐵道是連接新藤原站和會津高原尾瀨口站的鐵路公司(運行距離30.7公里)。在新藤原站與東武鐵道相連,在會津高原尾瀨口站與會津鐵道相連。 根據國土交通省2019年的「鐵路統計年鑑」顯示,野岩鐵路的定期票使用者僅佔1.7%(按運輸距離計算)。換句話說,可以推測野岩鐵路的主要客群為觀光旅客。因此吸引旅客的手段對野岩鐵路來說非常重要。 但由於2020年新型冠狀病毒的流行,在那以後旅客人數減少,因此恢復觀光業是刻不容緩的課題。 我們作為一家為外國旅客提供服裝租賃和旅行前禮賓服務的公司,希望能利用各種數據,是否能為野岩鐵路提出有用的建議。 首先,我解釋了車站的樓梯消除率(以下稱「無障礙化率」)與住宿設施的入住率之間存在非常高的關聯性(關聯係數為72%)。 此外,「無障礙化率」與在旅遊目的地的鐵路使用率(81%),和與日本旅客的增長率(2007- 2019)(65%)也有著很高的關聯性。 在分析這個數據之前,我並不認為無障礙率與酒店客人和旅客數量之間有很大差異。   注:46都道府縣的數據,不包括沒有鐵路網的沖繩縣 資料來源:國土交通省《2021年:各都道府縣樓梯消除措施的實施情況》、《住宿統計(2019年)》 注:46都道府縣的數據,不包括沒有鐵路網的沖繩縣 資料來源:國土交通省《2021年:各都道府縣樓梯消除措施的實施情況》、2020年JTB旅行年度報告(2019年的旅行數據) 注:46都道府縣的數據,不包括沒有鐵路網的沖繩縣、2019年與2007年住宿人數成長率比較 資料來源:國土交通省《2021年:各都道府縣樓梯消除措施的實施情況》、《住宿統計》   我認為為了增加遊客數量,有必要提高「無障礙化率」,但也因為有著投資風險,所以不是一件簡單能解決的事情。因此,首先需要增加能克服樓梯障礙的旅客,之後增加投資,提高「無障礙化率」。 這裡指出的「能克服樓梯障礙的旅客」,就是行李比較少的旅客。我們相信通過我們的服裝租賃服務,能減少各位的行李,從而增加能克服樓梯障礙的旅客。此外,也能減輕老年人和殘疾人士的行李負擔,即使在高齢化社會中也能維持旅客數量,為社會做出貢獻。 我們相信世界各地的旅客大部分都以「懷舊」,「鄉郊地區」,還有「陌生的地方」為旅行目標。 而這一些旅客的喜好對鄉郊地區的旅遊業和鐵路公司來說是非常有利。 Travel and experiences that will be most popular in 2023 資料來源《2023年旅行預測》   但與此同時,約一半的外國旅客在鄉郊地區利用公共交通時會遇到困難,有92%的人對於設施内的多語言標誌和與工作人員的溝通感到不便。 公共交通對於「公共交通的使用」感到困難 公共交通對於「公共交通的使用」感到困難   資料來源:日本觀光廳,2019年度《有關改善接待外國旅客的環境 調查問卷》調查結果   感到方便的地方(曾到訪城市地區和鄉郊地區的人)   資料來源:日本觀光廳,2019年度《有關改善接待外國旅客的環境 調查問卷》調查結果   因此,我們相信增加「行李較少」的旅客的同時,通過使用外語為旅客提供換乘情報等資訊來提高便利性,便能增加利用野幹鐵路的外國旅客的數量。   2:野岩鐵路的魅力 我們認為野岩鐵路最大的魅力點在於它可以到達許多的旅遊景點。南方有鬼怒川溫泉、日光,北方有尾瀨、大內宿、會津若松等。從新藤原站到鬼怒川溫泉的路程只需約10分鐘,並且距離東武日光站的路程也大概只有約1小時。另外,會津高原尾瀨口站有直達尾瀨的巴士(會津巴士到檜枝岐只需75分鐘),如果是從大內宿・會津若松出發的話需要2小時以上。 此外,野岩鐵路的路線被大自然包圍,所以有很多適合拍攝的地點。 還有像是「三依溪流垂釣場」等可以享受釣魚和露營的場所。透過以上所介紹的特點,可以說野岩鐵路是最適合想要遊覽各種觀光景點的同時,享受戶外活動的旅客的鐵路。   3:使用野岩鐵路的外國旅客的國籍 最常到訪野岩鐵路周邊的旅遊景點的正是台灣旅客。此外,和台灣旅客一樣使用繁體字的香港旅客也很多,尤其是鬼怒川溫泉所在的前藤原町和會津若松,台灣和香港的旅客佔了總遊客數的約一半。因此,使用繁體中文提供旅行資訊和發布信息是非常重要。   資料來源:日光市遊客及住宿調查結果   資料來源:日光市遊客及住宿調查結果   資料來源:會津若松市                                  



許多地方政府和酒店都贊同我們的服務 我們在7月份時到訪了日本各地的地方政府、酒店、鐵路公司,並推廣我們的服務。具體為北海道觀光局、鹿兒島縣觀光局、北海道觀光振興機構、鹿兒島縣觀光聯盟、札幌國際廣場、釧路市觀光振興室,釧路新聞社,鹿兒島城山酒店、札幌克羅斯酒店、南州館Residence酒店、野岩鐵道等。 而我們所到訪的地方,都非常贊同我們的服務,並且願意為擴大我們的服務提供合作。真的非常感謝各位。有關我們的服務,受到各位高度評價的「服裝租賃服務」和「旅行前禮賓服務」,都能有助提高外國旅客在日本旅行的便利性,同時實現無障礙和可持續的旅遊。 通過「服裝租賃服務」減少行李,能讓您更簡單輕鬆地旅行,免去「旅行前準備、旅行中搬運行李、旅行後收拾」的麻煩。 減少行李也能讓老年人、殘疾人士、使用嬰兒車的家庭等旅客更方便行動,實現無障礙旅遊的理念。 通過減少飛機上托運行李的數量,不僅可以消除行李丟失的風險,還可以大幅減少二氧化碳的排放量。根據我們的計算,減少攜帶20公斤的行李,可以減少約20%日本旅客所造成的二氧化碳排放量。 光是到訪日本時單程的旅行中,減少行李的減排效果是太陽能電池板的21倍、電動汽車的58倍(每天使用的效果比較)。我也不知道還有其他減排措施能有這麼大的效果。可以說我們的服務能達到高效的可持續旅遊。此外,如上所述,各位可以在輕鬆出遊的同時,大幅減少二氧化碳的排放量。 我們也經常收到了「由於日語障礙,收集旅行資訊時很困難」的聲音。 尤其是,92%的旅客在鄉郊地區使用公共交通時會感到「不方便」(根據日本觀光廳的調查)。但通過我們的旅行前禮賓服務所提供資訊,便能夠消除使用公共交通時的不便,並能為各位提供大量已經翻譯的日本限定旅行資訊。 通過已使用過我們服務的客人的採訪證明,服裝租賃和旅行前禮賓服務都能極大地提高旅客的便利性。 這是受到眾多使用者和政府機構高度評價的「未來旅行方式」, 請考慮使用我們的服務。 感謝各位。 株式會社EDO KAGURA 代表取締役 山田真也


Many local authorities and hotels have endorsed our services

Many local authorities and hotels have endorsed our services   Since the beginning of July, we have visited many local authorities, hotels, and railway companies to explain our services. Specifically, we visited the Hokkaido Government Tourism Bureau, Kagoshima Prefectural Government PR & Tourism Division, Hokkaido Tourism Organization, Kagoshima Prefectural Visitors Bureau, Sapporo Convention Bureau, Kushiro City Tourism Promotion Office Industry Promotion Department, Kushiro Tourism & Convention Association, Kushiro Shimbun, and Yagan Railway and many hotels. We want to thank everyone we have visited for their endorsement of our services and cooperation in expanding them. Thank you very much. The points that everyone appreciated about our services were that both the ‘clothing rental’ and ‘pre-trip concierge’ services contribute to improving the convenience of foreign visitors to Japan and are in line with accessible and sustainable tourism. Reducing the amount of luggage by renting clothes means that travelers can travel lighter and more accessible, freeing them from the hassles of pre-trip preparations, moving luggage during the trip, and cleaning up afterward. The reduction in baggage also contributes to the elderly, disabled people, and families using pushchairs, which aligns with the principle of accessible tourism. In addition, the reduced checked baggage on boardread moreMany local authorities and hotels have endorsed our services

lost baggage

We can reduce the risk of lost baggage to zero

We can reduce the risk of lost baggage to zero   Table of Contents 1: I have experienced lost baggage five times 2: Probability of lost baggage 3: How to eliminate lost baggage   1: I have experienced lost baggage five times Have you ever experienced lost baggage? I have experienced it five times. Lost baggage is the loss of checked baggage when boarding a flight at an airport. Only 5% of baggage is Lost/Stolen, and most of the reason is delayed bags in transit (75%).   BREAKDOWN OF MISHANDLED BAGS Source: SITA   The biggest reason for delayed bags is “Transfer mishandling (45%).” There are various reasons, such as “Failure to load” and “Ticketing error.”   REASONS FOR DELAYED BAGS Source: SITA   I have had two lost baggage incidents in the USA, one in Japan, one in Italy, and one in the UAE. The amount lost due to lost baggage is eventually covered by insurance. However, I hurt my personal and business trips as I needed time to shop for clothing and other items. In December 2022, flight delays and associated lost baggage prevented figure skating pairs competitors (Riku Miura and Ryuichi Kihara) who traveled from their baseread moreWe can reduce the risk of lost baggage to zero


與The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido作為商業合作夥伴正式開始運營

與The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido作為商業合作夥伴正式開始運營 本公司(株式會社EDO KAGURA)於2023年7月24日決定與The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido作為商業合作夥伴正式開始我們的服務(服裝租賃和旅行前禮賓服務)。今天我們要為各位介紹The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido。   The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido是提供公寓式住宿處的住宿設施。位於北海道上川郡東川町的中心部,以「在礦泉水和自然環境下生活,為您提供高品質的生活方式」為理念。距離旭川機場僅需10分鐘的車程,交通便利,為您提供有廚房和浴室的長期住宿處,方便您到處出行。 設施名稱:The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido 代表人:定居真希 地址:北海道上川郡東川町北町1-2-9 開業時期:2019 年 8 月 網址URL: 作為一個過去在國內外旅行過200-300次,熱愛旅行的人來説(代表取締役 山田真也),The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido 所提倡「如同日常生活的旅行」的理念非常吸引。 相比從新千歲乘坐JR快速機場約40分鐘抵達的札幌站,或是乘坐機場巴士約30~40分鐘抵達的旭川市,所在於「距離旭川機場10分鐘車程」的地方可説是非常方便。 東川町在1985年時宣布當地為「攝影之町」,並於1994年舉辦「攝影甲子園」(此後每年舉辦),推動自然、文化和人們交流的「攝影好處多(写真映りのよい)」社區活動。而這樣的活動比「Instagrammable」更早開始。旅行時攝影是一種讓您能與當地人互動的交流工具,我們也很鼓勵外國遊客和當地人通過攝影進行交流。 從鎮外遷入東川町的人口不斷增加,從1994年的最低紀錄6,973人,到2018年的人口上升至8,382人,在日本所有的城鎮中,人口有持續增長是一件罕見的事。此外,東川町在商店街中引入「東川萬能卡(HUC)」,可以說是日本最早導入無現金的城鎮。 在冬天,您可以在東川町所在的大雪山旭岳(海拔2,291 m:北海道最高峰)享受各式各樣的滑雪體驗。而在夏天您也可以享受登山、釣魚、騎自行車、皮划艇、SUP、等多項戸外活動。 還有雪川釀酒廠等地方可以參觀。   旭岳 從地圖上看,東川町幾乎位於北海道的中心部分。可以輕鬆到訪深受遊客喜愛的富良野、美瑛以及北海道第二大城市旭川(旭山動物園等旅遊勝地)等地方進行一日遊。 為何不嘗試看看以東川町的The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido為據點,享受一場不一樣的北海道旅行 呢?   富良野   美瑛 The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido的老闆和老闆娘,定居真希(代表)和定居美徳(營運總監)都有出版過自己的書籍。並且兩人都有長期在海外業務的經驗,因此英語會話完全不成問題。 對於外國遊客來說,我認為最重要的是能住在一個沒有語言障礙的住宿處。  


Newspaper Kushiro Shimbun introduced our company through their article

Newspaper Kushiro Shimbun introduced our company through their article The Kushiro Shimbun published an article about our company on 2 August. Thank you very much for posting the article. The article is based on my visit to the Kushiro Shimbun on 27 July. Some extracts are given below. “While travel demand is shifting from ‘urban’ to ‘rural,’ large suitcases are not accessible for international travelers who wish to use public transport in rural areas. Accessible travel is important to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). President Yamada says, ‘Large luggage stops the travelers going to the countryside.’ So this spring, President Yamada started a clothing rental business for overseas travelers. With even a little less luggage, traveling by train and local buses becomes more accessible. If the use of public transport in rural areas increases, this will lead to the keeping of routes. The reduction in the weight of checked luggage will also reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of aircraft traveling between overseas and Japan by about 20%.” Kushiro City and other East Hokkaido regions are famous for their many tourism resources, including nature, such as marshlands and lakes, and wildlife, such as red-crowned cranes and Ezo deer. However, asread moreNewspaper Kushiro Shimbun introduced our company through their article


List of JR Kyushu’s limited express trains

List of JR Kyushu’s limited express trains english   Following on from “List of local railways with less than 1,000 daily passengers,” we will be compiling a list of all express trains in Japan, from JR Hokkaido to JR Kyushu, in sequence.   The greatest pleasure of train travel is enjoying the scenery from the train window. In particular, express trains have long intervals between stations so that you can enjoy beautiful landscapes continuously for a long time. Travelers can enjoy the beautiful scenery because most limited express trains have seats for two people or box seats, unlike the long seats common on regular trains.   Eating and drinking are also easier on express trains, as they are two-seaters or box seats. It is a pleasure to eat “Ekiben (train lunch)” and drink sake (locally brewed sake), Japanese wine, or craft beer with a view of the countryside on train travel. You can never experience this pleasure when driving a rental car.   Limited express train stations are often relatively large towns, even in the countryside. It is fun for travelers to get off the train on the way and stroll the local shopping streets.   Furthermore, rail travel isread moreList of JR Kyushu’s limited express trains


Started with The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido as a business partner

Started with The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido as a business partner On 24 July 2023, our company (EDO KAGURA Co., Ltd.) started the full-scale operation of our services (clothing rental and pre-trip concierge) with The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido as a business partner. Today we would like to introduce The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido.   The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido is a condominium-style accommodation. They are locating in the center of Higashikawa-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido, just a 10-minute drive from Asahikawa Airport. They offer long-term accommodation with kitchen and bathroom facilities under “living with mineral water, providing a ‘quality lifestyle’ in a town rich in nature” and “traveling as you live.” Name: The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido Representative: Sadai Maki Location : 1-2-9 Kitamachi, Higashikawa-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido 071-1426 Opening: August 2019 URL : As a keen traveler who has traveled domestically and internationally 200-300 times, the concept of The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido as a ‘traveling as you live’ appeals to me (President Shinya Yamada). The location of The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido is very convenient. Because only 10 minutes by car from Asahikawa airport. Asahikawa City takes about 30-40 minutes by airport bus fromread moreStarted with The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido as a business partner


List of JR Shikoku’s limited express trains

List of JR Shikoku’s limited express trains english   Following on from “List of local railways with less than 1,000 daily passengers,” we will be compiling a list of all express trains in Japan, from JR Hokkaido to JR Kyushu, in sequence.   The greatest pleasure of train travel is enjoying the scenery from the train window. In particular, express trains have long intervals between stations so that you can enjoy beautiful landscapes continuously for a long time. Travelers can enjoy the beautiful scenery because most limited express trains have seats for two people or box seats, unlike the long seats common on regular trains.   Eating and drinking are also easier on express trains, as they are two-seaters or box seats. It is a pleasure to eat “Ekiben (train lunch)” and drink sake (locally brewed sake), Japanese wine, or craft beer with a view of the countryside on train travel. You can never experience this pleasure when driving a rental car.   Limited express train stations are often relatively large towns, even in the countryside. It is fun for travelers to get off the train on the way and stroll the local shopping streets.   Furthermore, rail travel isread moreList of JR Shikoku’s limited express trains


Discussions with Yagantestudo Railway on attracting foreign tourists

Discussions with Yagantestudo Railway on attracting foreign tourists   Table of Contents 1:Discussions on attracting foreign tourists 2:Attractions of Yagan Railway 3:Nationalities of foreign visitors to tourist attractions near Yagan Railway     1:Discussions on attracting foreign tourists The other day, we discussed attracting foreign tourists to the area with Yagan Railway at its headquarters in Fujiwara, Nikko, Tochigi. Yagan Railway is a railway company that connects Shin-Fujiwara Station and Aizu Kogen Ozeguchi Station (operating distance of 30.7 km). The railway connects with Tobu Railway at Shin-Fujiwara Station and at Aizu Kogen-Ozeguchi Station with Aizu Railway. According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s Annual Report on Railway Statistics for 2019, only 1.7% of Yagan Railway’s passengers (based on transport distance) are commuter pass users. In other words, Yagan Railway relies on tourists. Attracting tourists is therefore essential. However, the number of tourists declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 onwards, and their recovery is an urgent issue. As we provide clothing rental and pre-trip concierge services for foreign tourists, we used various data to propose how we could help the Yagan Railway. First, we explained that there is a very high correlation (correlation coefficient of 72%)read moreDiscussions with Yagantestudo Railway on attracting foreign tourists


10th Donut Donation Day for the Japan Braille Library

3rd donation to Japan Braille Library Table of Contents 1: 3rd donation to Japan Braille Library 2: Donut Donation Day 3: Keep supporting the Donuts Donation campaign   1: 3rd donation to Japan Braille Library We made our third donation to the Japan Braille Library through our donut donation campaign. Thank you to all the travelers for eating the donuts during their trip to Japan. After the donation, we received the following letter from the Japan Braille Library. “We are deeply grateful for your thoughtful assistance. Your support is more than invaluable to the work of our museum. We will continue our efforts to bring the joy of reading to the visually impaired.” Note: This photo shows the letter we received last time. 2: Donut Donation Day Again, we would like to explain Donut Donation. Donut Donation is a unique initiative in which we ask our email subscribers to eat a donut, and we donate the same amount of the donation to the Japan Braille Library. We started Donut Donations on 30 March, with days with a zero (the 10th, 20th, and 30th) as Donut Donation days. Today is the tenth Donut Donation Day. For every 1,000 yen worth ofread more10th Donut Donation Day for the Japan Braille Library

JR Tadami line

Local trains in Fukushima 2 (JR Tadami Line, JR Ban-etsu West Line)

Local trains in Fukushima 2 (JR Tadami Line, JR Ban-etsu West Line) Table of Contents 1: Abukuma Express 2: Fukushima Transportation Iizaka Line 3: Iizaka Onsen 4: Symposium on Living with Railways 5: JR Ban-etsu West Line 6: Dinner on Day 1 7: JR Tadami Line 8: Hayato Onsen “Tsuru no Yu” 9: Tsurugajo castle 10: Sazae-do 11: Dinner on Day 2 7: JR Tadami Line On the morning of the second day, I rode the JR Tadami Line, which had been the main theme of the previous day’s “Symposium on Living with Railways.” The Tadami Line is a JR East line connecting Aizu-Wakamatsu Station to Koide Station in Niigata Prefecture. In October 2022, the entire line was restored for the first time since the torrential rain disaster. Since then, many tourists have been traveling on the Tadami Line, and on weekends and holidays, the line can become as crowded as the Yamanote Line in Tokyo. I went to the Aizu-Wakamatsu station earlier than the departure time of the Tadami line. But the train was not crowded, and I was disappointed. Because both the owner of “Mugitoro (The restaurant for my last dinner)” of the previous day and the participantsread moreLocal trains in Fukushima 2 (JR Tadami Line, JR Ban-etsu West Line)

iizaka line

Local trains in Fukushima 1 (Abukuma Express, Fukushima Transportation Iizaka Line)

Local trains in Fukushima 1 (Abukuma Express, Fukushima Transportation Iizaka Line) Table of Contents 1: Abukuma Express 2: Fukushima Transportation Iizaka Line 3: Iizaka Onsen 4: Symposium on Living with Railways 5: JR Ban-etsu West Line 6: Dinner on Day 1 7: JR Tadami Line 8: Hayato Onsen “Tsuru no Yu” 9: Tsurugajo castle 10: Sazae-do 11: Dinner on Day 2 1: Abukuma Express In late May, I made a study trip to Fukushima Prefecture. The main purpose was to attend the Symposium on Living with Railways, organized by Fukushima Minpo, to consider the state of local railways. I took the Shinkansen from Ueno Station to Fukushima Station early in the morning. Most JR East’s Shinkansen trains, including the Tohoku Shinkansen and Joetsu Shinkansen, stop at Ueno Station. Ueno Station is the only underground stop on the Shinkansen in Japan, so it is refreshing to use Ueno Station on the Shinkansen sometimes. I bought the ‘Mankatsu Sandwich Panda Package’ version at Ueno Station and had it for breakfast on the Shinkansen to Fukushima Station. The ‘Panda Package’ is sold exclusively at shops in the Ueno Zoo and Ueno Station. I drank Gassata, a carbonated coffee, with the Katsu Sandwich. Itread moreLocal trains in Fukushima 1 (Abukuma Express, Fukushima Transportation Iizaka Line)


Local trains in Wakayama Prefecture (Wakayama Electric Railway)

Local trains in Wakayama Prefecture (Wakayama Electric Railway)   Table of contents 1: Wakayama Castle 2: Chohoji Temple 3: Ide Shoten 4: Wakayama Electric Railway 5: Itakiso Shrine 6: Nichizengu Shrine 7: Dinner 1: Wakayama Castle I traveled to Wakayama in late May. My first stop was Wakayama Castle. Wakayama Castle was built in 1585 by Toyotomi Hidenaga, the younger brother of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. At the time of construction, Hidenaga’s vassal, Todo Takatora, served in charge of the building. Takatora Todo was a master castle builder who built many castles, including Edo Castle, Uwajima Castle (12 existing castle towers), and Imabari Castle. Wakayama Castle was the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family, one of the three Tokugawa families. After the Meiji Restoration (1871), the castle tower and other buildings were maintained and designated national treasures when the castle was closed down. However, the castle tower and all other buildings designated as national treasures were destroyed by fire in the Wakayama Air Raid of 1945. The current keep was reconstructed externally in reinforced concrete in 1958. Wakayama Castle has a large castle tower, a small castle tower, and turrets arranged on four sides and connected by a series of turrets (renritsu-shiki).read moreLocal trains in Wakayama Prefecture (Wakayama Electric Railway)

Hitachi station

Local trains in Ibaraki Prefecture (Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo) (2)

Local trains in Ibaraki Prefecture (Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo) (2)   Table of contents 1: Naritasan Shinshoji Temple 2: Katori Jingu Shrine 3: Kashima Jingu Shrine 4: Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo 5: Hitachi Station, Mito Station   4: Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo After visiting Kashima Jingu Shrine, the train took the Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo to Mito Station. Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo is one of three regional railway operators headquartered in Ibaraki Prefecture (the other two are Kanto Railway and Hitachinaka Kaihin Railway). The operating distance of Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo is 53.0 km from Kashima Jingu Station to Mito Station. The standard journey time is just over one hour, but depending on the time of day, it may take just over one hour and 20 minutes. The fare from the journey’s start to end is 1,590 yen. Kashima Waterfront Railway started as a freight line to transport raw materials and other goods to the Kashima Waterfront Industrial Zone and is characterized by the fact that in FY2021, the proportion of revenue from passenger transport was 49%. In comparison, the balance of revenue from freight transport was still significant at 30%. In FY2021, the railway accounted for 92% of revenues, and the company still needs toread moreLocal trains in Ibaraki Prefecture (Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo) (2)


Do you know which city has the best food in Japan?

Do you know which city has the best food in Japan? 18 June is Sustainable Gastronomy Day. Today, I would like to introduce you to Tsuruoka City in Yamagata Prefecture, the only city in Japan to be recognized as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. It means that Tsuruoka City is the best food city in Japan. The food is delicious, and the city offers many attractive tourist attractions. Please consider a trip to Tsuruoka City on your next trip to Japan. Tsuruoka City in Yamagata Prefecture has many food, including rice, vegetables, edible wild plants, mushrooms from the Shonai Plain and many mountains, and seafood from the Sea of Japan. The city has a unique food culture, including developing vegetarian cuisine by monks practicing asceticism on the three mountains of Dewa and more than 60 varieties of conventional crops. Some of the ‘conventional crops’ are famous throughout Japan, such as ‘Moso-dake,’ a brand of bamboo shoots, and ‘Dadacha mame,’ a brand of edamame (green soybeans). I love the city of Tsuruoka and have visited several times. As a tourist attraction, I recommend the five-story pagoda at Mount Hagurosan, which is a national treasure. The five-story pagoda was built aboutread moreDo you know which city has the best food in Japan?

Katori jingu shrine

Local trains in Ibaraki Prefecture (Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo) (1)

Local trains in Ibaraki Prefecture (Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo) (1) Table of contents 1: Naritasan Shinshoji Temple 2: Katori Jingu Shrine 3: Kashima Jingu Shrine 4: Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo 5: Hitachi Station, Mito Station   1: Naritasan Shinshoji Temple I visited shrines and temples in Chiba and Ibaraki prefectures in late April. I took the Kashima Rinkai Railway to Hitachi Station. If you leave Tokyo early in the morning, a day trip is well worth the effort. First, I went to Naritasan Shinshoji Temple. Naritasan Shinshoji Temple is popular with foreign tourists because of its proximity to Narita Airport. I saw several foreign tourists on the day I visited. Shinshoji Temple boasts many worshippers, with the number of Hatsumode visitors ranking second in Japan after Meiji Jingu Shrine. However, when I visited early in the morning (after 8 am), there were hardly any worshippers, and I could see the temple at leisure. The precincts of Shinshoji Temple are extensive and vary in height. The temple has a theme park atmosphere due to the various monasteries. I could understand why it attracts so many worshippers, including foreign tourists. The temple grounds are accessible to visitors in wheelchairs, as lifts are installed throughoutread moreLocal trains in Ibaraki Prefecture (Kashima Rinkai Tetsudo) (1)

Kangiin Shotendo

Local trains in Saitama Prefecture (Chichibu Railway) (2)

Local trains in Saitama Prefecture (Chichibu Railway) (2)   Table of Contents 1: Seibu Railway’s express train La View to Chichibu 2: Shiba-sakura hill (Hitsujiyama Park), Mitsumine Shrine 3: Chichibu Railway to Kumagaya 4: Kangiin Shotendo (Menuma Shodenzan Temple) 5: “Yakitori” in Higashi-Matsuyama   4: Kangiin Shotendo (Menuma Shodenzan Temple) Arriving at Kumagaya Station, I took a bus to Kangiin Temple. The common name of Kangiin is Menuma Shodenzan. The Kangiin Seidendo (main hall) is the only national treasure building in Saitama Prefecture. It is considered one of Japan’s three holy temples. Kangiin Temple was founded in 1179 by Saito Sanemori, who built the Shoten Shrine to enshrine his guardian deity, the Great Kangiten. Kangiin Temple was visited by Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, rebuilt it. Saito Sanemori was a military commander based in Nagai-sho (Menuma, Kumagaya) on the Heike side, who became famous during the Genpei wars. Sanemori is also portrayed in theatre, such as Kabuki and Noh plays. The current ‘Kangiin Shodendo’ was rebuilt in 1760 after being burnt down in 1670. It is known as ‘Saitama Nikko’ due to its decorative architecture,read moreLocal trains in Saitama Prefecture (Chichibu Railway) (2)

Mitsumine Shrine

Local trains in Saitama Prefecture (Chichibu Railway) (1)

Local trains in Saitama Prefecture (Chichibu Railway) (1) Table of Contents 1: Seibu Railway’s express train La View to Chichibu 2: Shiba-sakura hill (Hitsujiyama Park), Mitsumine Shrine 3: Chichibu Railway to Kumagaya 4: Kangiin Shotendo (Menuma Shodenzan Temple) 5: “Yakitori” in Higashi-matsuyama   1: Seibu Railway’s express train La View to Chichibu In late April, I went on a one-day trip to Chichibu and Kumagaya. First, I headed to Chichibu from Seibu Ikebukuro Station on the Seibu Railway’s La View express train. The La View is a beautiful express train with lemon yellow seats that give a vivid impression and huge windows that provide a sense of spaciousness. It began service in March 2019 as Seibu Railway’s ‘flagship train for the future.’ The design of the La View Express train was supervised by the world-renowned architect Kazuyo Sejima. Kazuyo Sejima is one of my favorite architects, having won the Pritzker Prize, also known as the ‘Nobel Prize for Architecture.’ Her impressive architectural designs include the Hitachi Station and the Sumida Hokusai Museum.   2: Shiba-sakura hill (Hitsujiyama Park), Mitsumine Shrine Arriving at Seibu-Chichibu Station, I went to Shibazakura Hill (Hitsuyama Park), a 20-minute walk away. The moss phlox were inread moreLocal trains in Saitama Prefecture (Chichibu Railway) (1)


Four local trains in Shizuoka Prefecture (Enshu, TenHama and Shizuoka Railway)

Four local railways in Shizuoka Prefecture (Enshu, TenHama and Shizuoka Railway)   Table of Contents 1: Enshu Railway 2: Tenryu Hamanako Railroad 3: Shizuoka Railway 4: Tuna bowl, Miho-no-Matsubara, Kuno-zan Tosho-gu Shrine 5: Craft beer, Yamasho   1: Enshu Railway On the second day’s morning, I took the Enshu Railway from Shin-Hamamatsu Station to Nishi-Kashima Station. Compared to Oigawa Railway, Enshu Railway is an urban regional railway running through a residential area in Hamamatsu City, so it is not possible to enjoy the scenery of nature. It was crowded during commuting hours. Enshu Railway’s consolidated sales were JPY 292.4 billion in FY2020, ranking it first among regional railway operators (95 in Japan as a whole). However, the railway business accounts for only 3.9% of sales, or JPY 11.5 billion. The group has more significant sales with non-railway businesses, such as real estate and department store operations. Enshu Railway’s trains are painted red. Hence the nickname ‘Akaden,’ and the company also runs wrapped trains to commemorate the NHK historical drama “Dou suru Ieyasu” broadcast in 2023 and ‘Evangelion wrapped trains.’ A wrapped train is a  train covered in wrap advertising. 2: Tenryu Hamanako Railroad Tenryu Hamanako Railroad has the longest operatingread moreFour local trains in Shizuoka Prefecture (Enshu, TenHama and Shizuoka Railway)

Oigawa railways

Four local trains in Shizuoka Prefecture (Oigawa Railway)

Four local railways in Shizuoka Prefecture (Oigawa Railway) Table of Contents 1: Introduction 2: Oigawa Railway 3: Horai Bridge 4: Hamamatsu Gourmet 1: Introduction I spent two days and one night in April on four regional railways in Shizuoka Prefecture. There are seven regional railway operators in Shizuoka Prefecture (95 in Japan as a whole), seven being the largest number in the country by prefecture. In order of operating distance, these are Tenryu Hamanako Railway (67.7 km), Oigawa Railway (65.0 km), Izu Kyuko (45.7 km), Izu Hakone Railway (29.4 km), Enshu Railway (17.8 km), Shizuoka Railway (11.0 km) and Gakunan Railway (9.2 km). On the second day, I planned to take Gakunan Tramway, which has the catchphrase ‘the railway from which you can see Mount Fuji from every station.’ I gave up this time because clouds prevented me from seeing Mount Fuji. 2: Oigawa Railway The first train I boarded was the Oigawa Railway. We left Tokyo early in the morning and boarded the 8:48 train from Kanaya Station, a retro train built in 1958 for express and limited express service on the Nankai Koya Line. Just getting on this train would be exciting for railway fans. The seats wereread moreFour local trains in Shizuoka Prefecture (Oigawa Railway)

local railway

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (4)

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (4)   Table of Contents 1: Correlation between accessible railway stations and the number of overnight stays 2: Making accessible railway stations after increasing the number of travelers 3: Reasons why foreign travelers do not travel to local areas 4: Positive impacts of using regional railways by foreign travelers   1: Correlation between accessible railway stations and the number of overnight stays There is a high correlation between the rate of steps eliminated at railway stations and rail travel. In prefectures where the rate of steps eliminated at railway stations is low, the share of rail travel is also low. In contrast, the share of rail travel is high when the rate of steps eliminated at railway stations is high. There is also a relationship whereby the share of overnight stays (the share of overnight visitors traveling for tourism purposes by prefecture, 2019) is lower when the rate of steps eliminated at railway stations is low.   Rate of steps eliminated at stations by prefecture and share of the number of overnight stays by prefecture SOURCE: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan Tourism Agency  read moreWill it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (4)

wheelchair user

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (3)

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (3)   Table of Contents 1: Accessibility at regional railway stations 2: Reasons for delays in making local railway stations accessibility   1: Accessibility at regional railway stations Accessibility of large passenger facilities in Japan (railway stations, bus terminals, ferry terminals, and airports) is steadily progressing: in passenger facilities with an average of more than 3,000 passengers per day, the rate of steps eliminated at the end of FY2020 is 95.1%, the rate of guidance blocks for the visually impaired is 97.2%, and the rate of accessible toilets is 92.1%, approaching 100%.   Accessibility in passenger facilities with more than 3,000 passengers per day (%) SOURCE: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism   However, only 50% (4,734 out of 9,379) of all railway stations in Japan have ‘steps eliminated’ at the end of FY2021. Regarding the percentage of ‘stations with steps eliminated’ by prefecture, 22 prefectures (47% of the total) have less than 30%. The low rate is particularly noticeable in rural areas, such as Yamaguchi, Kagoshima, and Aomori prefectures, where the percentage is 17%, 19%, and 20%, respectively.   The proportion of stations with stepsread moreWill it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (3)


Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (2)

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (2)   Table of Contents 1: Current situation of passenger bus operators 2: Discontinued passenger bus routes   1: Current situation of passenger bus operators A passenger bus is a bus that carries an unspecified number of passengers. Passenger buses include express buses and sightseeing buses that run between cities, but this section discusses passenger buses. The number of passengers declined by 19% between 2003 and 2019. This situation is similar to regional railways. Number of passengers carried by passenger buses (million) Source: Nihon Bus Association   Due to a decline in the number of users and other factors, regional passenger bus operators continue to lose money, with the proportion of loss-making operators consistently exceeding 80%. Percentage of loss-making passenger bus operators Source: Nihon Bus Association   2: Discontinued passenger bus routes These difficult conditions have led to the continued closure of regional passenger bus routes, as well as regional rail routes. Between 2010 and 2020, 13,845 km of routes (an average of 1,259 km per year) were closed. In the same period, rail routes were closed down for a cumulative total of 407 km, so itread moreWill it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (2)

Kyoto Tango railway

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years?(1)

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years?(1)   Table of Contents 1: Introduction 2: Current status of regional rail operators 3: Ageing rolling stock and infrastructure of regional rail operators 4: Discontinued railway lines   1: Introduction In our four-part series, we describe the plight of regional rail operators and passenger bus operators on the main routes for travel to rural areas of Japan. Most operators are losing money, and if the current situation continues, the closure of rail and bus routes may accelerate and make it impossible to travel to rural areas of Japan by public transport. The first article discusses regional railways, the second passenger buses, the third accessibility of regional railway stations, and the fourth measures to promote travel to the regions. 2: Current status of regional rail operators Regional railways refer to railway lines other than Shinkansen, conventional main lines, and urban railways. Of these, small and medium-sized private railways and semi-public corporations are referred to as regional railway operators, of which there were 95 as of 1 April 2022.76 of the 95 companies had operating losses in the railway track industry in FY 2019. The proportion of losses isread moreWill it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years?(1)

less tiring journey


了解海外旅行感到疲倦的原因   目次 1:海外旅行感到疲倦的主因 2:沉重的行李可能會危害健康 3:從各種研究了解危害健康的風險 4:旅行者攜帶比日常生活重8.5倍的行李   1:海外旅行感到疲倦的主因 許多人旅行時會感到疲倦。但您知道原因是什麼嗎?其實沉重的行李便是感到疲倦的主要原因。那您知道沉重的行李也有危害健康的風險嗎? 2:沉重的行李可能會危害健康 NIOSH指出、在理想條件下拿起物品的最大推薦負載重量為51磅(23.1kg)。美國國家職業安全與健康研究所 (NIOSH) 是美國的聯邦機構,負責工作相關的傷害和疾病,對此進行研究並提出預防的建議。 許多航空公司會依照NIOSH的基準,而設定托運行李的重量限制為23kg(51磅)。但請注意,此標準是為機場工作人員的身體健康而決定,並不是旅客攜帶行李的推薦重量。   各航空公司的托運行李重量限制(kg) 注意:經濟艙的情況       此外,日本厚生勞動省在「預防腰痛職場指南」中也規定了搬運重物時需注意事項。18歲以上的男性搬運重物時,重量上限為自身體重的40%或以下,而女性的重量上限為男性的重量上限的60%。以日本18歲以上男性平均體重的67.6 公斤為例,18歲以上男性搬運重物時的重量上限為 27.0 公斤。另一方面,因日本女性搬運重物時的重量上限是男性重量上限的 60%,所以為 16.2 公斤。也就是說,男女平均的搬運重量上限為21.6公斤。以上使用2019年日本人的平均體重的數據。   3:指摘從各種研究了解危害健康的風險 除NIOSH和日本厚生勞動省外,也有各種研究指出攜帶重物時有危害健康的風險。 Eupean Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology:年輕健康的女性和男性,如果各自長時間使用單手拿著6kg,10kg的物品的情況下,可能導致心血管的狀態不穩或 EMG(肌電圖)出現疲勞跡象等徴症,因此不推薦長時間拿起重物。 European Journal of Sport Science: 拿著10 kg、15 kg或 20 kg步行約60分鐘後,可能會導致生理、代謝和感知的參數增加。   4:旅行者攜帶比日常生活重8.5倍的行李 通過以上的分析,相信各位能明白攜帶30kg的行李去旅行時有危害健康的風險。所以大家要嘗試使用服裝租賃服務,來體驗一場輕鬆的旅行嗎?同時減少行李時也可以大幅降低二氧化碳的排放量。 讓我們更輕鬆舒適地旅行吧! 為了您的健康。為了我們的地球。

less tiring journey

The reason why we are tired of traveling abroad

The reason why we are tired of traveling abroad   Table of Contents 1: Main causes of tiredness when traveling abroad 2: Heavy luggage can create health risks 3: Various studies point to health risks from heavy luggage 4: Travelers carry 8.5 times heavier luggage than in everyday life   1: Main causes of tiredness when traveling abroad Traveling abroad is fun, but many people feel tired after the trip. Do you know what causes travel fatigue? In conclusion, heavy luggage is the leading cause of tiredness when traveling abroad. Moreover, heavy luggage can create health hazards. 2: Heavy luggage can create health risks The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the US federal agency that researches and recommends preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is a US federal agency that analyzes and recommends preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. The US NIOSH states that the maximum recommended load weight to be lifted under ideal conditions is 51 lb (23.1 kg). Because of this NIOSH standard, many airlines set the checked baggage limit at 23 kg (50 lbs). However, this is only a standard to prevent health hazards for strongread moreThe reason why we are tired of traveling abroad

isumi railways

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Isumi Railway)

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Isumi Railway)   Table of Contents 1: Kazusa-Nakano Station 2: Ruins of Otaki Castle 3: Level crossing where only the sky is visible 4: Lantern train 5: Ohara and Katsuura Station   1: Kazusa-Nakano Station Isumi Railways was established in 1987, taking over the Kihara Line from JR East. It is a 26.8 km operating line from Ohara Station to Kazusa-Nakano Station. The scenery from the Isumi Railway’s cars is beautiful and relaxing, like ‘Typical Satoyama (village-vicinity mountain).’ I could see pheasants in the fields. Together with one seen along the Kominato Railway, we saw five national birds in one day. The pheasant is Japan’s national bird, as selected by the Ornithological Society of Japan. The pheasant, whose male has beautiful peacock-like tail feathers, was also the symbol of the former Isumi Town (now Isumi City merged with Ohara Town and Misaki Town). 2: Ruins of Otaki Castle On the Isumi Railway, the train slowed down near the ruins of Otaki Castle with an announcement on the train so that I could take a photograph of Otaki Castle. This kind of service is unique to local railways. In modern times, Otaki Castle was builtread moreTwo local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Isumi Railway)

local train

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Kominato Railway)

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Kominato Railway)   Table of Contents 1: Introduction 2: Chiba Urban Monorail 3: Board the Kominato Railway at Goi Station 4: Itabu Station 5: Boso Satoyama Trolley Train   1: Introduction I wanted to rediscover the charms of Japan through local railways. I took a day trip from Tokyo to two local railways in the Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, in mid-April. In conclusion, the Kominato Railway and the Isumi Railway I boarded are attractive local railways. I could have a very satisfying trip, whether a day trip or an overnight stay. You can traverse the Boso Peninsula by boarding the Kominato Railway from Goi Station in Chiba Prefecture and transferring to the Isumi Railway at Kazusa-Nakano Station (of course, the reverse route is also possible). A Trans-Boso Peninsula Commemorative Ticket allows you to board both railways and is available for 2,000 yen. I went from Tokyo Station to Chiba Station and from Chiba Station to Goi Station. Using the Sobu Line rapid train without stopping at Chiba Station, the journey from Tokyo Station to Goi Station takes about one hour. 2: Chiba Urban Monorail I got off at Chiba Station because I wanted toread moreTwo local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Kominato Railway)



日本旅行時與日本人進行良好交流的方法   目次 1: 旅行時容易留下與人對話的記憶 2: 與日本人交流的前提條件 3: 容易與人交流的地方 4: 在餐廳的交流技巧 1: 旅行時容易留下與人對話的記憶 各位在旅行時留下的回憶是風景還是與當地人的交流? 對我來說,讓我留下深刻印象的是與人的對話。 目前為止包括旅行和出差,我已經到訪台灣差不多有50次左右,而有很多回憶都是與出租車司機的交談,或是在大排檔和小菜館(如魯肉飯、牛肉麵、小籠包、蚵仔煎等)吃飯時與別人的閒聊。此外,曾經居住了3年,並且大概每三個月都會因出差而到訪的香港,在茶樓和南丫島、大嶼山的水上餐廳與朋友熱鬧的聊天都給我留下了深刻的印象。而且,到新加坡出差時,工作後在小販那裡和別人的聊天的回憶,甚至比魚尾獅的景色還要清晰。 在日本,大阪是最受外國遊客歡迎的地方(2019年外國遊客到訪率第1位),而它受歡迎的原因是,除了有著章魚燒等各種小吃美食以外,大阪人還會主動和旅客聊天也是主要的原因之一。 真不愧是商業城市・大阪才能體會到大阪人熱情的氣質。 2: 與日本人交流的前提條件 這一次,讓有著曾到訪超過 40 多個國家,和去過日本所有縣旅行經驗的我,來跟大家分享如何與在日本旅行時和日本人輕鬆交流。這方法在前往日本郊區旅行時特別有用。 其實很多時候即使日本人對外國遊客感興趣,他們也會因為害羞和對自己的語言能力感到沒有自信而不會主動搭話,因此和日本人交流時做好聊天的準備是非常重要的事情。 首先,我列出了與日本人交流的準備要素。 1:微笑 最基本的是微笑。其實在任何一個國家都一樣,微笑是和別人交流的第一步。 2:學會簡單的日語 如果可以「こんにちは」「ありがとう」「おいしい」(你好、謝謝、好吃)這三個日語單詞的話,能更容易和日本人進行交流。 3:可能的話,記住簡單的方言 「こんにちは」「ありがとう」「おいしい」(你好、謝謝、好吃)都是標準的日語詞彙。而在日本,全國各地有著很多不同的方言,如果你能記住簡單的方言的話,與當地人的交流會更容易。對於當地人來說,外國人能記住他們的方言是一件非常高興的事情。 4:聊有關你的出生國 通常聊天一開始會先提起自己的出生國。通過了解你的國籍,日本人也會使用他們對你的出生國的了解,來和你進行聊天。特別是有關著名的旅遊景點,有名的運動員、歌手、演員等話題也是不錯的選擇,甚至可能可以聊得更深入。 5:去外國遊客較少的地方 如果你去一個外國遊客較多的地方,在同一個地方聚集了很多外國人的情況下,日本人也很難與你交流。當然也有像是在大阪,因大阪人的熱情性格,而能與許多遊客交流的特殊場所。 6:使用鐵路或公車 如果你在日本移動時使用租車或乘坐團體巴士,你將沒有機會與當地人互動。但是使用鐵路、公車等公共交通工具的話,就能增加與當地人交流的機會。各位也可以租一輛自行車或到處散步,與當地人接觸。   3: 容易與人交流的地方 1:旅遊服務中心 許多地方都設有旅遊服務中心,同時服務中心的工作人員對外國遊客比較熟悉,也有能使用英語等外國語言的人。 首先,各位可以在服務中心詢問有關當地旅遊的問題,了解該地區的資訊。也可以向工作人員詢問當地受歡迎的餐館、食物和飲料,並讓他們將其寫在一張紙上。你也可以把你在旅遊服務中心獲得的情報,運用在接下來你在餐廳裡的對話。 2:住宿 酒店、旅館等地方也很方便和日本人交流。 與旅遊服務中心一樣,可以向工作人員詢問當地受歡迎的餐館、食物和飲料,並讓他們將其寫在一張紙上。 3:觀光景點 許多日本人也會參觀神社、寺廟、美術館和博物館等觀光景點。你們可以在觀光景點裡找一個看起來可以交流的日本人,讓他們為你拍個照。如果他們願意,可以跟他們說「ありがとう」,然後和上面提到的一樣,和他們聊有關你的出生國,然後問他們當地受歡迎的餐館、食物和飲料。 如果他們是親切的人,你也可以讓他們將情報寫在紙上。 4:餐廳 正如我在開頭提到,我在國外經常和別人交流的地方大多都是餐廳。在同一家餐廳吃著美味的料理,並且大家處於放鬆的狀態的情況下,交流的機會也變多了。其實在任何一個國家,餐廳都可以說是很容易與人交流的地方。 然而,在日本許多外國遊客會擔心,如果去只有日語菜單的餐廳會點不到菜,因此不敢進入當地餐廳的人很多。但其實就算您去的餐廳只有日語菜單,你可以利用在旅遊服務中心或觀光景點時,所拿到的情報來點餐。另外,你也可以問「お勧めはありますか」(你有什麼推薦嗎?) ,並且提前告知他們,您因過敏或宗教原因而有無法接受的食材。(或是在旅行前準備一些插圖或照片,出示給服務人員看可能能更容易讓他們了解。)   4: 在餐廳的交流技巧 除此之外還需要一些技巧。 1:選擇吧台的座位 如果你是1~2個人的話,建議您使用吧台座位。 如果有吧台座位,你可以更接近在櫃檯後面的廚師和工作人員,所以即使不會說日語,與他們交流的機會也會大大增加。另外,因為吧台的座位距離較近,能與坐在旁邊的當地人交流的機會也比較大。 2:桌子或榻榻米座位的話,選擇比較靠近吧台座位的位置 如果你是3人或以上的話,通常安排坐在桌子或榻榻米座位。如果你坐在後排的位置,與店員和其他顧客交流的機會就會減少。所以請選擇靠近入口處吧台座位附近的位置,以減少你與其他顧客之間的距離。雖然在日本和國外,離入口越遠的座位是越尊貴的座位,但靠近入口的吧台座位更便於交流。但是也有些餐廳的吧台座位,會在後面的位置,所以這種情況下,請選擇靠近吧台座位後面的位置。 3:選擇當地美食和酒類 在餐廳點餐時,選擇在旅遊服務中心和觀光景點得知的當地美食和酒類。並在品嚐那些鄉土料理時,用響亮的聲音說「おいしい」。如果可以用當地方言說出「おいしい」就更好了。 4:積極打聽當地人在吃什麼 如果你看到當地人正在享用你不知道的料理時,可以問他們「それは何ですか」(請問那是什麼?) 如果他們告訴你的話可以跟他們說「ありがとう」,然後跟服務人員說「私も注文したいです」(我也想點一樣的東西)。最後吃完後跟服務人員說「おいしい。ありがとう」(很好吃,謝謝。)的話,相信他們也會很高興。 5:如果你喜歡某一家餐館,就多去一下 雖然一般情況,遊客比較不會在同一個地方逗留2-3天或更長時間,但如果你找到一家你喜歡的餐廳,可以通過多去那裡用餐和店員打好關係,並且可以和當地客人更詳細的交流。以上的都是我經歷過好幾次,與他人交流時非常有效的方式。


How to communicate well with Japanese people when traveling to Japan

How to communicate well with Japanese people when traveling to Japan   Table of Contents 1: Conversations with people when traveling are easy to remember 2: Prerequisites for communicating with Japanese people 3: Places where communication is easy 4: Communication in restaurants 1: Conversations with people when traveling are easy to remember Are your memories of travel the scenery or the conversations you have with people on the road? For me, my more vivid travel memories are conversations with people. In Taiwan, where I have traveled and made business trips nearly 50 times, I have many memories of conversations with taxi drivers and casual conversations at street stalls and snack stalls (such as minced pork rice, beef noodles, xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), oyster omelet, etc.) In Hong Kong, where I stayed for three years for work and visited once every three months on business, I remember lively conversations at dim sum stalls and restaurants on Lamma Island. I was also impressed by the lively conversations at dim sum restaurants and waterfront restaurants on Lamma Island and Lantau Island. Like in Hong Kong in Singapore, where I stayed on business trips and for work, I remember the lively conversations at hawkers andread moreHow to communicate well with Japanese people when traveling to Japan


10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu & Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館

10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu, Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館 Since Kyushu and Okinawa have long been important hubs of contact between Japan and foreign countries, we can see a different kind of ‘exoticism’ here than in other parts of the country. This includes, of course, the local art museums. In Okinawa’s art museums, for example, we can find many traces of the Ryukyu period.We have compiled a list of the top 10 museums in Kyushu and Okinawa based on search engine data, which we hope you will find useful when you travel to Kyushu and Okinawa!   九州、沖繩一帶自古而來就是日本與外國接觸的重要樞紐,因此我們可以在這裏看到與日本其他地方不一樣的「異國風情」。當然也包括當地的美術館。例如在沖繩的美術館,我們就可以找到很多琉球時代的蹤跡。   我們根據搜索引擎的搜尋數據為您製作了十大九州、沖繩美術館的排名榜,希望您到九州和沖繩時旅行時能用上! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Kyushu, Okinawa Fukuoka Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Oita Prefecture, Saga Prefecture, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Ranking 1. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 2. Kyushu National Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 3. Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum (Nagasaki Prefecture) 4. Oita Prefectural Art Museum (Oita Prefecture) 5. Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 6. Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art (Fukuoka Prefecture) 7. Saga Prefectural Art Museum (Saga Prefecture) 8. Kirishima Open-Air Museum (Kagoshima Prefecture) 9. Oita City Art Museum (Oita Prefecture) 10. Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art (Kumamoto Prefecture) 1. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture)   2. Kyushu National Museumread more10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu & Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館

Tuna sushi


過度捕撈金槍魚曾是個問題,直到救世主出現   目次 1: 全球的金槍魚市場 2: 保護金槍魚活動的効果 3: 日本藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量的都道府縣排名     1: 全球的金槍魚市場 聯合國於2016年12月,將5月2日設定為「世界金槍魚日」(World Tuna Day)。 作為壽司的食材,這次我們對受到許多日本人和外國遊客歡迎的金槍魚市場進行分析。 現在全球有96 個以上的國家可以捕撈金槍魚,而每年金槍魚或金槍魚類的捕獲量有600~700萬噸。同時金槍魚毎年的交易金額高達120億美元,佔全世界海洋漁業總值的20%。 金槍魚和金槍魚類的商品大可分為兩種:金槍魚罐頭,生魚片・壽司。金槍魚罐頭市場主要使用鰹魚和黃鰭金槍魚等輕肉魚種(Light meat species)為主,而壽司和生魚片市場則是使用藍鰭金槍魚和大眼金槍魚等紅肉魚種(Red meat species)為主。   2: 保護金槍魚活動的効果 雖然過度捕撈金槍魚一直都是個問題,但由於全球性金槍魚保護運動,面臨過度捕撈威脅的金槍魚類群從2014 年的13種减少至2019 年的5種。 並且在近年,積極進行通過養殖藍鰭金槍魚來確保金槍魚資源的保護運動。在日本,從2012年起藍鰭金槍魚的養殖捕獲量迅速增加,已達到天然金槍魚捕獲量的 1.8 倍。 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 3: 日本藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量的都道府縣排名 日本各地的(2021年)藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量排名中,第一名:長崎縣,第二名:鹿兒島縣,排第三名:高知縣,第四名:愛媛縣,第五名:三重縣,主要都是水產養殖技術發達的地區。   Bluefin tuna catch ranking by prefecture (tonnes) Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries   因水產養殖的普及而不再需要擔心過度捕撈,可以安心吃用藍鰭金槍魚是一件令人高興的事情。所以請各位到日本旅遊時,務必品嚐一下藍鰭金槍魚的壽司和生魚片。


10 BEST Art Museums in Chugoku & Shikoku Region 中國四國地區十大美術館

10 BEST in Chūgoku,Shikoku Region中國四國地區十大美術館 Many foreign visitors may be unfamiliar with Chūgoku and Shikoku region, but I think you should have heard of big cities like Hiroshima, which is located in this region. The museums in these areas are located in the suburbs, so you can see the exhibits here and cleanse your mind in the process. Based on search engine data, we have compiled a list of the top 10 museums in Chūgoku and Shikoku. We hope you can feel the same when visiting museums in China and Shikoku.   不少外國遊客對中國、四國地區可能比較陌生,但我想大家都應該有聽過廣島這些大城市,其實廣島就是位於這個地區了。這些地區的美術館多位於郊區,您除了可以在這裏觀看展品外,亦可以順便洗滌一下心靈。我們根據搜索引擎的搜尋數據為您製作了十大九州,沖繩美術館的排名榜希望來中國、四國地區旅行的您在前往美術館的時候也可以感受得到份感覺。   English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Chūgoku,Shikoku Region Shimane Prefecture, Kagawa Prefecture, Okayama Prefecture, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture Ranking 1. Adachi Museum of art (Shimane Prefecture) 2. Chichu Art Museum (Kagawa Prefecture) 3. Shimane Art Museum (Shimane Prefecture) 4. Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art (Okayama Prefecture) 5. Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum (Yamaguchi Prefecture) 6. Ohara Museum of Art (Okayama Prefecture) 7. Museum of Art, Kochi (Kochi Prefecture) 8. The Museum of Art, Ehime (Ehime Prefecture) 9. Takamatsu Art Museum (Kagawa Prefecture) 10. Higashi-Hiroshima City Museum of Art (Hiroshima Prefecture) 1. Adachi Museum of art (Shimane Prefecture) Address  320 Furukawa-Cho, Yasugi, Shimaneread more10 BEST Art Museums in Chugoku & Shikoku Region 中國四國地區十大美術館

Tuna sushi

Tuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged

Tuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged   Table of Contents 1: The global tuna market 2: Effects of tuna protecting activities 3: Ranking of Japan’s bluefin tuna catch by prefecture     1: The global tuna market 2 May is World Tuna Day, established by the United Nations in December 2016. This article discusses the tuna market, which is popular as a sushi ingredient among the Japanese and many foreign tourists. Tuna is currently caught in more than 96 countries. The annual tuna trade is worth USD 12 billion, accounting for 20% of the global marine fisheries value. Between 6 and 7 million tonnes of tuna and tuna products are landed annually. Tuna and tuna species can be divided into two main product categories: canned tuna and sashimi/sushi. Light meat species like skipjack and yellowfin tuna dominate the canned tuna market. In contrast, red meat species like bluefin and bigeye tuna are preferred in the sushi and sashimi markets.   2: Effects of tuna protecting activities Overfishing of tuna has been a problem, but global tuna-protecting activities have reduced the number of tuna stock overfishing species from 13 to 5 between 2014 and 2019. In recentread moreTuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged

Japan Braille Library

The first donation to the Japan Braille Library

The first donation to the Japan Braille Library   Table of contents 1:The first donation 2:Donut Donation Day 3:Keep supporting the Donuts Donation campaign   1:The first donation We first donated to the Japan Braille Library through the Donut Donation Campaign. Thank you to all the foreign tourists for eating donuts when traveling to Japan. The Japan Braille Library made the following comment at the time of our donation. “Thank you very much for your support. We have accepted your donation of the amount you requested. We will use your generous donation carefully to fulfill the wish of the visually impaired to read books. We look forward to your continued support.”   2:Donut Donation Day Again, we would like to explain Donut Donation. Donut Donation is a unique initiative in which we ask our email subscribers to eat a donut, and we donate the same amount of the donation to the Japan Braille Library. We started Donut Donation on 30 March, with days with a zero (the 10th, 20th, and 30th) as Donut Donation days. For every 1,000 yen worth of donuts that email subscribers eat with the 1,000 yen gift ticket we provide, we will donate 1,000 yen toread moreThe first donation to the Japan Braille Library


20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai region 關西ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai 關西ニ十大美術館 With its ancient Japanese architecture and mysterious scenery, this region has left behind much of the cultural heritage of ancient Japan. You can find art relics from Kyoto, Nara known as the “thousand-year-old capitals” and contemporary art such as the Sun Tower in Osaka and other cities. Please visit Art Museum in the Kansai!   古老的日本建築、神秘的街道風景、這個地區留下了許多古代日本的文化底蘊。您可以在這裏不但找到京都、奈良等被稱為「千年古都」城市留下的藝術文物之外,也可以在大阪等城市看到如太陽塔的當代美術。   請您務必要到訪一下關西美術館吧! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Kansai Kyoto Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Nara Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Mie Prefecture Ranking 1. Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum (Kyoto Prefecture) 2. Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (Hyogo Prefecture) 3. Kyoto National Museum (Kyoto Prefecture) 4. The National Museum of Art(Osaka Prefecture) 5. Nara City Museum of ART (Nara Prefecture) 6. Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts (Osaka Prefecture) 7. The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (Kyoto Prefecture) 8. Sagawa Art Museum (Shiga Prefecture) 9. Nara National Museum (Nara Prefecture) 10. MIHO MUSEUM (Shiga Prefecture) 11. ABENO HARUKAS Art Museum 12. Kobe Fashion Museum (Hyogo Prefecture) 13. Kurokabe Glass Hall (Shiga Prefecture) 14. The Museum of Ceramic Art, Hyogo (Hyogo Prefecture) 15. Platon Decorative Arts Museum (Hyogo Prefecture) 16. Mie Prefectural Art Museum (Mie Prefecture) 17. Fukudaread more20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai region 關西ニ十大美術館


20 BEST Art Museums in Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museums in the Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館 When you come to the Chubu region, you should go to visit at least one of the art museums there. Chubu region has several historical legacies and views surrounding nature, which brings a strong cultural flavor and artwork to art museums in the Chubu region. We have created a ranking of the 20 Best Art Museums in the Chubu region based on search engines. Let’s go to Art museums when you travel to the Chubu region!  當您來到日本的中部地區時,至少應該參觀一下那裡的一間美術館。日本中部地區擁有多處的歷史遺產和被自然包圍的景觀,這為日本中部的美術館帶來濃厚的文化氣息和藝術品。 我們根據搜索引擎制作了日本中部地區 20 間最多人去的美術館排名榜。 去日本中部旅遊的時候請記得去美術館吧! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Chubu region Ishikawa Prefecture Aichi Prefecture Toyama Prefecture Shizuoka Prefecture Gifu Prefecture Nagano Prefecture Fukui Prefecture Yamanashi Prefecture Ranking 1. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art (Ishikawa Prefecture) 2. Daiichi Museum (Aichi Prefecture) 3. Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (Aichi Prefecture) 4. Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art & Design (Toyama Prefecture) 5. Shizuoka City Museum of Art (Shizuoka Prefecture) 6. Nagoya City Art Museum (Aichi Prefecture) 7. Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art (Aichi Prefecture) 8. Mosaic Tile Museum (Gifu Prefecture) 9. Museum of Fine Arts (Gifu Prefecture) 10. MOA Museum of art (Shizuoka Prefecture) 11. Matsumoto City Museum of Art (Nagano Prefecture) 12. Fukuiread more20 BEST Art Museums in Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館


20 BEST Art Museums in Kanto region 日本關東ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museum in Kanto日本關東ニ十大美術館 Art museums in Kanto are treasure boxes for people who love art. As Kanto is the center of the country, Art museums in Kanto got the most searches and tags in this genre. We have created a ranking of the 20 Best Art Museums in Kanto based on search engines. Let’s go to Art museums when you travel to Kanto!     關東地區的美術館絕對是藝術愛好者的寶箱。 由於關東是日本的中心,因此理所當然地關東的美術館在這種類型的搜索中獲得了最多的搜索和標籤。   我們根據搜索引擎的資料為您整理了關東二十大美術館的排名榜。   當您前往關東時,請務必去一去美術館吧!   English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)    Kanto Tokyo, Ibaraki Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture Ranking   1. Mori Art Museum (Tokyo) 2. The National Art Center (Tokyo) 3. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Tokyo) 4. Shimodate Museum (Ibaraki Prefecture) 5. Hakone Open-Air Museum (Kanagawa Prefecture) 6. Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo) 7. TeamLab Planets TOKYO (Tokyo) 8. Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (Tokyo) 9. Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (Tokyo) 10. Yokohama Museum of Art (Kanagawa Prefecture) 11. Ghibli Museum, Mitaka (Tokyo) 12. Hara Museum ARC (Gunma Prefecture) 13. Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo) 14. Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum (Tokyo) 15. Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum (Tokyo) 16. Chiba Art Museum (Chiba Prefecture) 17. National Museum of Western Art (Tokyo) 18. O Art Museum (Tokyo) 19. Hakone Museumread more20 BEST Art Museums in Kanto region 日本關東ニ十大美術館

International Mother Earth Day

International Mother Earth Day Today, 22 April, is International Mother Earth Day, designated by the United Nations. ‘The Earth and its ecosystems are our home’ and ‘we need to promote harmony between nature and the Earth.’ We aim to reduce CO2 emissions when traveling by air significantly. You can achieve this by using our clothing rental service and not carrying checked baggage. For example, the CO2 emissions from 20 kg of checked baggage for a trip to Japan are 149 kg (average of 19 countries, round trip). These emissions are equivalent to 11 days of per capita CO2 emissions of 13.12 kg/day. In addition, a reduction of 20 kg of baggage by travelers worldwide would decrease 14.51 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. These emissions are more than 156 countries worldwide, including the Czech Republic, with 96.29 million tonnes, and Belgium, with 93.01 million tonnes. Let’s not give up on travel. Let’s protect Mother Earth by drastically reducing our CO2 emissions.     國際地球母親日 聯合國設定4 月 22 日為「國際地球母親日」。其理念為「地球的生態系統是我們的家園,因此需要為自然和地球環境提供支援」。 我們的目標是大幅減少航空旅行時所排放的二氧化碳。而您可以通過使用我們的服裝租賃服務,實現不用攜帶托運行李從而減少二氧化碳排放量。 例如,日本旅行時一件 20 公斤的托運行李會排放149㎏的二氧化碳(從19 個國家/地區出發的往返航班的平均值)。相比平均每人1天會排放13.12㎏的二氧化碳,托運行李的排放量相當於11 天的量。 因此,如果全世界的旅客不攜帶20公斤的托運行李,將能減少1億451萬噸的二氧化碳排放量。這一數字已超過了世界上156個國家,如捷克共和國(9629萬噸)和比利時(9301萬噸)所排放的二氧化碳量。 讓我們在不放棄旅行的前提下,大幅減少二氧化碳排放量,從而拯救我們的地球吧。


10 BEST Art Museums in Hokkaido & Tohoku  北海道和日本東北的十大美術館

10 BEST Museum in Hokkaido & Tohoku 北海道和日本東北的十大美術館 Japan’s local museums are treasure boxes for people who love art. They got several searches and tags, some of which are higher than those in big cities such as Tokyo. For example, for the number of tags of The Miyagi Museum of Art, there were 12,000~ in SNS. If you recognize that the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo only has 15,000 tags in SNS, you will know that 12,000~tags is a huge number for a local museum.   日本鄕下的美術館絕對是藝術愛好者的寶箱。它們獲得了大量的搜索量和標籤數,其中一些更高於東京等大城市。例如宮城美術館在SNS上的tags數就有12,000。如果你知道連東京都現代美術館都只有 15,000 個tags數時,你就會明白 12,000~個tags數對於一個地方美術館來說是一個巨大的數字了。       English list   繁體字(traditional chinese list)   Hokkaido & Tohoku   Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata Ranking 1. The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture)   2. Yamagata Museum of Art (Yamagata prefecture)   3. Towada Art Center (Aomori prefecture)   4. Aomori Museum Of Art (Aomori prefecture)   5. Rokka no Mori (Hokkaido)   6. Sapporo Art Park (Hokkaido)   7. Iwate Museum of Art (Iwate prefecture)   8. Otaru Municipal Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   9. Hokkaido Asahikawa Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   10. Hokkaido Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   1. The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture) Address  34-1, Kawauchi-Motohasekura, Aoba-Ku, Sendai URL business hoursread more10 BEST Art Museums in Hokkaido & Tohoku  北海道和日本東北的十大美術館


The stress of creating a Japan itinerary for foreign travelers

The stress of creating a Japan itinerary for foreign travelers Table of Contents 1:Comparison of time spent on household chores 2:Ratio of time spent making itineraries to disposable time 3:Issues specific to travel in Japan 4:Changes in travel purpose     1:Comparison of time spent on household chores According to, 42% of global millennial travelers (generally defined as those born between 1981 and 1996) cite “planning a trip” as “one of the major stresses in their lives“. We would like to explore the reasons for this. First, we looked at time spent on household chores around the world. The survey covered 19 countries for which data was available from the top 30 countries that visited Japan in 2019. According to World Development Indicators, “Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work”, the top three countries were Mexico, Italy, and Spain for women, and Sweden, New Zealand, and Mexico for men. We used the average hours for 2010-2019. Because each country announces a different year and the number of years. At first, we divided the 24-hour day 0into three equal parts – eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep, and eight hours of leisure time. Next, weread moreThe stress of creating a Japan itinerary for foreign travelers