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Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (3)

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (3)   Table of Contents 1: Accessibility at regional railway stations 2: Reasons for delays in making local railway stations accessibility   1: Accessibility at regional railway stations Accessibility of large passenger facilities in Japan (railway stations, bus terminals, ferry terminals, and airports) is steadily progressing: in passenger facilities with an average of more than 3,000 passengers per day, the rate of steps eliminated at the end of FY2020 is 95.1%, the rate of guidance blocks for the visually impaired is 97.2%, and the rate of accessible toilets is 92.1%, approaching 100%.   Accessibility in passenger facilities with more than 3,000 passengers per day (%) SOURCE: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism   However, only 50% (4,734 out of 9,379) of all railway stations in Japan have ‘steps eliminated’ at the end of FY2021. Regarding the percentage of ‘stations with steps eliminated’ by prefecture, 22 prefectures (47% of the total) have less than 30%. The low rate is particularly noticeable in rural areas, such as Yamaguchi, Kagoshima, and Aomori prefectures, where the percentage is 17%, 19%, and 20%, respectively.   The proportion of stations with stepsread moreWill it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (3)


Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (2)

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (2)   Table of Contents 1: Current situation of passenger bus operators 2: Discontinued passenger bus routes   1: Current situation of passenger bus operators A passenger bus is a bus that carries an unspecified number of passengers. Passenger buses include express buses and sightseeing buses that run between cities, but this section discusses passenger buses. The number of passengers declined by 19% between 2003 and 2019. This situation is similar to regional railways. Number of passengers carried by passenger buses (million) Source: Nihon Bus Association   Due to a decline in the number of users and other factors, regional passenger bus operators continue to lose money, with the proportion of loss-making operators consistently exceeding 80%. Percentage of loss-making passenger bus operators Source: Nihon Bus Association   2: Discontinued passenger bus routes These difficult conditions have led to the continued closure of regional passenger bus routes, as well as regional rail routes. Between 2010 and 2020, 13,845 km of routes (an average of 1,259 km per year) were closed. In the same period, rail routes were closed down for a cumulative total of 407 km, so itread moreWill it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years? (2)

Kyoto Tango railway

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years?(1)

Will it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years?(1)   Table of Contents 1: Introduction 2: Current status of regional rail operators 3: Ageing rolling stock and infrastructure of regional rail operators 4: Discontinued railway lines   1: Introduction In our four-part series, we describe the plight of regional rail operators and passenger bus operators on the main routes for travel to rural areas of Japan. Most operators are losing money, and if the current situation continues, the closure of rail and bus routes may accelerate and make it impossible to travel to rural areas of Japan by public transport. The first article discusses regional railways, the second passenger buses, the third accessibility of regional railway stations, and the fourth measures to promote travel to the regions. 2: Current status of regional rail operators Regional railways refer to railway lines other than Shinkansen, conventional main lines, and urban railways. Of these, small and medium-sized private railways and semi-public corporations are referred to as regional railway operators, of which there were 95 as of 1 April 2022.76 of the 95 companies had operating losses in the railway track industry in FY 2019. The proportion of losses isread moreWill it be impossible for travelers to visit local Japan in 10 years?(1)

less tiring journey


了解海外旅行感到疲倦的原因   目次 1:海外旅行感到疲倦的主因 2:沉重的行李可能會危害健康 3:從各種研究了解危害健康的風險 4:旅行者攜帶比日常生活重8.5倍的行李   1:海外旅行感到疲倦的主因 許多人旅行時會感到疲倦。但您知道原因是什麼嗎?其實沉重的行李便是感到疲倦的主要原因。那您知道沉重的行李也有危害健康的風險嗎? 2:沉重的行李可能會危害健康 NIOSH指出、在理想條件下拿起物品的最大推薦負載重量為51磅(23.1kg)。美國國家職業安全與健康研究所 (NIOSH) 是美國的聯邦機構,負責工作相關的傷害和疾病,對此進行研究並提出預防的建議。 許多航空公司會依照NIOSH的基準,而設定托運行李的重量限制為23kg(51磅)。但請注意,此標準是為機場工作人員的身體健康而決定,並不是旅客攜帶行李的推薦重量。   各航空公司的托運行李重量限制(kg) 注意:經濟艙的情況       此外,日本厚生勞動省在「預防腰痛職場指南」中也規定了搬運重物時需注意事項。18歲以上的男性搬運重物時,重量上限為自身體重的40%或以下,而女性的重量上限為男性的重量上限的60%。以日本18歲以上男性平均體重的67.6 公斤為例,18歲以上男性搬運重物時的重量上限為 27.0 公斤。另一方面,因日本女性搬運重物時的重量上限是男性重量上限的 60%,所以為 16.2 公斤。也就是說,男女平均的搬運重量上限為21.6公斤。以上使用2019年日本人的平均體重的數據。   3:指摘從各種研究了解危害健康的風險 除NIOSH和日本厚生勞動省外,也有各種研究指出攜帶重物時有危害健康的風險。 Eupean Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology:年輕健康的女性和男性,如果各自長時間使用單手拿著6kg,10kg的物品的情況下,可能導致心血管的狀態不穩或 EMG(肌電圖)出現疲勞跡象等徴症,因此不推薦長時間拿起重物。 European Journal of Sport Science: 拿著10 kg、15 kg或 20 kg步行約60分鐘後,可能會導致生理、代謝和感知的參數增加。   4:旅行者攜帶比日常生活重8.5倍的行李 通過以上的分析,相信各位能明白攜帶30kg的行李去旅行時有危害健康的風險。所以大家要嘗試使用服裝租賃服務,來體驗一場輕鬆的旅行嗎?同時減少行李時也可以大幅降低二氧化碳的排放量。 讓我們更輕鬆舒適地旅行吧! 為了您的健康。為了我們的地球。

less tiring journey

The reason why we are tired of traveling abroad

The reason why we are tired of traveling abroad   Table of Contents 1: Main causes of tiredness when traveling abroad 2: Heavy luggage can create health risks 3: Various studies point to health risks from heavy luggage 4: Travelers carry 8.5 times heavier luggage than in everyday life   1: Main causes of tiredness when traveling abroad Traveling abroad is fun, but many people feel tired after the trip. Do you know what causes travel fatigue? In conclusion, heavy luggage is the leading cause of tiredness when traveling abroad. Moreover, heavy luggage can create health hazards. 2: Heavy luggage can create health risks The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the US federal agency that researches and recommends preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is a US federal agency that analyzes and recommends preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. The US NIOSH states that the maximum recommended load weight to be lifted under ideal conditions is 51 lb (23.1 kg). Because of this NIOSH standard, many airlines set the checked baggage limit at 23 kg (50 lbs). However, this is only a standard to prevent health hazards for strongread moreThe reason why we are tired of traveling abroad

isumi railways

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Isumi Railway)

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Isumi Railway)   Table of Contents 1: Kazusa-Nakano Station 2: Ruins of Otaki Castle 3: Level crossing where only the sky is visible 4: Lantern train 5: Ohara and Katsuura Station   1: Kazusa-Nakano Station Isumi Railways was established in 1987, taking over the Kihara Line from JR East. It is a 26.8 km operating line from Ohara Station to Kazusa-Nakano Station. The scenery from the Isumi Railway’s cars is beautiful and relaxing, like ‘Typical Satoyama (village-vicinity mountain).’ I could see pheasants in the fields. Together with one seen along the Kominato Railway, we saw five national birds in one day. The pheasant is Japan’s national bird, as selected by the Ornithological Society of Japan. The pheasant, whose male has beautiful peacock-like tail feathers, was also the symbol of the former Isumi Town (now Isumi City merged with Ohara Town and Misaki Town). 2: Ruins of Otaki Castle On the Isumi Railway, the train slowed down near the ruins of Otaki Castle with an announcement on the train so that I could take a photograph of Otaki Castle. This kind of service is unique to local railways. In modern times, Otaki Castle was builtread moreTwo local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Isumi Railway)

local train

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Kominato Railway)

Two local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Kominato Railway)   Table of Contents 1: Introduction 2: Chiba Urban Monorail 3: Board the Kominato Railway at Goi Station 4: Itabu Station 5: Boso Satoyama Trolley Train   1: Introduction I wanted to rediscover the charms of Japan through local railways. I took a day trip from Tokyo to two local railways in the Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, in mid-April. In conclusion, the Kominato Railway and the Isumi Railway I boarded are attractive local railways. I could have a very satisfying trip, whether a day trip or an overnight stay. You can traverse the Boso Peninsula by boarding the Kominato Railway from Goi Station in Chiba Prefecture and transferring to the Isumi Railway at Kazusa-Nakano Station (of course, the reverse route is also possible). A Trans-Boso Peninsula Commemorative Ticket allows you to board both railways and is available for 2,000 yen. I went from Tokyo Station to Chiba Station and from Chiba Station to Goi Station. Using the Sobu Line rapid train without stopping at Chiba Station, the journey from Tokyo Station to Goi Station takes about one hour. 2: Chiba Urban Monorail I got off at Chiba Station because I wanted toread moreTwo local trains in Chiba Prefecture (Kominato Railway)



日本旅行時與日本人進行良好交流的方法   目次 1: 旅行時容易留下與人對話的記憶 2: 與日本人交流的前提條件 3: 容易與人交流的地方 4: 在餐廳的交流技巧 1: 旅行時容易留下與人對話的記憶 各位在旅行時留下的回憶是風景還是與當地人的交流? 對我來說,讓我留下深刻印象的是與人的對話。 目前為止包括旅行和出差,我已經到訪台灣差不多有50次左右,而有很多回憶都是與出租車司機的交談,或是在大排檔和小菜館(如魯肉飯、牛肉麵、小籠包、蚵仔煎等)吃飯時與別人的閒聊。此外,曾經居住了3年,並且大概每三個月都會因出差而到訪的香港,在茶樓和南丫島、大嶼山的水上餐廳與朋友熱鬧的聊天都給我留下了深刻的印象。而且,到新加坡出差時,工作後在小販那裡和別人的聊天的回憶,甚至比魚尾獅的景色還要清晰。 在日本,大阪是最受外國遊客歡迎的地方(2019年外國遊客到訪率第1位),而它受歡迎的原因是,除了有著章魚燒等各種小吃美食以外,大阪人還會主動和旅客聊天也是主要的原因之一。 真不愧是商業城市・大阪才能體會到大阪人熱情的氣質。 2: 與日本人交流的前提條件 這一次,讓有著曾到訪超過 40 多個國家,和去過日本所有縣旅行經驗的我,來跟大家分享如何與在日本旅行時和日本人輕鬆交流。這方法在前往日本郊區旅行時特別有用。 其實很多時候即使日本人對外國遊客感興趣,他們也會因為害羞和對自己的語言能力感到沒有自信而不會主動搭話,因此和日本人交流時做好聊天的準備是非常重要的事情。 首先,我列出了與日本人交流的準備要素。 1:微笑 最基本的是微笑。其實在任何一個國家都一樣,微笑是和別人交流的第一步。 2:學會簡單的日語 如果可以「こんにちは」「ありがとう」「おいしい」(你好、謝謝、好吃)這三個日語單詞的話,能更容易和日本人進行交流。 3:可能的話,記住簡單的方言 「こんにちは」「ありがとう」「おいしい」(你好、謝謝、好吃)都是標準的日語詞彙。而在日本,全國各地有著很多不同的方言,如果你能記住簡單的方言的話,與當地人的交流會更容易。對於當地人來說,外國人能記住他們的方言是一件非常高興的事情。 4:聊有關你的出生國 通常聊天一開始會先提起自己的出生國。通過了解你的國籍,日本人也會使用他們對你的出生國的了解,來和你進行聊天。特別是有關著名的旅遊景點,有名的運動員、歌手、演員等話題也是不錯的選擇,甚至可能可以聊得更深入。 5:去外國遊客較少的地方 如果你去一個外國遊客較多的地方,在同一個地方聚集了很多外國人的情況下,日本人也很難與你交流。當然也有像是在大阪,因大阪人的熱情性格,而能與許多遊客交流的特殊場所。 6:使用鐵路或公車 如果你在日本移動時使用租車或乘坐團體巴士,你將沒有機會與當地人互動。但是使用鐵路、公車等公共交通工具的話,就能增加與當地人交流的機會。各位也可以租一輛自行車或到處散步,與當地人接觸。   3: 容易與人交流的地方 1:旅遊服務中心 許多地方都設有旅遊服務中心,同時服務中心的工作人員對外國遊客比較熟悉,也有能使用英語等外國語言的人。 首先,各位可以在服務中心詢問有關當地旅遊的問題,了解該地區的資訊。也可以向工作人員詢問當地受歡迎的餐館、食物和飲料,並讓他們將其寫在一張紙上。你也可以把你在旅遊服務中心獲得的情報,運用在接下來你在餐廳裡的對話。 2:住宿 酒店、旅館等地方也很方便和日本人交流。 與旅遊服務中心一樣,可以向工作人員詢問當地受歡迎的餐館、食物和飲料,並讓他們將其寫在一張紙上。 3:觀光景點 許多日本人也會參觀神社、寺廟、美術館和博物館等觀光景點。你們可以在觀光景點裡找一個看起來可以交流的日本人,讓他們為你拍個照。如果他們願意,可以跟他們說「ありがとう」,然後和上面提到的一樣,和他們聊有關你的出生國,然後問他們當地受歡迎的餐館、食物和飲料。 如果他們是親切的人,你也可以讓他們將情報寫在紙上。 4:餐廳 正如我在開頭提到,我在國外經常和別人交流的地方大多都是餐廳。在同一家餐廳吃著美味的料理,並且大家處於放鬆的狀態的情況下,交流的機會也變多了。其實在任何一個國家,餐廳都可以說是很容易與人交流的地方。 然而,在日本許多外國遊客會擔心,如果去只有日語菜單的餐廳會點不到菜,因此不敢進入當地餐廳的人很多。但其實就算您去的餐廳只有日語菜單,你可以利用在旅遊服務中心或觀光景點時,所拿到的情報來點餐。另外,你也可以問「お勧めはありますか」(你有什麼推薦嗎?) ,並且提前告知他們,您因過敏或宗教原因而有無法接受的食材。(或是在旅行前準備一些插圖或照片,出示給服務人員看可能能更容易讓他們了解。)   4: 在餐廳的交流技巧 除此之外還需要一些技巧。 1:選擇吧台的座位 如果你是1~2個人的話,建議您使用吧台座位。 如果有吧台座位,你可以更接近在櫃檯後面的廚師和工作人員,所以即使不會說日語,與他們交流的機會也會大大增加。另外,因為吧台的座位距離較近,能與坐在旁邊的當地人交流的機會也比較大。 2:桌子或榻榻米座位的話,選擇比較靠近吧台座位的位置 如果你是3人或以上的話,通常安排坐在桌子或榻榻米座位。如果你坐在後排的位置,與店員和其他顧客交流的機會就會減少。所以請選擇靠近入口處吧台座位附近的位置,以減少你與其他顧客之間的距離。雖然在日本和國外,離入口越遠的座位是越尊貴的座位,但靠近入口的吧台座位更便於交流。但是也有些餐廳的吧台座位,會在後面的位置,所以這種情況下,請選擇靠近吧台座位後面的位置。 3:選擇當地美食和酒類 在餐廳點餐時,選擇在旅遊服務中心和觀光景點得知的當地美食和酒類。並在品嚐那些鄉土料理時,用響亮的聲音說「おいしい」。如果可以用當地方言說出「おいしい」就更好了。 4:積極打聽當地人在吃什麼 如果你看到當地人正在享用你不知道的料理時,可以問他們「それは何ですか」(請問那是什麼?) 如果他們告訴你的話可以跟他們說「ありがとう」,然後跟服務人員說「私も注文したいです」(我也想點一樣的東西)。最後吃完後跟服務人員說「おいしい。ありがとう」(很好吃,謝謝。)的話,相信他們也會很高興。 5:如果你喜歡某一家餐館,就多去一下 雖然一般情況,遊客比較不會在同一個地方逗留2-3天或更長時間,但如果你找到一家你喜歡的餐廳,可以通過多去那裡用餐和店員打好關係,並且可以和當地客人更詳細的交流。以上的都是我經歷過好幾次,與他人交流時非常有效的方式。


How to communicate well with Japanese people when traveling to Japan

How to communicate well with Japanese people when traveling to Japan   Table of Contents 1: Conversations with people when traveling are easy to remember 2: Prerequisites for communicating with Japanese people 3: Places where communication is easy 4: Communication in restaurants 1: Conversations with people when traveling are easy to remember Are your memories of travel the scenery or the conversations you have with people on the road? For me, my more vivid travel memories are conversations with people. In Taiwan, where I have traveled and made business trips nearly 50 times, I have many memories of conversations with taxi drivers and casual conversations at street stalls and snack stalls (such as minced pork rice, beef noodles, xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), oyster omelet, etc.) In Hong Kong, where I stayed for three years for work and visited once every three months on business, I remember lively conversations at dim sum stalls and restaurants on Lamma Island. I was also impressed by the lively conversations at dim sum restaurants and waterfront restaurants on Lamma Island and Lantau Island. Like in Hong Kong in Singapore, where I stayed on business trips and for work, I remember the lively conversations at hawkers andread moreHow to communicate well with Japanese people when traveling to Japan


10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu & Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館

10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu, Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館 Since Kyushu and Okinawa have long been important hubs of contact between Japan and foreign countries, we can see a different kind of ‘exoticism’ here than in other parts of the country. This includes, of course, the local art museums. In Okinawa’s art museums, for example, we can find many traces of the Ryukyu period.We have compiled a list of the top 10 museums in Kyushu and Okinawa based on search engine data, which we hope you will find useful when you travel to Kyushu and Okinawa!   九州、沖繩一帶自古而來就是日本與外國接觸的重要樞紐,因此我們可以在這裏看到與日本其他地方不一樣的「異國風情」。當然也包括當地的美術館。例如在沖繩的美術館,我們就可以找到很多琉球時代的蹤跡。   我們根據搜索引擎的搜尋數據為您製作了十大九州、沖繩美術館的排名榜,希望您到九州和沖繩時旅行時能用上! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Kyushu, Okinawa Fukuoka Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Oita Prefecture, Saga Prefecture, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Ranking 1. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 2. Kyushu National Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 3. Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum (Nagasaki Prefecture) 4. Oita Prefectural Art Museum (Oita Prefecture) 5. Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 6. Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art (Fukuoka Prefecture) 7. Saga Prefectural Art Museum (Saga Prefecture) 8. Kirishima Open-Air Museum (Kagoshima Prefecture) 9. Oita City Art Museum (Oita Prefecture) 10. Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art (Kumamoto Prefecture) 1. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture)   2. Kyushu National Museumread more10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu & Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館

Tuna sushi


過度捕撈金槍魚曾是個問題,直到救世主出現   目次 1: 全球的金槍魚市場 2: 保護金槍魚活動的効果 3: 日本藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量的都道府縣排名     1: 全球的金槍魚市場 聯合國於2016年12月,將5月2日設定為「世界金槍魚日」(World Tuna Day)。 作為壽司的食材,這次我們對受到許多日本人和外國遊客歡迎的金槍魚市場進行分析。 現在全球有96 個以上的國家可以捕撈金槍魚,而每年金槍魚或金槍魚類的捕獲量有600~700萬噸。同時金槍魚毎年的交易金額高達120億美元,佔全世界海洋漁業總值的20%。 金槍魚和金槍魚類的商品大可分為兩種:金槍魚罐頭,生魚片・壽司。金槍魚罐頭市場主要使用鰹魚和黃鰭金槍魚等輕肉魚種(Light meat species)為主,而壽司和生魚片市場則是使用藍鰭金槍魚和大眼金槍魚等紅肉魚種(Red meat species)為主。   2: 保護金槍魚活動的効果 雖然過度捕撈金槍魚一直都是個問題,但由於全球性金槍魚保護運動,面臨過度捕撈威脅的金槍魚類群從2014 年的13種减少至2019 年的5種。 並且在近年,積極進行通過養殖藍鰭金槍魚來確保金槍魚資源的保護運動。在日本,從2012年起藍鰭金槍魚的養殖捕獲量迅速增加,已達到天然金槍魚捕獲量的 1.8 倍。 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 3: 日本藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量的都道府縣排名 日本各地的(2021年)藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量排名中,第一名:長崎縣,第二名:鹿兒島縣,排第三名:高知縣,第四名:愛媛縣,第五名:三重縣,主要都是水產養殖技術發達的地區。   Bluefin tuna catch ranking by prefecture (tonnes) Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries   因水產養殖的普及而不再需要擔心過度捕撈,可以安心吃用藍鰭金槍魚是一件令人高興的事情。所以請各位到日本旅遊時,務必品嚐一下藍鰭金槍魚的壽司和生魚片。


10 BEST Art Museums in Chugoku & Shikoku Region 中國四國地區十大美術館

10 BEST in Chūgoku,Shikoku Region中國四國地區十大美術館 Many foreign visitors may be unfamiliar with Chūgoku and Shikoku region, but I think you should have heard of big cities like Hiroshima, which is located in this region. The museums in these areas are located in the suburbs, so you can see the exhibits here and cleanse your mind in the process. Based on search engine data, we have compiled a list of the top 10 museums in Chūgoku and Shikoku. We hope you can feel the same when visiting museums in China and Shikoku.   不少外國遊客對中國、四國地區可能比較陌生,但我想大家都應該有聽過廣島這些大城市,其實廣島就是位於這個地區了。這些地區的美術館多位於郊區,您除了可以在這裏觀看展品外,亦可以順便洗滌一下心靈。我們根據搜索引擎的搜尋數據為您製作了十大九州,沖繩美術館的排名榜希望來中國、四國地區旅行的您在前往美術館的時候也可以感受得到份感覺。   English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Chūgoku,Shikoku Region Shimane Prefecture, Kagawa Prefecture, Okayama Prefecture, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture Ranking 1. Adachi Museum of art (Shimane Prefecture) 2. Chichu Art Museum (Kagawa Prefecture) 3. Shimane Art Museum (Shimane Prefecture) 4. Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art (Okayama Prefecture) 5. Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum (Yamaguchi Prefecture) 6. Ohara Museum of Art (Okayama Prefecture) 7. Museum of Art, Kochi (Kochi Prefecture) 8. The Museum of Art, Ehime (Ehime Prefecture) 9. Takamatsu Art Museum (Kagawa Prefecture) 10. Higashi-Hiroshima City Museum of Art (Hiroshima Prefecture) 1. Adachi Museum of art (Shimane Prefecture) Address  320 Furukawa-Cho, Yasugi, Shimaneread more10 BEST Art Museums in Chugoku & Shikoku Region 中國四國地區十大美術館

Tuna sushi

Tuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged

Tuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged   Table of Contents 1: The global tuna market 2: Effects of tuna protecting activities 3: Ranking of Japan’s bluefin tuna catch by prefecture     1: The global tuna market 2 May is World Tuna Day, established by the United Nations in December 2016. This article discusses the tuna market, which is popular as a sushi ingredient among the Japanese and many foreign tourists. Tuna is currently caught in more than 96 countries. The annual tuna trade is worth USD 12 billion, accounting for 20% of the global marine fisheries value. Between 6 and 7 million tonnes of tuna and tuna products are landed annually. Tuna and tuna species can be divided into two main product categories: canned tuna and sashimi/sushi. Light meat species like skipjack and yellowfin tuna dominate the canned tuna market. In contrast, red meat species like bluefin and bigeye tuna are preferred in the sushi and sashimi markets.   2: Effects of tuna protecting activities Overfishing of tuna has been a problem, but global tuna-protecting activities have reduced the number of tuna stock overfishing species from 13 to 5 between 2014 and 2019. In recentread moreTuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged