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Opened a Sales Site for Traditional Crafts and Culture Experience Tours

Opened a Sales Site for Traditional Crafts and Culture Experience Tours We are thrilled to announce the launch of our experience tour sales site, “” Our site offers “Authentic Artisan Experiences in Tokyo,” centered around the Kagurazaka area in Shinjuku. Our mission is to provide foreign travelers with deep, satisfying experiences connecting with Tokyo’s traditional artisans, monks, and geishas, fostering repeat visits, and contributing to preserving and continuing traditional crafts and culture. Furthermore, we aim to encourage foreign travelers who have enjoyed these traditional crafts and cultures to visit other regions of Japan such as Hokkaido, Miyagi, and Kagoshima, thereby promoting local tourism. Our unique experience tours are more than just tourist attractions; they are deep dives into Japan’s rich cultural heritage, guided by the true bearers of its traditions. From Ukiyo-e creation experiences to Zen meditation sessions, each tour offers an authentic journey through the essence of Japanese culture. Kagurazaka, with its 400-year history, provides the backdrop for many of our tours, allowing visitors to experience traditional crafts and cultures that have been preserved for 300-400 years. Once home to samurai residences and temple towns, this area now blends charming “Kagurazaka Geisha,” shopping streets, and French culture, making itread moreOpened a Sales Site for Traditional Crafts and Culture Experience Tours


10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu & Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館

10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu, Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館 Since Kyushu and Okinawa have long been important hubs of contact between Japan and foreign countries, we can see a different kind of ‘exoticism’ here than in other parts of the country. This includes, of course, the local art museums. In Okinawa’s art museums, for example, we can find many traces of the Ryukyu period.We have compiled a list of the top 10 museums in Kyushu and Okinawa based on search engine data, which we hope you will find useful when you travel to Kyushu and Okinawa!   九州、沖繩一帶自古而來就是日本與外國接觸的重要樞紐,因此我們可以在這裏看到與日本其他地方不一樣的「異國風情」。當然也包括當地的美術館。例如在沖繩的美術館,我們就可以找到很多琉球時代的蹤跡。   我們根據搜索引擎的搜尋數據為您製作了十大九州、沖繩美術館的排名榜,希望您到九州和沖繩時旅行時能用上! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Kyushu, Okinawa Fukuoka Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Oita Prefecture, Saga Prefecture, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Ranking 1. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 2. Kyushu National Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 3. Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum (Nagasaki Prefecture) 4. Oita Prefectural Art Museum (Oita Prefecture) 5. Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture) 6. Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art (Fukuoka Prefecture) 7. Saga Prefectural Art Museum (Saga Prefecture) 8. Kirishima Open-Air Museum (Kagoshima Prefecture) 9. Oita City Art Museum (Oita Prefecture) 10. Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art (Kumamoto Prefecture) 1. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka Prefecture)   2. Kyushu National Museumread more10 BEST Art Museums in Kyushu & Okinawa 九州沖繩十大美術館


10 BEST Art Museums in Chugoku & Shikoku Region 中國四國地區十大美術館

10 BEST in Chūgoku,Shikoku Region中國四國地區十大美術館 Many foreign visitors may be unfamiliar with Chūgoku and Shikoku region, but I think you should have heard of big cities like Hiroshima, which is located in this region. The museums in these areas are located in the suburbs, so you can see the exhibits here and cleanse your mind in the process. Based on search engine data, we have compiled a list of the top 10 museums in Chūgoku and Shikoku. We hope you can feel the same when visiting museums in China and Shikoku.   不少外國遊客對中國、四國地區可能比較陌生,但我想大家都應該有聽過廣島這些大城市,其實廣島就是位於這個地區了。這些地區的美術館多位於郊區,您除了可以在這裏觀看展品外,亦可以順便洗滌一下心靈。我們根據搜索引擎的搜尋數據為您製作了十大九州,沖繩美術館的排名榜希望來中國、四國地區旅行的您在前往美術館的時候也可以感受得到份感覺。   English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Chūgoku,Shikoku Region Shimane Prefecture, Kagawa Prefecture, Okayama Prefecture, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture Ranking 1. Adachi Museum of art (Shimane Prefecture) 2. Chichu Art Museum (Kagawa Prefecture) 3. Shimane Art Museum (Shimane Prefecture) 4. Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art (Okayama Prefecture) 5. Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum (Yamaguchi Prefecture) 6. Ohara Museum of Art (Okayama Prefecture) 7. Museum of Art, Kochi (Kochi Prefecture) 8. The Museum of Art, Ehime (Ehime Prefecture) 9. Takamatsu Art Museum (Kagawa Prefecture) 10. Higashi-Hiroshima City Museum of Art (Hiroshima Prefecture) 1. Adachi Museum of art (Shimane Prefecture) Address  320 Furukawa-Cho, Yasugi, Shimaneread more10 BEST Art Museums in Chugoku & Shikoku Region 中國四國地區十大美術館


20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai region 關西ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai 關西ニ十大美術館 With its ancient Japanese architecture and mysterious scenery, this region has left behind much of the cultural heritage of ancient Japan. You can find art relics from Kyoto, Nara known as the “thousand-year-old capitals” and contemporary art such as the Sun Tower in Osaka and other cities. Please visit Art Museum in the Kansai!   古老的日本建築、神秘的街道風景、這個地區留下了許多古代日本的文化底蘊。您可以在這裏不但找到京都、奈良等被稱為「千年古都」城市留下的藝術文物之外,也可以在大阪等城市看到如太陽塔的當代美術。   請您務必要到訪一下關西美術館吧! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Kansai Kyoto Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Nara Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Mie Prefecture Ranking 1. Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum (Kyoto Prefecture) 2. Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (Hyogo Prefecture) 3. Kyoto National Museum (Kyoto Prefecture) 4. The National Museum of Art(Osaka Prefecture) 5. Nara City Museum of ART (Nara Prefecture) 6. Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts (Osaka Prefecture) 7. The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (Kyoto Prefecture) 8. Sagawa Art Museum (Shiga Prefecture) 9. Nara National Museum (Nara Prefecture) 10. MIHO MUSEUM (Shiga Prefecture) 11. ABENO HARUKAS Art Museum 12. Kobe Fashion Museum (Hyogo Prefecture) 13. Kurokabe Glass Hall (Shiga Prefecture) 14. The Museum of Ceramic Art, Hyogo (Hyogo Prefecture) 15. Platon Decorative Arts Museum (Hyogo Prefecture) 16. Mie Prefectural Art Museum (Mie Prefecture) 17. Fukudaread more20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai region 關西ニ十大美術館


20 BEST Art Museums in Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museums in the Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館 When you come to the Chubu region, you should go to visit at least one of the art museums there. Chubu region has several historical legacies and views surrounding nature, which brings a strong cultural flavor and artwork to art museums in the Chubu region. We have created a ranking of the 20 Best Art Museums in the Chubu region based on search engines. Let’s go to Art museums when you travel to the Chubu region!  當您來到日本的中部地區時,至少應該參觀一下那裡的一間美術館。日本中部地區擁有多處的歷史遺產和被自然包圍的景觀,這為日本中部的美術館帶來濃厚的文化氣息和藝術品。 我們根據搜索引擎制作了日本中部地區 20 間最多人去的美術館排名榜。 去日本中部旅遊的時候請記得去美術館吧! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Chubu region Ishikawa Prefecture Aichi Prefecture Toyama Prefecture Shizuoka Prefecture Gifu Prefecture Nagano Prefecture Fukui Prefecture Yamanashi Prefecture Ranking 1. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art (Ishikawa Prefecture) 2. Daiichi Museum (Aichi Prefecture) 3. Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (Aichi Prefecture) 4. Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art & Design (Toyama Prefecture) 5. Shizuoka City Museum of Art (Shizuoka Prefecture) 6. Nagoya City Art Museum (Aichi Prefecture) 7. Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art (Aichi Prefecture) 8. Mosaic Tile Museum (Gifu Prefecture) 9. Museum of Fine Arts (Gifu Prefecture) 10. MOA Museum of art (Shizuoka Prefecture) 11. Matsumoto City Museum of Art (Nagano Prefecture) 12. Fukuiread more20 BEST Art Museums in Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館


20 BEST Art Museums in Kanto region 日本關東ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museum in Kanto日本關東ニ十大美術館 Art museums in Kanto are treasure boxes for people who love art. As Kanto is the center of the country, Art museums in Kanto got the most searches and tags in this genre. We have created a ranking of the 20 Best Art Museums in Kanto based on search engines. Let’s go to Art museums when you travel to Kanto!     關東地區的美術館絕對是藝術愛好者的寶箱。 由於關東是日本的中心,因此理所當然地關東的美術館在這種類型的搜索中獲得了最多的搜索和標籤。   我們根據搜索引擎的資料為您整理了關東二十大美術館的排名榜。   當您前往關東時,請務必去一去美術館吧!   English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)    Kanto Tokyo, Ibaraki Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture Ranking   1. Mori Art Museum (Tokyo) 2. The National Art Center (Tokyo) 3. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Tokyo) 4. Shimodate Museum (Ibaraki Prefecture) 5. Hakone Open-Air Museum (Kanagawa Prefecture) 6. Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo) 7. TeamLab Planets TOKYO (Tokyo) 8. Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (Tokyo) 9. Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (Tokyo) 10. Yokohama Museum of Art (Kanagawa Prefecture) 11. Ghibli Museum, Mitaka (Tokyo) 12. Hara Museum ARC (Gunma Prefecture) 13. Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo) 14. Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum (Tokyo) 15. Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum (Tokyo) 16. Chiba Art Museum (Chiba Prefecture) 17. National Museum of Western Art (Tokyo) 18. O Art Museum (Tokyo) 19. Hakone Museumread more20 BEST Art Museums in Kanto region 日本關東ニ十大美術館


10 BEST Art Museums in Hokkaido & Tohoku  北海道和日本東北的十大美術館

10 BEST Museum in Hokkaido & Tohoku 北海道和日本東北的十大美術館 Japan’s local museums are treasure boxes for people who love art. They got several searches and tags, some of which are higher than those in big cities such as Tokyo. For example, for the number of tags of The Miyagi Museum of Art, there were 12,000~ in SNS. If you recognize that the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo only has 15,000 tags in SNS, you will know that 12,000~tags is a huge number for a local museum.   日本鄕下的美術館絕對是藝術愛好者的寶箱。它們獲得了大量的搜索量和標籤數,其中一些更高於東京等大城市。例如宮城美術館在SNS上的tags數就有12,000。如果你知道連東京都現代美術館都只有 15,000 個tags數時,你就會明白 12,000~個tags數對於一個地方美術館來說是一個巨大的數字了。       English list   繁體字(traditional chinese list)   Hokkaido & Tohoku   Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata Ranking 1. The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture)   2. Yamagata Museum of Art (Yamagata prefecture)   3. Towada Art Center (Aomori prefecture)   4. Aomori Museum Of Art (Aomori prefecture)   5. Rokka no Mori (Hokkaido)   6. Sapporo Art Park (Hokkaido)   7. Iwate Museum of Art (Iwate prefecture)   8. Otaru Municipal Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   9. Hokkaido Asahikawa Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   10. Hokkaido Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   1. The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture) Address  34-1, Kawauchi-Motohasekura, Aoba-Ku, Sendai URL business hoursread more10 BEST Art Museums in Hokkaido & Tohoku  北海道和日本東北的十大美術館