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Travel to Goshogawara City, Aomori Prefecture (1)

Travel to Goshogawara City, Aomori Prefecture (1)   Table of Contents 1: Itinerary to Goshogawara 2: Lunch and apple pie in Goshogawara 3: Excellent sushi and very popular izakaya 4: “Tsugaru Shamisen Kaikan” and “Shayokan” 5: Popular Chinese restaurant “Houtenyu” 6: “Tachineputa House” 7: Amazing Izakaya in Hirosaki   1: Itinerary to Goshogawara I went to Goshogawara City and exchanged with them and Tsugaru Railway to exchange opinions on attracting tourists. I also went sightseeing in Goshogawara City on that occasion, so I am posting a mini-trip. The itinerary to Goshogawara City is very far. I departed from Tokyo Station on the Hayabusa No. 1 at 6:32 a.m., arrived at Shin-Aomori Station at 9:49 a.m., transferred to the Ou Line, arrived at Kawabe Station at 10:29 a.m., moved to the Gono-Line, and arrived at Goshogawara Station at 11:05 a.m. The total trip took more than 4.5 hours. Also, even if you fly, if you take JAL Flight 141, leaving Tokyo Station at 6:15 a.m. and departing from Haneda Airport at 7:30 a.m., you will arrive at Goshogawara Station at 11:05 a.m. This journey takes more than 4.5 hours either by Shinkansen or airplane. Goshogawara is far away, so it mayread moreTravel to Goshogawara City, Aomori Prefecture (1)



您想在下次旅行中到訪「日本隱藏的景點(Hidden Gems in Japan)」嗎?   目次 1: 我們已被Facebook群組「Hidden Gems in Japan(Travel and stay)」認證為「傑出貢獻者」 2: 使用我們的旅行前禮賓服務來計畫只屬於您的「日本隱藏的景點行程」 3: 我們一起去鄉郊地區觀光,尋找「日本隱藏的景點」嗎?   1: 我們已被Facebook群組「Hidden Gems in Japan(Travel and stay)」認證為「傑出貢獻者」 各位可能知道除電郵外,我們每天會在SNS(Facebook、Instagram)上發送各種英文和繁體中文的旅行信息。事實上我們已被Facebook群組「Hidden Gems in Japan(Travel and Stay)」認證為「傑出貢獻者(Top Contributor)」。 如果您對「Hidden Gems in Japan」感興趣,請務必查看我們的SNS(Facebook、Instagram)。 2: 使用我們的旅行前禮賓服務來計畫只屬於您的「日本隱藏的景點行程」 如各位所知,本公司提供服裝租賃和旅行前禮賓服務,其中旅行前禮賓服務是為旅客制定編排行程。而這項服務獲得了用戶92分的滿意度評價。所以請各位使用我們的旅行前禮賓服務來計畫只屬於您的「日本隱藏的景點行程」。此外,為慶祝我們的網上商店開業,我們為使用服裝租賃服務的顧客提供免費的旅行前禮賓服務。以下是我們計畫的八個範例行程。 相信不少旅客已經厭倦了東京、大阪、京都等日本著名的旅遊勝地,並想去其他地區旅遊。但現實的情況是,由於鄉郊地區的旅遊網站上缺乏外語資訊和交通換乘資訊,令很多想去鄉郊地區觀光的旅客望而卻步。事實上,根據日本觀光廳的調查顯示,92%的外國旅客認為在鄉郊地區的公共交通不方便,44%的人認為鄉郊地區沒有多語言標識不方便。所以如果我們能為各位消除這些不便,並通過我們的旅行前禮賓服務向您介紹當地的「日本隱藏的景點」,我們也會非常高興。   3: 我們一起去鄉郊地區觀光,尋找「日本隱藏的景點」嗎? 鄉郊地區旅遊業的另一個障礙便是車站的無障礙化進展緩慢。 與無障礙率較高的東京(94%)、大阪(83%)、京都(63%)相比,無障礙率低於50%的縣有33個(佔全國的7成)。這對於攜帶大件行李的旅客來說是非常不便的事情。因此,我們公司通過租賃服裝的方式實現「空手旅行」。我們的目標是希望讓前往鄉郊地區的旅客能更加方便地旅行,同時通過發現「日本隱藏的景點」,提高旅客的滿意度,促進當地經濟並維持當地的公共交通系統。 您想與被「Hidden Gems in Japan(Travel and Stay)」認證為「傑出貢獻者(Top Contributor)」的我們一起去鄉郊地區觀光,尋找「日本隱藏的景點」嗎?


Want to visit “Hidden Gems in Japan” on your next trip?

Want to visit “Hidden Gems in Japan” on your next trip?   Table of Contents 1: Recognized as a “Top Contributor” in the Facebook Group 2: Introducing “Hidden Gems in Japan” 3: Let’s go to “Hidden Gems in Japan”   1: Recognized as a “Top Contributor” in the Facebook Group As some may know, besides this blog, we post daily information in English and Traditional Chinese on SNS (Facebook, Instagram). We are recognized as a “Top Contributor” on the Facebook group “Hidden Gems in Japan (Travel and Stay)” (31,000 followers). We invite everyone interested in “Hidden Gems in Japan” to visit our SNS (Facebook, Instagram). 2: Introducing “Hidden Gems in Japan” As you know, we offer clothing rental and pre-travel concierge services. The pre-travel concierge service provides travelers with tailor-made itineraries. The pre-trip concierge service has received a high user satisfaction rating of 92. We invite you to use our service to create an itinerary filled with “Hidden Gems in Japan.” We are now offering a free pre-trip concierge service to all customers who purchase a clothing rental to celebrate the opening of our online store. We have also created 8 itinerary models, which can be viewed at the linkread moreWant to visit “Hidden Gems in Japan” on your next trip?

heavy luggage


本公司參加了由日本內閣府運營的「振興地區SDGs官民互助平台」   目次 1: 參加了由日本內閣府運營的「振興地區SDGs官民互助平台」 2: 「提高便利性」對於吸引旅客到鄉郊地區旅行十分重要 3: 鄉郊地區的車站沒有提升無障礙化率也是一個問題   1: 參加了由日本內閣府運營的「振興地區SDGs官民互助平台」  株式會社EDO KAGURA(總公司:東京都新宿區,代表董事:山田真也,以下簡稱「本公司」)於2023年9月15日參加了由日本內閣府運營的「振興地區SDGs官民互助平台」。 因為我們相信我們的服裝租賃和旅行前禮賓服務「NINJA KOTAN」能吸引外國旅客前往鄉郊地區旅行,並為當地經濟作出貢獻。因此為了達成這個目標,必須消除旅客的「不便」。 能讓各位從出發到回國的期間能空手旅行,提高旅行的便利性,同時也可以維持當地的公共交通繼續營運下去。 2: 「提高便利性」對於吸引旅客到鄉郊地區旅行十分重要 據日本觀光廳的旅行統計調查顯示,2023年的上半年(1月至6月),73%的外國旅客選擇在日本主要的5大都道府縣中旅行(東京、大阪、京都、北海道、沖繩),其集中的程度是繼2007年以來最高。   Share of Foreign Visitors’ Overnight Stays in the Top 5 Prefectures as a Percentage of the Total Note: Data for 2023 is for the January-June Source: “Lodging Travel Statistics Survey” by Japan Tourism Agency   根據日本觀光廳2019年的《改善外國旅客訪日環境調查》顯示,曾到訪日本的主要城市和鄉郊地區的外國旅客中,86%的人回答說在城市地區使用「公共交通很方便」,而回答鄉郊地區的「公共交通很方便」的人只有8%。此外,在「多語言對應」方面,城市地區為 87%,而農村地區只有52%。    Inbound Travelers Who Visited Both Urban and Rural Areas Found “Convenient” Source: “2019 Survey on ‘Improving the Reception Environment for Foreign Visitors to Japan” by Japan Tourism Agency   3: 鄉郊地區的車站沒有提升無障礙化率也是一個問題 除此以外,鄉郊地區的車站沒有提升無障礙化率也是一個問題。 根據國土交通省《2021年度各都道府縣消除階梯的應對狀況》的調査顯示,有 33 個都道府縣的無障礙率低於50%(佔總數的7成)。 這對於攜帶大件行李的旅客來說很不便的事情。事實上,無障礙率與住宿設施的入住率的關聯性高達72%(住宿旅遊統計調查),所以無需擔心階梯問題的「空手旅行」是必須的。還有為實現無障礙社會的改善財務狀況並進行投資也十分重要。   Accessibility at stations and occupancy rate of accommodation Note: Data for 46 prefectures, excluding Okinawa Prefecture, which has no railroad network Source: Japan Tourism Agency, “Lodging Travel Statistics Survey 2019,” Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, “Status of the Accessibility Rail Stations by Prefecture at the End of FY2021”   這次我們參與「振興地區SDGs官民互助平台」,是希望通過本公司提供的「空手旅行」服務,能吸引旅客前往各個都道府縣旅行。 我們已經向兩個地方政府提出了吸引旅客的提案,並計劃在未來繼續提出各種建議。        

heavy luggage

Joined The “SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public-Private Partnership Platform”

Joined The “SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public-Private Partnership Platform”   Table of Contents 1: Joined The “SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public-Private Partnership Platform” 2: “Improving Convenience” is Essential to Attracting Tourists to Rural Areas 3: Accessibility Rate of railroad stations is not progressing in rural areas   1: Joined The “SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public-Private Partnership Platform” On September 15, 2023, our company joined the “SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public-Private Partnership Platform” run by the Japanese Cabinet Office. This is because we have determined that our sharing services, NINJA KOTAN (clothing rental and pre-travel concierge service), can contribute to attracting inbound tourists to rural areas. Attracting tourists to rural areas is necessary to remove the “inconvenience.” By improving convenience through “Complete Luggage-Free Travel” from departure to return of the trip, NINJA KOTAN will contribute to revitalizing local economies and maintaining local public transportation systems by attracting tourists to rural areas.   2: “Improving Convenience” is Essential to Attracting Tourists to Rural Areas According to the Japan Tourism Agency’s Lodging Travel Statistics Survey, in the first half of 2023 (January-June), 73% of total overnight stays by inbound visitors were concentrated in five prefectures (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hokkaido, and Okinawa), the highestread moreJoined The “SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public-Private Partnership Platform”

Discussions with Tsugaru Railway and Goshogawara City on attracting foreign tourists

Discussions with Tsugaru Railway and Goshogawara City on attracting foreign tourists   Table of Contents 1: Discussions on attracting foreign tourists 2: Attractiveness of Tsugaru Railway 3: Nationalities of foreign tourists around Tsugaru Railway   1: Discussions on attracting foreign tourists The other day, we discussed with Tsugaru Railways and the Urban Transport Division of the Goshogawara City Construction Department at the Goshogawara City Hall (Goshogawara City, Aomori Prefecture) about attracting foreign tourists. Tsugaru Railways is the railway company connecting Tsugaru-Goshogawara Station and Tsugaru-Nakasato Station (operating distance of 20.7 km). Tsugaru Goshogawara Station is connected to JR East’s Goshogawara Station. Like other regional railways, Tsugaru Railways is also loss-making. In pre-COVID-19, the operating result of the railway track business was a loss of 25.35 million. This number is a significant deficit, representing 21.6% of the turnover of the railway track business. Like other regional railways, Tsugaru Railways has been affected by the decline in population and motorization of the people living along its lines. It is, therefore, necessary to attract tourists in the future. We made a proposal using various data to see if we could help Tsugaru Railway as a company that provides clothing rental and pre-trip concierge servicesread moreDiscussions with Tsugaru Railway and Goshogawara City on attracting foreign tourists


Travel to Shiga: Japan’s Biggest Hidden Gem

Travel to Shiga: Japan’s Biggest Hidden Gem   Table of Contents 1: Omi Hachiman 2: Chikubu Island 3: Hikone Castle 4: Dinner 5: Supplementary information on sightseeing in Shiga Prefecture   1: Omi Hachiman The other day, I posted a blog entitled ‘Surprising areas rich in cultural properties.’ I want to report on my trip to Shiga Prefecture, arguably the most hidden area in Japan, which I mentioned in that post. First of all, I went to Omi Hachiman City. Omi Hachiman City was developed based on the castle town of Hachimanyama Castle, built by Toyotomi Hidetsugu (nephew of Toyotomi Hideyoshi). In modern times, the city flourished as a commercial town in the birthplace of the Omi merchants. The ruins of Azuchi Castle, built by Oda Nobunaga, are also located in Omi Hachiman City. However, the ruins of Azuchi Castle have located some distance from the center of Omi Hachiman (approx. 6 km). Several companies originate from Omi Hachiman, including bedding manufacturer Nishikawa Corporation and pharmaceutical manufacturer Omi Brothers Ltd. Omi Hachiman is a national Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings as a ‘merchant town.’ Famous for its moats that retain scenes from the Edo period, Hachiman-bori is aread moreTravel to Shiga: Japan’s Biggest Hidden Gem


Surprising areas rich in cultural properties

Surprising areas rich in cultural properties   Table of Contents 1: What are National Treasures and National Important Cultural Properties? 2: Ranking of National Treasures and National Important Cultural Properties by number 3: Prefectures rich in national treasures and cultural properties not visited by foreign visitors 4: The best ‘Little‐known good spots’ for travelers seeking a local trip or a trip to an unfamiliar place   1: What are National Treasures and National Important Cultural Properties? We compiled the National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by prefecture according to the Agency for Cultural Affairs‘ website. The Agency for Cultural Affairs designates national treasures as being of particular value from the perspective of world culture. Important cultural properties are also defined as ‘important cultural properties.’ National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties are categorized as ‘buildings’ and ‘arts and crafts.’ 1,132 National Treasures and 13,377 Important Cultural Properties (including the number of National Treasures) had been designated as of 1 April 2023. Of the ‘National Treasures,’ 230 are defined as ‘Buildings’ and 902 ‘Arts and Crafts.’ Of the ‘Important Cultural Properties,’ 2,557 are designated as ‘Buildings’ and 10,820 as ‘Arts and Crafts’ (including the number of National Treasures). As a non-specialist inread moreSurprising areas rich in cultural properties

Climate change

We’ve Joined “Japan Climate Initiative”

We’ve Joined “Japan Climate Initiative” After undergoing a document screening, we are honored to announce our participation in the “Japan Climate Initiative” due to the recognition of our activities. The “Japan Climate Initiative” is a network that brings together diverse organizations to realize a decarbonized society. They are led by three organizations: CDP Japan, WWF Japan, and the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation. It’s worth noting that CDP is a leading British non-governmental organization addressing global environmental challenges. As of September 1, 2023, the total number of participating organizations is 784. We are very proud to be a member of the “Japan Climate Initiative,” which includes major corporations, local governments, and research institutions. The initiative’s primary goal is to achieve a decarbonized society by 2050″ and accelerate activities toward realizing the “1.5°C target.” This 1.5°C target is the upper limit of temperature increase set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and meeting this target is recognized as a significant global challenge. Our service, clothing rental, has the potential to reduce checked baggage on airplanes and thereby significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Suppose every passenger had 20 kg of checked baggage. In that case, it’s estimated that CO2 emissions would amountread moreWe’ve Joined “Japan Climate Initiative”


An Enriching Trip: Delving Deep into the Charms of Kagoshima

An Enriching Trip: Delving Deep into the Charms of Kagoshima     Table of Contents 1: Lunch (ramen noodles) and dessert (shaved ice) 2: Sengan-en Garden 3: Tram and Shiroyama Hotel 4: Dinner and bar 5: Lunch (eel bowl) 6: Visit to Kagoshima Prefectural Office 7: Dinner (Yamagataya Restaurant) 8: Airplane and sky   1: Lunch (ramen noodles) and dessert (shaved ice) I have been to Kagoshima to explain our services to the Kagoshima Prefectural Government and hotels. I will post the places I ate and visited during my visit. When you arrive at Kagoshima Airport and head to the bus stop, you will find a footbath called “Oyattosaa.” “Oyattosaa” is a Kagoshima dialect word meaning “Thank you for your hard work” or “Thank you for your effort.” In front of the footbath is a wooden carving of Takamori Saigo. There are only a few footbaths at airports such as Kagoshima Airport and Oita Airport. After going to Kagoshima City and checking into my reserved hotel, I visited a nearby ramen restaurant, Ramen Kokinta. Ramen Kokinta is Kagoshima’s No. 1 ramen restaurant, scoring 3.66 on the Tabelog. I expected a long line, but surprisingly I could get in without moreAn Enriching Trip: Delving Deep into the Charms of Kagoshima


與HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館作為商業合作夥伴正式開始運營

與HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館作為商業合作夥伴正式開始運營   本公司株式會社EDO KAGURA(本部:東京都新宿区、代表董事:山田真也、以下簡稱「EDO KAGURA」)決定與HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館(本部:鹿兒島縣鹿兒島市、代表董事:橋本龍次郎、以下簡稱「南洲館」)成為商業合作夥伴。今天我們要為各位介紹HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館。從2023年9月1日起,我們EDO KAGURA將開始為南洲館的住客提供無障礙的行李及語言的旅行服務「NINJA KOTAN」。 這是繼The Peak Villa Suite Hokkaido之後的第二次業務合作。我們公司的「NINJA KOTAN」提供服裝租賃和旅行前禮賓服務。 而今天我們要為各位介紹HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館。   HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館 「HOTEL & RESIDENCE南洲館」是一家位於鹿兒島市的老字號住宿設施,並將於2024年迎來開業100週年。他們以「美味、親切、愉悅的酒店」為理念,為滿足各式各樣旅客的需求,至今仍然經常實施客房的改造、及提供多樣的體驗服務。 距離觀光區和鹿兒島隋一的市中心・天文館只需步行5分鐘,因此出入非常方便。 近年南洲館的客房進行了一次現代風格的翻新,有著各種的客房,如住宅式、宿舍式客房、以及以西鄉隆盛為主題的日式畫廊客房。 還有著可以從祖父母到孫子,一家人一起入住的「2世代,3世代方案」,以及可以與寵物狗一起入住的「狗狗計劃方案」。這種能滿足國內外遊客的各種需求的客房和服務極具吸引力。 此外,在南洲館的酒店大堂有提供燒酒品嚐的服務,以及與人力車和嘟嘟車合作的獨特體驗。 這些創新的客房和服務在各個旅遊預訂網站上均獲得極高的評價。 並且南洲館提供的「黑熊火鍋」在「全國火鍋大競技場」中獲得總優勝,深受國內外眾多顧客的一致好評。如下圖所示,「黑熊火鍋」的視覺效果也是令人驚嘆。 設施名稱:有限公司 南洲館 代表人   :橋本龍次郎 地址      :〒892-0842 鹿兒島縣鹿兒島市東千石町19−17 開業時期:1924年4月 網址URL: 對於曾經出國旅行200-300次,熱愛旅行的人(代表董事・山田真也)來說,HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館的「美味、親切、愉悅的酒店」理念非常有魅力。事實上,旅行者對住宿的主要要求也可以概括為「美味、親切、愉悅」。 我認為在鹿兒島旅行的首要樂趣便是「美味(美食)」。而HOTEL & RESIDENCE南洲館除了「黑熊火鍋」,他們也有薩摩炸魚餅、鶏飯、豚骨、雞肉生魚片、銀帶鯡等各種在日本很有名的鄉土料理。 鹿兒島縣的畜牧業和漁業非常發達,黑毛牛、豬和肉雞的飼養數量都是位居日本第一。 此外,鰤魚、紅魽和鰻魚的養殖產量也是日本第一。 甜點方面,也有著一種叫做「白熊」,加了輕糖和紅糖的刨冰。 飲料方面,以「知覽茶」為首的「鹿兒島茶(日本茶)」的產量只僅次於靜岡縣。 並與日本茶產量持續下降的靜岡縣相反,鹿兒島縣的茶產量卻呈現上升趨勢,現在的產量為靜岡縣的93%。 可能鹿兒島縣成為全國第一也只是時間的問題。 而薩摩燒酒是清酒愛好者的必備品。HOTEL & RESIDENCE南洲館提供的燒酒品嚐服務可以說是最好的服務。鹿兒島縣廳舍的入口附近的電梯也放置著許多瓶薩摩燒酒。 對於想要品嚐鹿兒島美食的遊客來說,最好的地方就是聚集了大量餐廳的天文館。天文館有著近百間飲場店,提供各式各樣的美食佳餚。而且鹿兒島市旅遊諮詢中心也位於天文館內,所以對於旅客來說也是很方便的地方。 各位不坊嘗試入住距離天文館步行5分鐘的HOTEL & RESIDENCE 南洲館,享受一場美味、親切、愉悅的鹿兒島觀光嗎?