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Japan Braille Library

The first donation to the Japan Braille Library

The first donation to the Japan Braille Library   Table of contents 1:The first donation 2:Donut Donation Day 3:Keep supporting the Donuts Donation campaign   1:The first donation We first donated to the Japan Braille Library through the Donut Donation Campaign. Thank you to all the foreign tourists for eating donuts when traveling to Japan. The Japan Braille Library made the following comment at the time of our donation. “Thank you very much for your support. We have accepted your donation of the amount you requested. We will use your generous donation carefully to fulfill the wish of the visually impaired to read books. We look forward to your continued support.”   2:Donut Donation Day Again, we would like to explain Donut Donation. Donut Donation is a unique initiative in which we ask our email subscribers to eat a donut, and we donate the same amount of the donation to the Japan Braille Library. We started Donut Donation on 30 March, with days with a zero (the 10th, 20th, and 30th) as Donut Donation days. For every 1,000 yen worth of donuts that email subscribers eat with the 1,000 yen gift ticket we provide, we will donate 1,000 yen toread moreThe first donation to the Japan Braille Library


20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai region 關西ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai 關西ニ十大美術館 With its ancient Japanese architecture and mysterious scenery, this region has left behind much of the cultural heritage of ancient Japan. You can find art relics from Kyoto, Nara known as the “thousand-year-old capitals” and contemporary art such as the Sun Tower in Osaka and other cities. Please visit Art Museum in the Kansai!   古老的日本建築、神秘的街道風景、這個地區留下了許多古代日本的文化底蘊。您可以在這裏不但找到京都、奈良等被稱為「千年古都」城市留下的藝術文物之外,也可以在大阪等城市看到如太陽塔的當代美術。   請您務必要到訪一下關西美術館吧! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Kansai Kyoto Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Nara Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Mie Prefecture Ranking 1. Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum (Kyoto Prefecture) 2. Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (Hyogo Prefecture) 3. Kyoto National Museum (Kyoto Prefecture) 4. The National Museum of Art(Osaka Prefecture) 5. Nara City Museum of ART (Nara Prefecture) 6. Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts (Osaka Prefecture) 7. The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (Kyoto Prefecture) 8. Sagawa Art Museum (Shiga Prefecture) 9. Nara National Museum (Nara Prefecture) 10. MIHO MUSEUM (Shiga Prefecture) 11. ABENO HARUKAS Art Museum 12. Kobe Fashion Museum (Hyogo Prefecture) 13. Kurokabe Glass Hall (Shiga Prefecture) 14. The Museum of Ceramic Art, Hyogo (Hyogo Prefecture) 15. Platon Decorative Arts Museum (Hyogo Prefecture) 16. Mie Prefectural Art Museum (Mie Prefecture) 17. Fukudaread more20 BEST Art Museums in Kansai region 關西ニ十大美術館


20 BEST Art Museums in Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museums in the Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館 When you come to the Chubu region, you should go to visit at least one of the art museums there. Chubu region has several historical legacies and views surrounding nature, which brings a strong cultural flavor and artwork to art museums in the Chubu region. We have created a ranking of the 20 Best Art Museums in the Chubu region based on search engines. Let’s go to Art museums when you travel to the Chubu region!  當您來到日本的中部地區時,至少應該參觀一下那裡的一間美術館。日本中部地區擁有多處的歷史遺產和被自然包圍的景觀,這為日本中部的美術館帶來濃厚的文化氣息和藝術品。 我們根據搜索引擎制作了日本中部地區 20 間最多人去的美術館排名榜。 去日本中部旅遊的時候請記得去美術館吧! English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)     Chubu region Ishikawa Prefecture Aichi Prefecture Toyama Prefecture Shizuoka Prefecture Gifu Prefecture Nagano Prefecture Fukui Prefecture Yamanashi Prefecture Ranking 1. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art (Ishikawa Prefecture) 2. Daiichi Museum (Aichi Prefecture) 3. Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (Aichi Prefecture) 4. Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art & Design (Toyama Prefecture) 5. Shizuoka City Museum of Art (Shizuoka Prefecture) 6. Nagoya City Art Museum (Aichi Prefecture) 7. Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art (Aichi Prefecture) 8. Mosaic Tile Museum (Gifu Prefecture) 9. Museum of Fine Arts (Gifu Prefecture) 10. MOA Museum of art (Shizuoka Prefecture) 11. Matsumoto City Museum of Art (Nagano Prefecture) 12. Fukuiread more20 BEST Art Museums in Chubu region 日本中部地區ニ十大美術館


20 BEST Art Museums in Kanto region 日本關東ニ十大美術館

20 BEST Art Museum in Kanto日本關東ニ十大美術館 Art museums in Kanto are treasure boxes for people who love art. As Kanto is the center of the country, Art museums in Kanto got the most searches and tags in this genre. We have created a ranking of the 20 Best Art Museums in Kanto based on search engines. Let’s go to Art museums when you travel to Kanto!     關東地區的美術館絕對是藝術愛好者的寶箱。 由於關東是日本的中心,因此理所當然地關東的美術館在這種類型的搜索中獲得了最多的搜索和標籤。   我們根據搜索引擎的資料為您整理了關東二十大美術館的排名榜。   當您前往關東時,請務必去一去美術館吧!   English list 繁體字(traditional chinese list)    Kanto Tokyo, Ibaraki Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture Ranking   1. Mori Art Museum (Tokyo) 2. The National Art Center (Tokyo) 3. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Tokyo) 4. Shimodate Museum (Ibaraki Prefecture) 5. Hakone Open-Air Museum (Kanagawa Prefecture) 6. Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo) 7. TeamLab Planets TOKYO (Tokyo) 8. Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (Tokyo) 9. Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (Tokyo) 10. Yokohama Museum of Art (Kanagawa Prefecture) 11. Ghibli Museum, Mitaka (Tokyo) 12. Hara Museum ARC (Gunma Prefecture) 13. Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo) 14. Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum (Tokyo) 15. Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum (Tokyo) 16. Chiba Art Museum (Chiba Prefecture) 17. National Museum of Western Art (Tokyo) 18. O Art Museum (Tokyo) 19. Hakone Museumread more20 BEST Art Museums in Kanto region 日本關東ニ十大美術館

International Mother Earth Day

International Mother Earth Day Today, 22 April, is International Mother Earth Day, designated by the United Nations. ‘The Earth and its ecosystems are our home’ and ‘we need to promote harmony between nature and the Earth.’ We aim to reduce CO2 emissions when traveling by air significantly. You can achieve this by using our clothing rental service and not carrying checked baggage. For example, the CO2 emissions from 20 kg of checked baggage for a trip to Japan are 149 kg (average of 19 countries, round trip). These emissions are equivalent to 11 days of per capita CO2 emissions of 13.12 kg/day. In addition, a reduction of 20 kg of baggage by travelers worldwide would decrease 14.51 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. These emissions are more than 156 countries worldwide, including the Czech Republic, with 96.29 million tonnes, and Belgium, with 93.01 million tonnes. Let’s not give up on travel. Let’s protect Mother Earth by drastically reducing our CO2 emissions.     國際地球母親日 聯合國設定4 月 22 日為「國際地球母親日」。其理念為「地球的生態系統是我們的家園,因此需要為自然和地球環境提供支援」。 我們的目標是大幅減少航空旅行時所排放的二氧化碳。而您可以通過使用我們的服裝租賃服務,實現不用攜帶托運行李從而減少二氧化碳排放量。 例如,日本旅行時一件 20 公斤的托運行李會排放149㎏的二氧化碳(從19 個國家/地區出發的往返航班的平均值)。相比平均每人1天會排放13.12㎏的二氧化碳,托運行李的排放量相當於11 天的量。 因此,如果全世界的旅客不攜帶20公斤的托運行李,將能減少1億451萬噸的二氧化碳排放量。這一數字已超過了世界上156個國家,如捷克共和國(9629萬噸)和比利時(9301萬噸)所排放的二氧化碳量。 讓我們在不放棄旅行的前提下,大幅減少二氧化碳排放量,從而拯救我們的地球吧。


10 BEST Art Museums in Hokkaido & Tohoku  北海道和日本東北的十大美術館

10 BEST Museum in Hokkaido & Tohoku 北海道和日本東北的十大美術館 Japan’s local museums are treasure boxes for people who love art. They got several searches and tags, some of which are higher than those in big cities such as Tokyo. For example, for the number of tags of The Miyagi Museum of Art, there were 12,000~ in SNS. If you recognize that the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo only has 15,000 tags in SNS, you will know that 12,000~tags is a huge number for a local museum.   日本鄕下的美術館絕對是藝術愛好者的寶箱。它們獲得了大量的搜索量和標籤數,其中一些更高於東京等大城市。例如宮城美術館在SNS上的tags數就有12,000。如果你知道連東京都現代美術館都只有 15,000 個tags數時,你就會明白 12,000~個tags數對於一個地方美術館來說是一個巨大的數字了。       English list   繁體字(traditional chinese list)   Hokkaido & Tohoku   Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata Ranking 1. The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture)   2. Yamagata Museum of Art (Yamagata prefecture)   3. Towada Art Center (Aomori prefecture)   4. Aomori Museum Of Art (Aomori prefecture)   5. Rokka no Mori (Hokkaido)   6. Sapporo Art Park (Hokkaido)   7. Iwate Museum of Art (Iwate prefecture)   8. Otaru Municipal Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   9. Hokkaido Asahikawa Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   10. Hokkaido Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   1. The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture) Address  34-1, Kawauchi-Motohasekura, Aoba-Ku, Sendai URL business hoursread more10 BEST Art Museums in Hokkaido & Tohoku  北海道和日本東北的十大美術館


The stress of creating a Japan itinerary for foreign travelers

The stress of creating a Japan itinerary for foreign travelers Table of Contents 1:Comparison of time spent on household chores 2:Ratio of time spent making itineraries to disposable time 3:Issues specific to travel in Japan 4:Changes in travel purpose     1:Comparison of time spent on household chores According to, 42% of global millennial travelers (generally defined as those born between 1981 and 1996) cite “planning a trip” as “one of the major stresses in their lives“. We would like to explore the reasons for this. First, we looked at time spent on household chores around the world. The survey covered 19 countries for which data was available from the top 30 countries that visited Japan in 2019. According to World Development Indicators, “Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work”, the top three countries were Mexico, Italy, and Spain for women, and Sweden, New Zealand, and Mexico for men. We used the average hours for 2010-2019. Because each country announces a different year and the number of years. At first, we divided the 24-hour day 0into three equal parts – eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep, and eight hours of leisure time. Next, weread moreThe stress of creating a Japan itinerary for foreign travelers

Tourist attractions in Nara Prefecture3

Tourist attractions in Nara Prefecture3 On the last day, I visited two Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings (‘Jyudenken’) located away from Nara City. There are three Jidenken sites in Nara Prefecture.   Table of Contents 1: Imai-cho, Kashihara City 2: Matsuyama, Uda City   1: Imai-cho, Kashihara City The morning visit was to the Imai-cho Traditional Buildings Preservation District (‘Imai-cho’) in Kashihara City (Kashihara). Kashihara City was the site of Fujiwara-kyo, Japan’s first full-fledged capital, established in 694 (before the capital was moved to Heijo-kyo). It is located about 50 minutes away from Nara Station. Imai-cho was established in the Warring States period as a temple town of the Shonenji Temple of the Jodo Shin sect. It became a Tenryo (directly controlled by the Edo shogunate) and developed as a commercial town in the Edo period. As a traditional building, the district has 504 houses, the most of any heavily built-up area in Japan. Nine of the buildings have been designated as national important cultural properties. As can be seen, many traditional buildings still exist, and the townscape retains the atmosphere of the Edo period. Because of this, the area has been the location for TV dramasread moreTourist attractions in Nara Prefecture3


Tourist attractions in Nara Prefecture2

Tourist attractions in Nara Prefecture2 On the second day, we cycled around some of Nara Prefecture’s most famous sights, including Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Todaiji Temple, and Kofukuji Temple.   Table of Contents 1: Kasuga Taisha Shrine 2: Todaiji Temple 3: Shosoin 4: Hannya-ji Temple 5: Kofuku-ji Temple 6: Gango-ji Temple 7: Jurin-in Temple 8: Nara Station (2nd generation station building)   1: Kasuga Taisha Shrine Kasuga Taisha was founded in 768. It is the headquarters of around 1,000 Kasuga shrines throughout Japan. Kasuga Taisha is registered as a World Heritage Site ‘Cultural Asset of Ancient Nara.’ The main deity, Takemikazuchi no Kami, is said to have ridden a white deer to the shrine, and deer are used as his messengers. For this reason, many deer are in the Nara Park area, delighting tourists. However, be aware that some deer can be vicious, poking and biting people with their antlers. Three times a year (Setsubun, 14 and 15 August), the ‘Kasuga Mandoro’ ceremony is held in Fujinami-no-ya, where all the lanterns are lit. This is a recreation of the former Shinto ritual ‘Kasuga Mantoro,’ where visitors can see the marvelous light of some 3,000 lanterns floating in a pitch-dark space. Fujinami-no-yaread moreTourist attractions in Nara Prefecture2