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Introducing a luxury ryotei in Tokyo where you can experience authentic Kagurazaka geisha entertainment

Introducing a luxury ryotei in Tokyo where you can experience authentic Kagurazaka geisha entertainment   The Essence of Kagurazaka’s Geisha Culture at Yukimoto The pinnacle of authentic Kagurazaka geisha experiences can undoubtedly be found in high-end ryotei (traditional Japanese restaurants). Currently, there are three such ryotei in Kagurazaka where you can invite geisha performers, though one of them is mostly closed. Today, let’s introduce “Yukimoto,” a ryotei that offers the opportunity to invite geisha. Founded in 1948, Yukimoto is located in Hyogo Yokocho, a picturesque alley that epitomizes the charm of Kagurazaka. Directly opposite Yukimoto is the inn “Wakana,” where many authors have penned their masterpieces. The cobblestone pathway of Hyogo Yokocho, along with Yukimoto and Wakana, forms a quintessential Kagurazaka scene, often featured on the covers of numerous magazines and books. Yukimoto boasts eight rooms, including a large hall with forty tatami mats. It can accommodate groups ranging from a single guest to parties of forty. The bar on the premises is karaoke-equipped. Yukimoto Introducing Japanese Culture Regularly Yukimoto hosts “Kagura Goyomi,” events showcasing Japanese culture with each season. In March, we introduced a traditional Japanese sleight-of-hand magic show known as “Tezuma” on our blog. Additionally, there’s the “Yukimotoread moreIntroducing a luxury ryotei in Tokyo where you can experience authentic Kagurazaka geisha entertainment