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Travel bags will change significantly in the future

Travel bags will change significantly in the future   Table of Contents 1: History of travel bags 2: History of the evolution of different products 3: Characteristics of product evolution (smaller and lighter or energy saving and decarbonization) 4: How will travel bags evolve?   1 : History of travel bags The first travel bags (suitcases) were made for the travel of steamships and steam locomotives. Even though foreign travel has become mainly by plane, there has still been no radical change in the travel bag since the 19th century. It is probably due to the perfection of the travel bag made by Louis Vuitton in 1854. One change in the travel bag was the introduction of wheels by Bernard D. Sadow in the USA in 1972 when he introduced the ‘Rolling Luggage (trolley bag).’ However, while the wheels increased convenience, they did not reduce the size or weight of the luggage. This convenience does not change the carbon emission of carrying a travel bag on board an aircraft. A travel bag may even have become larger and heavier, going against the trend towards smaller sizes and lighter weights, because they are now easier to transport on roads with wheelsread moreTravel bags will change significantly in the future

old luggage


擺脫舊時代的旅行方式吧   目次 1:1854年LV發明世界首款行李袋 2:行李箱在過去170年間幾乎沒有演進 3:在飛機普及時代改變旅行方式吧   1:1854年LV發明世界首款行李袋 現今我們所熟悉的行李袋(行李箱),是在大約170年前(1854年),Louis Vuitton開始販售這種適合在蒸汽船及蒸汽火車上使用的行李袋,並且Louis Vuitton還開設了世界第一間行李袋專賣店。 在當時最為常見的行李袋款式為圓頂形狀,因為下雨時從馬車上方滴落而下的雨水會沾濕行李,為使雨水不囤積在行李袋上,便將行李袋做成圓頂狀,讓雨水容易滑落。 然而在火車普及之後,因為行李會放置在貨艙中運送,所以被雨淋濕的問題便不存在了,隨之而來的是載運問題。Louis Vuitton為了讓行李可以安穩地被放置在貨艙中運送,並且可以一次搬運更多行李,所以將行李箱的外型做成平坦形狀。另外,Louis Vuitton為了減輕行李箱的重量,將行李箱從當時最常使用的皮革材質,改以使用帆布材質製作,並大受歡迎,也讓出門旅行變得更容易了。 因此我們現在常見的行李箱即是Louis Vuitton為了便於搭乘蒸汽火車時使用而發明的產品。在當時,會搭乘蒸汽火車旅行的人主要是超級富豪,而他們會有行李搬運員來協助搬運行李。   2:行李箱在過去170年間幾乎沒有演進 而後,蒸汽火車又逐漸發展成電車,1883年時世界上第一輛載運乘客的電車於柏林開始營運;接著也開啟了搭飛機出遊的時代,我們從記載中可以看到,1919年時第一架載運乘客的飛機在德國飛行;再來,隨著噴射發動機的發明,飛機旅行在1960年代開始普及,順帶一提,外號巨無霸的大型客機波音747於1969年首次飛航,由此可見飛機旅行的普及已經超過50年了。 隨著時代演進,雖然旅行的交通工具改變了,但是從蒸汽火車時代開始,由Louis Vuitton帶起隨身攜帶行李箱的旅行方式並沒有改變。要說行李箱有什麼發展的話,大概也就是加裝了輪子,讓旅人比較容易能夠自己搬運而已。   3:在飛機普及時代改變旅行方式吧 旅行交通方式從蒸汽火車演變到電車、飛機,但是行李箱的發展卻是停滯的,而這樣的停滯造成了氣候變遷、旅行落差等重大問題。旅行落差是我從數位落差發想而來的自創詞,因為繁重的行李、旅遊情報搜集的難度而倍感壓力,只好放棄旅行的長輩、身心障礙族群、親子旅行等,我認為在這些群族身上即會發生旅行落差。 搬運相同重量的行李,鐵道(電車)與飛機的二氧化碳排放量有27倍之差(鐵道為22g CO2/延噸公里;飛機則為602gCO2/延噸公里),對氣候變遷造成很大的影響。 從現在開始,讓我們從19世紀中期即出現、舊時代的「攜帶行李箱出遊」方式,改變成在旅行目的地租借必需品、新型態的「不帶行李箱旅行」吧!這麼一來就可以對地球氣候變遷問題帶來非常大的貢獻,也能夠連帶解決旅行落差的問題。 再舉一個例子,若是往返日本及海外國家時沒有托運20公斤行李的話,平均一個人能夠降低的二氧化碳排放量為11日份,換算成日常生活中會產生的二氧化碳排放量,約能降低179日份,其效果大約等於186棵樹木在一年間能夠消減的二氧化碳量。更詳細說明請見我們的部落格文章「減少行李,實現可持續發展的旅行」,「減少行李的CO2減排效果顯著」。   通知 本公司計劃從明年春天開始推出旅行租賃服務,除了能減少攜帶上飛機的行李以外,也能讓大家更輕鬆方便地到處旅行。 在租賃服務開始之前,我們計劃為先到的 10 位客人提供免費的行程規劃。 本人在國內外以每兩個月一次的頻率旅行了200多次,並製定過許多不同的行程。 此外,本公司也為各位編輯了一個可以查看日本 20,000 多個旅遊景點的數據庫。 我們將根據毎位客人的喜好制定行程,如果您有興趣,請通過“註冊/諮詢”與我們聯繫。              

old luggage

Get away from the travel style of the steam locomotive

Get away from the travel style of the steam locomotive   Table of Contents 1: The current travel bags were created by Louis Vuitton in 1854 2: Travel bags have evolved little in the past 170 years 3: Let’s shift to a travel style more suited to airplane travel   1: The current travel bags were created by Louis Vuitton in 1854 Today’s travel bags (suitcases) were first sold by Louis Vuitton some 170 years ago (1854) to steamships and steam locomotives. Louis Vuitton was the first company in the world to specialize in travel bags. In those days, luggage was exposed to rain in horse-drawn carriages, so domed suitcases with round lids were commonly used to allow water to slide off. However, during the railway era, suitcases were transported in freight wagons, which meant that they could no longer get wet in the rain. So Louis Vuitton began to make flat suitcases that could be loaded stably and improved transport efficiency. Louis Vuitton’s suitcases also became very popular, replacing the then-predominant leather material with lightweight canvas, making it easier for people to travel. Thus, the present-day travel bag (suitcase) was developed by Louis Vuitton for steam trains. During theread moreGet away from the travel style of the steam locomotive