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Endorsing Carbon Pricing Proposals

Endorsing Carbon Pricing Proposals   Table of Contents 1: Endorsing Carbon Pricing Proposals 2: The Content of the Proposals 3: Recognizing the Significance of CO2 Emissions During Travel   1: Endorsing Carbon Pricing Proposals On December 5, 2023, the Japan Climate Initiative released the proposal “Carbon Pricing Proposals by the Members of the Japan Climate Initiative: Toward Simultaneous Achievement of 2030 GHG Emission Reduction Targets and Enhanced International Competitiveness.” As one of the 186 organizations (including 140 corporations, 9 municipalities, and 37 organizations & NGOs), our company has endorsed these proposals. Major corporations such as 61 companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime and cities like Omi-Hachiman, Kawasaki, Kyoto, Sapporo, Setagaya, Tokyo, Toyonaka, Hamamatsu, and Musashino have also expressed their support. 2: The Content of the Proposals This proposal aims to introduce carbon pricing able to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in Japan, paving the way for its internationally competitive economy. To this end, this proposal calls for six principles including the following that should be fulfilled in the future design of the system, improving the current government proposal. ・Bringing the schedule of the introduction forward to around 2025 ・Aiming sufficient carbon price in 2030 such as USDread moreEndorsing Carbon Pricing Proposals