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CO2 emissions from checked baggage exceed those of 156 countries

CO2 emissions from checked baggage exceed those of 156 countries   Table of Contents 1:Global CO2 Emissions from Checked Baggage 2:CO2 emission reduction effect without checked baggage 1:Global CO2 Emissions from Checked Baggage We have previously analyzed the reduction in CO2 emissions by not carrying checked baggage on airplanes to Japan. This time, we will analyze CO2 emissions from checked baggage in the global airline industry. According to “Project Drawdown,” CO2 emissions from the global aviation industry accounted for about 2.6% of global emissions in 2018. According to the World Bank, global CO2 emissions in 2018 were 34.29 billion tons (34.34 billion tons in 2019), which means that CO2 emissions from the aviation industry were 890 million tons in 2018. Note that according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), CO2 emissions from the aviation industry in 2019 were 910 million tons. According to IATA, the global air passenger transport distance (paid passenger kilometers) in 2019 was 8.68 trillion kilometers. Therefore, if all airplanes carried 20 kg of checked baggage by each passenger, 14.51 million tons of CO2 emissions would be from checked baggage. This is 0.3% of the global CO2 emissions of 34.34 billion tons in 2019. It isread moreCO2 emissions from checked baggage exceed those of 156 countries

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Comparison of 87 CO2 reduction projects

Comparison of 87 CO2 reduction projects   Table of Contents 1:What is “Project Drawdown”? 2:Comparison of reductions in CO2 emissions per person per day 3:Comparison of CO2 emission reductions per person per year 1:What is “Project Drawdown”? We mainly used data from Japan’s Ministry of the Environment on “Would you still bring your luggage on board a plane after looking at this data?” to compare CO2 emission reductions per person per day. This time, we will use data from “Project Drawdown” to compare with more CO2 emission reduction projects. “Project Drawdown” brought together an international group of 190 researchers, experts, and scientists to compile realistic and bold solutions to climate change. The results were collected and published in the book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. Based on in-depth research by the world’s leading scientists and policymakers, the book is highly acclaimed around the world as a comprehensive set of solutions for the years 2020-2050. We can find the latest data at “Project Drawdown(“. We used this latest data to compare the CO2 emission reductions that could be achieved by stopping the use of 20 kg of luggage on airplanes when traveling to Japan withread moreComparison of 87 CO2 reduction projects