Wagashi (Japanese Traditional Dessert, Best 10 in Kyushu & Okinawa)
Best 10 in Kyushu & Okinawa
1. Betamochi (Fukuoka Prefecture)
2. Akumaki (Kagoshima Prefecture)
3. Futsumochi (Saga Prefecture)
4. Ikinari Dango (Kumamoto Prefecture)
5. Karukan (Kagoshima Prefecture)
7. Sakemanjyu (Oita Prefecture)
8. Kanzarashi (Nagasaki Prefecture)
9. Kankoro Mochi (Nagasaki Prefecture)
1. Betamochi (Fukuoka Prefecture)
The traditional way of eating mochi is to sprinkle it with a generous amount of kinako (soybean flour with sugar) or to eat it with slightly loosened azuki bean paste. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
2. Akumaki (Kagoshima Prefecture)
Akumaki is made by soaking glutinous rice in lye made from the ashes of burned wood or bamboo, then wrapping the glutinous rice in moso bamboo bark and simmering it in lye water for several hours. |
3. Futsumochi (Saga Prefecture)
Futsumochi is a type of rice cake made of mugwort. It is a sweet made of glutinous rice and boiled and grated mugwort, wrapped with sweet red bean paste. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
4. Ikinari Dango (Kumamoto Prefecture)
Ikinari Dango is a simple local snack consisting of sliced sweet potatoes wrapped in flour dough and steamed. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
5. Karukan (Kagoshima Prefecture)
Karukan is a famous confectionary of Kagoshima Prefecture, made of Karukan flour, yams, and water to form a dough, which is then filled with sweet red bean paste and steamed. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
6. Jiriyaki (Oita Prefecture)
The ground flour is dissolved in water, baked thinly like a crepe, and wrapped with finely crushed brown sugar or pumpkin bean paste. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
7. Sakemanjyu (Oita Prefecture)
Manju filled with sweet bean jam that is puffed up with the power of fermentation by koji mold. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
8. Kanzarashi (Nagasaki Prefecture)
Cold pastry made of rice flour (white bean flour) dumplings in a honey made of sugar. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
9. Kankoro Mochi (Nagasaki Prefecture)
Mochi made by mixing thinly sliced “kankoro” (sweet potato) with rice cake and pounding it. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
10. Yaseuma (Oita Prefecture)
A traditional snack made of boiled, flattened, kneaded flour and sprinkled with soybean flour and sugar. Photo source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
1. Betamochi (福岡縣)
傳統上,品嘗Betamochi(べたもち)的方法是撒上大量的黄豆粉(大豆粉加糖)或與小豆沙一起食用。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
2. Akumaki (鹿兒島縣)
芥卷的做法是將糯米浸泡在由燒焦的木頭或竹子的灰燼製成的鹼液中,再將糯米包裹在毛竹皮中,在鹼水中燉幾個小時。 |
3. Futsumochi (佐賀縣)
是一種由艾草製成的麻糬。 它包裹著紅豆沙,用糯米和艾草煮熟磨碎製成。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
4. Ikinari Dango (熊本縣)
是一種簡單的當地小吃。做法是由切成薄片的紅薯包裹在麵團中蒸熟。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
5. Karukan (鹿兒島縣)
輕羹是鹿兒島縣的著名糕點。做法是將輕羹粉、山芋和水搓成麵團,然後加入甜紅豆沙蒸熟。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
6. Jiriyaki (大分縣)
的做法是將地粉溶解在水中,像縐紗一樣薄薄地烘烤,再用細碎的紅糖或南瓜豆沙包裹。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
7. Sakemanjyu (大分縣)
酒饅頭是用酒麯發酵力膨化製成的小倉豆沙饅頭。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
8. Kanzarashi (長崎縣)
寒曬是用米粉(白豆粉)製成的糰子加入蜂蜜制成的冷糕點。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
9. Kankoro Mochi (長崎縣)
甘古呂餅的做法是將切成薄片的「甘古呂」(紅薯)與麻糬混合併搗碎製成的。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |
10. Yaseuma (大分縣)
是一種將小麥粉揉成麵團、煮沸,再撒上大豆粉和糖製成傳統小吃。 圖片來源:農林水產省 |