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Tuna sushi


過度捕撈金槍魚曾是個問題,直到救世主出現   目次 1: 全球的金槍魚市場 2: 保護金槍魚活動的効果 3: 日本藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量的都道府縣排名     1: 全球的金槍魚市場 聯合國於2016年12月,將5月2日設定為「世界金槍魚日」(World Tuna Day)。 作為壽司的食材,這次我們對受到許多日本人和外國遊客歡迎的金槍魚市場進行分析。 現在全球有96 個以上的國家可以捕撈金槍魚,而每年金槍魚或金槍魚類的捕獲量有600~700萬噸。同時金槍魚毎年的交易金額高達120億美元,佔全世界海洋漁業總值的20%。 金槍魚和金槍魚類的商品大可分為兩種:金槍魚罐頭,生魚片・壽司。金槍魚罐頭市場主要使用鰹魚和黃鰭金槍魚等輕肉魚種(Light meat species)為主,而壽司和生魚片市場則是使用藍鰭金槍魚和大眼金槍魚等紅肉魚種(Red meat species)為主。   2: 保護金槍魚活動的効果 雖然過度捕撈金槍魚一直都是個問題,但由於全球性金槍魚保護運動,面臨過度捕撈威脅的金槍魚類群從2014 年的13種减少至2019 年的5種。 並且在近年,積極進行通過養殖藍鰭金槍魚來確保金槍魚資源的保護運動。在日本,從2012年起藍鰭金槍魚的養殖捕獲量迅速增加,已達到天然金槍魚捕獲量的 1.8 倍。 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 3: 日本藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量的都道府縣排名 日本各地的(2021年)藍鰭金槍魚捕獲量排名中,第一名:長崎縣,第二名:鹿兒島縣,排第三名:高知縣,第四名:愛媛縣,第五名:三重縣,主要都是水產養殖技術發達的地區。   Bluefin tuna catch ranking by prefecture (tonnes) Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries   因水產養殖的普及而不再需要擔心過度捕撈,可以安心吃用藍鰭金槍魚是一件令人高興的事情。所以請各位到日本旅遊時,務必品嚐一下藍鰭金槍魚的壽司和生魚片。

Tuna sushi

Tuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged

Tuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged   Table of Contents 1: The global tuna market 2: Effects of tuna protecting activities 3: Ranking of Japan’s bluefin tuna catch by prefecture     1: The global tuna market 2 May is World Tuna Day, established by the United Nations in December 2016. This article discusses the tuna market, which is popular as a sushi ingredient among the Japanese and many foreign tourists. Tuna is currently caught in more than 96 countries. The annual tuna trade is worth USD 12 billion, accounting for 20% of the global marine fisheries value. Between 6 and 7 million tonnes of tuna and tuna products are landed annually. Tuna and tuna species can be divided into two main product categories: canned tuna and sashimi/sushi. Light meat species like skipjack and yellowfin tuna dominate the canned tuna market. In contrast, red meat species like bluefin and bigeye tuna are preferred in the sushi and sashimi markets.   2: Effects of tuna protecting activities Overfishing of tuna has been a problem, but global tuna-protecting activities have reduced the number of tuna stock overfishing species from 13 to 5 between 2014 and 2019. In recentread moreTuna overfishing was a problem, but a savior has emerged