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One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (5)

One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (5) (Osaka, Ishikawa, Fukui Prefectures) To foreign travelers who have already been to Japan many times and would like to visit more places in Japan! We have created model routes outside the so-called “Golden Routes” such as Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and Osaka. Please use it as a reference for your future itineraries. The fifth route is a tour of Osaka, Ishikawa, and Fukui Prefectures. We have created a travel route that starts and ends at Kansai International Airport, takes 6 nights and 7 days, and has a budget of Yen 200,000 or less. Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures are close to Osaka Prefecture, so we included sightseeing in Osaka on the days we used Kansai International Airport. This itinerary includes two national treasure buildings, one of the 12 existing castle towers (Maruoka Castle), two national preservation districts for groups of traditional buildings, five art galleries and museums, one facility for experiencing traditional Japanese culture, and three Japanese gardens, allowing visitors to fully enjoy Japan’s proud culture and scenery. Table of Contents Day 1 (Osaka) Day 2 (Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture) Day 3 (Kaga City and Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture) Day 4 (Komatsu City, Ishikawaread moreOne-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (5)



一個星期的日本旅行模範路線④(東京都、長野縣、岐阜縣、富山縣)   已經多次於日本旅行,並想要到訪更多不同地方的外國遊客! 我們制作了東京、富士山、京都、大阪等黃金路線以外的路線範例。作為各位今後制定行程的參考。 第4趟來到了東京都、長野縣、岐阜縣、富山縣的周遊路線,我規劃了從關西機場去回、預算20萬日圓以內的7天6夜旅程。 在這趟旅程中,可以造訪2處世界遺產(白川鄉、五箇山)、7處日本國寶建造物、現存12天守閣中的1處(松山城)、6處日本重要傳統建造物群保存地區等景點,是能夠遊覽到日本引以為豪的文化及美景的一趟旅程。 目錄 第一天(東京都) 第二天(長野縣木曾郡、鹽尻市) 第三天(長野縣松本市、安曇野市) 第四天(長野縣長野市) 第五天(岐阜縣、富山縣) 第六天(富山縣高岡市) 第七天(長野縣上田市) 模範行程的內容及主要費用(一人計算) 註 : Japan rail pass為頭等艙費用,餐費以一天1萬日元計算   第一天(東京都)   1、成田國際機場   2、志村健的銅像   3、正福寺(國寶)   4、新宿黃金街   第一天推薦的料理 天婦羅   江戶前壽司   柳川鍋       第二天(長野縣木曾郡、鹽尻市)   1、妻籠宿(國家傳統建築群保存地區)   2、奈良井宿(國家傳統建築群保存地區)   第二天推薦的料理 山賊燒   馬肉料理   腌漬野澤菜     第三天(長野縣松本市、安曇野市)   1、松本城(國寶)   2、舊開智學校(國寶)(整修至2024年)   3、大王芥末農場   4、松本市美術館   5、舊松本高等學校(國家重要文化財產)   第三天推薦的料理 岩魚   信州三文魚   山菜料理     第四天(長野縣長野市)   1、善光寺(國寶)   2、戶隱(國家傳統建築群保存地區)   第四天推薦的料理 戶隱蕎麥麵   生煎包(親機)   佃煮蝗蟲     第五天(岐阜縣、富山縣)   1、白川鄉(世界遺產、國家傳統建築群保存地區)   2、五箇山合掌之鄉(世界遺產)   第五天推薦的料理 五平餅   紅蘿蔔腌菜   朴葉味噌     第六天(富山縣高岡市)   1、雨晴海岸   2、氣多神社(國家重要文化財產)   3、勝興寺(國寶)   4、金屋町(國家傳統建築群保存地區)   5、山町筋(國家傳統建築群保存地區)   6、高岡大佛   7、瑞龍寺(國寶)   第六天推薦料理 醋味增拌螢火魷   鰤蘿蔔   炸白蝦 資料來源 : 農林水產省網站     第七天(長野縣上田市)   1、安樂寺(國寶)   2、北國街道柳町   第7天推薦的料理 核桃蕎麥麵   松茸料理   鯉魚味噌湯 資料來源 : 農林水產省網站                  


One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (4)

One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (4) (Tokyo, Nagano, Gifu, Toyama Prefectures) To foreign travelers who have already been to Japan many times and would like to visit more places in Japan! We have created model routes outside the so-called “Golden Routes” such as Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and Osaka. Please use it as a reference for your future itineraries. The fourth route is a tour of Tokyo, Nagano, Gifu, and Toyama Prefectures. We have created a travel route that will take 7 days and 6 nights, departing from and arriving at Narita International Airport, with a budget of no more than Yen 200,000. This itinerary allows visitors to fully enjoy Japan’s proud culture and scenery, including two World Heritage sites (Shirakawa-go and Gokayama), seven National Treasure buildings, one of the 12 existing castle towers (Matsumoto Castle), and six national preservation districts for groups of traditional buildings.   Table of Contents Day 1 (Tokyo) Day 2 (Kiso County, Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture) Day 3 (Matsumoto City, Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture) Day 4 (Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture) Day 5 (Gifu and Toyama Prefectures) Day 6 (Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture) Day 7 (Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture)     Itinerary Model Plan Overviewread moreOne-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (4)


One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (3)

One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (3) (Okayama, Ehime, Hiroshima Prefectures) To foreign travelers who have already been to Japan many times and would like to visit more places in Japan! We have created model routes outside the so-called “Golden Routes” such as Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and Osaka. Please use it as a reference for your future itineraries. The third route is an Okayama, Ehime, and Hiroshima Prefectures tour. We have created a travel route that will take 7 days and 6 nights, departing from and arriving at Kansai International Airport, with a budget of no more than Yen 200,000. This itinerary allows visitors to fully enjoy Japan’s proud culture and scenery, including 5 national treasure buildings, two of the 12 existing castle towers (Matsuyama Castle and Uwajima Castle), three national preservation districts for groups of traditional buildings, and one rabbit island (Okunoshima).   Table of Contents Day 1 (Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture) Day 2 (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture) Day 3 (Uwajima City, Seiyo City, and Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture) Day 4 (Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture; Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture) Day 5 (Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture) Day 6 (Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture) Day 7 (Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture; Osakaread moreOne-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (3)


One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (2)

One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (2) (Hyogo, Shimane, Osaka Prefecture) To foreign travelers who have already been to Japan many times and would like to visit more places in Japan! We have created model routes outside the so-called “Golden Routes” such as Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and Osaka. Please use it as a reference for your future itineraries. The second route is a tour of Hyogo and Shimane Prefectures. We have created a travel route that starts and ends at Kansai International Airport, takes 6 nights and 7 days, and has a budget of Yen 200,000 or less. This itinerary allows you to visit one World Heritage site (Himeji Castle). This itinerary also includes 6 national treasure buildings and 3 museums and gardens, allowing you to fully enjoy the culture and scenery that Japan prides itself on. Table of Contents Day 1 (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) Day 2 (Tanba-Sasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture) Day 3 (Awaji Island, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) Day 4 (Kakogawa City, Kasai City, and Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture) Day 5 (Izumo City, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture) Day 6 (Yasugi City, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture) Day 7 (Shimane, Osaka Prefecture)     Itinerary Model Plan Overview andread moreOne-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (2)


One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (1)

One-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (1) (Miyagi, Iwate, Aomori and Fukushima Prefectures) To foreign travelers who have already been to Japan many times and would like to visit more places in Japan! We have created model routes outside the so-called “Golden Routes” such as Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and Osaka. Please use it as a reference for your future itineraries. The first route is a tour of Miyagi, Iwate, Aomori, and Fukushima Prefectures. We have created a travel route that starts and ends at Narita Airport (Haneda Airport is also possible), which takes 6 nights and 7 days. The total budget is Yen 200,000 or less. This itinerary allows you to visit two World Heritage sites. Specifically, Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture and the Jomon Ruins (Sannai-Maruyama Ruins) in Aomori Prefecture. In particular, we hope that you will visit Chuson-Ji Konjikido, where photography is prohibited, to see its beauty in person. The itinerary also includes one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, three national treasure buildings, five art museums, a manga museum, and a traditional festival museum. Table of Contents Day 1 (Chiba and Miyagi Prefectures) Day 2 (Miyagi Prefectures) Day 3 (Miyagi Prefectures) Day 4 (Iwate Prefecture)read moreOne-week Japan Itinerary for repeat visitors (1)


Summary of July itinerary in Japan (Hokkaido)

Summary of July itinerary in Japan (Hokkaido) From Saturday, July 2 to Monday, July 4, I traveled to Hokkaido (Kushiro and Akkeshi). On this trip, I was able to eat more seasonal seafood and local cuisine than on any previous trip. I was also able to enjoy the great national parks at Lake Akan and the Kushiro Marshland, as well as the wonderful flora and fauna, including nationally protected species like the marimo and the Japanese (tancho) crane. Even in early July, when it was extremely hot in Japan, the temperatures in Kushiro and Akkeshi were 5 to 10°C cooler than in Honshu, making it the perfect summer vacation. I strongly recommend this itinerary for July in Japan. Here is a summary of the trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for the itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. July 2 (Saturday) Day 1 6. July 3 (Sunday) Day 2 7. July 4 (Monday) Day 3   Again, each time, this itinerary was also created withread moreSummary of July itinerary in Japan (Hokkaido)

Crane Park

July itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hokkaido)

July itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hokkaido) (Monday, July 4th)   Table of contents 1. Kushiro Shitsugen (Kushiro Marshland) 2. Kushiro Japanese Crane Reserve   1. Kushiro Shitsugen (Kushiro Marshland) On the last day of my trip to Kushiro and Akkeshi, I went to Kushiro Marshland by “Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go“. The Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go I used is as follows. Depart Kushiro Station at 11:06,  arrive at Kushiro Shitsugen Station at 11:32,  Fare Yen 440 The “Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go” has unreserved seats in Car No. 1 and reserved seats in Cars No. 2 to 4. Cars No. 2 to 4 are observation cars with large windows, so you can fully enjoy the view of Kushiro Marshland. The observation car (reserved seat) costs Yen 530 in addition to the fare, but it is worth it. There are two types of seats in the observation car (reserved seats): box seats and bench seats for two. Bench seats are located on the right side of the train in the direction of travel, at right angles to the window, so they offer a better view of the scenery. However, it is the box seats that offer the best view of Kushiro Marshland. Box seats areread moreJuly itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hokkaido)


July itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido Meal edition)

July itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido Meal edition) (Sunday, July 3)   Table of Contents 1.  Oyster Bar Pitresk (Conchiglie) 2. Charcoal Grill Aburiya (Conchiglie) 3. Azumaya Kawakita Branch   1.  Oyster Bar Pitresk (Conchiglie) After finishing sightseeing in Akkeshi in the morning, I had raw oysters at Oyster Bar Pitresk in the Akkeshi Taste Terminal “Conchiglie” while drinking Akkeshi Whiskey. It is an alternative to a waiting bar before lunch. “Oysters from Akkeshi” (season: May-August, December-February) are Hokkaido’s summer “PRIDE FISH” as selected by Japan Fisheries Co-operative. The year-round low sea water temperature in Akkeshi makes it possible to ship oysters year-round. There is an island called Oyster Island (officially Benten Island) in Lake Akkeshi where oysters are cultivated. “Oysters from Akkeshi” are actually delicious from fall to winter when the meat becomes plump and tasty, but since Akkeshi is the only area where oysters can be eaten in summer, it is chosen as the “PRIDE FISH” of summer. The whisky produced at the Akkeshi Distillery is also a specialty of Akkeshi. Akkeshi Distillery started distilling whisky in October 2016 with a strong desire to “make whisky like Islay malt using traditional Scottish methods. Two years after theread moreJuly itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido Meal edition)

Kushiro sunset

July itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido)

July itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido) (Sunday, July 3)   Table of Contents 1. Kokutaiji Temple 2. Akkeshi Shrine 3. Shogyoji Temple 4. Akkeshi Taste Terminal, Conchiglie 5. Akkeshi-Ohashi Bridge 6. Lupin the Third Wrapping Train 7. Flower Clock and Kushiro Sunset     1. Kokutaiji Temple I headed from Kushiro City to Akkeshi-cho to fully enjoy sightseeing in Akkeshi on July 3 (Sun.). I used the following transportation to Akkeishi-cho. Depart Kushiro Station at 8:18,  Nemuro Line “bound for Nemuro Station”,  arrive at Akkeshi Station at 9:11,  Fare Yen 1,130 After arriving at Akkeshi Station, I immediately changed to a bus and headed for Kokutaiji Temple. The transportation I used was as follows. Depart Akkeshi station at 9:15,  Kokutaiji line,  arrive at  Kokutaiji Temple at 9:22,  Fare Yen 170 Kokutaiji Temple was built by the Edo Shogunate in 1804 and is one of the three official temples in Ezo. The other two are Usu Zenkoji Temple (Date City) and Samani Tojuin Temple (Samani Town). The three official temples in Ezo were intended to provide funeral rites for Japanese who died in Ezo (present-day Hokkaido) and to propagate Buddhism to the Ainu people. They were also meant as aread moreJuly itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido)

Ainu theater

July itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hokkaido)

July itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hokkaido) (Saturday, July 2)   Table of Contents 1. Ainu Kotan 2. Lake Akan Cruise 3. Ainu Theater 4. Nusamai Bridge   1. Ainu Kotan I traveled to Kushiro City and Akkeshi City in Hokkaido for three days and two nights from July 2 (Sat) to 4 (Mon). Of course, we also delivered our luggage and enjoyed “luggage-free travel” on this trip. Flights from Haneda Airport to Kushiro Airport are as follows Depart Haneda Airport at 8:05,  JAL541, arrive at Kushiro Airport at 9:40 Kushiro Airport is nicknamed “Tancho Kushiro Airport”. It is named after the red-crowned cranes that breed in the Kushiro Marshlands and other areas around Kushiro. A crane monument is placed at the bus stop after arriving at Kushiro Airport. I took a bus from Kushiro Airport to Lake Akan. The bus I used is as follows. Depart Kushiro Airport at 10:00,  Airport Liner No.1,  arrive at Akanko Onsen at 11:15,  Fare Yen 2,190 It takes 45 minutes (about 20 km) from Kushiro Airport to Kushiro Station. On the other hand, the distance from Kushiro Airport to Lake Akan is 55 km, more than twice the distance from Kushiro Station, butread moreJuly itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hokkaido)

Sumiyoshi taisha

Summary of June itinerary in Japan ( Osaka, Kyoto )

Summary of June itinerary in Japan ( Osaka, Kyoto )   I traveled to Osaka, Kyoto, and Aichi Prefectures from Wednesday, June 8 to Friday, June 10. On this trip, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal seafood and local cuisine such as sea bass and sweetfish, and visit wonderful sightseeing spots such as world heritage sites, national treasures, and national important cultural properties. I strongly recommend that you travel in June, especially in Osaka, Kyoto, and Aichi Prefectures, which are not suitable for travel in July and August due to the extremely hot weather. Here is a summary of our trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. June 8 (Wednesday) Day 1 6. June 9 (Thursday) Day 2 7. June 10 (Friday) Day 3   Again, each time, this itinerary was also created with the objective of “eating all the seasonal seafood and local cuisine”. Food is the first priority, and sightseeing spots are second. Nevertheless,read moreSummary of June itinerary in Japan ( Osaka, Kyoto )

Miyama's Thatched Village

June itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kyoto, Aichi prefecture)

June itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kyoto, Aichi prefecture) (Friday, June 10)   Table of contents 1. Miyama’s Thatched Village (Kayabuki-no-Sato) 2. Miyama folklore museum 3. Chii Hachiman Shrine 4. Kobayashi Family Residence 5. Nagoya City Hall / Aichi Prefectural Office   1. Miyama’s Thatched Village (Kayabuki-no-Sato) I went to Miyama, Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture, in the morning on June 10. The transportation I used was as follows Depart Kyoto Station at 8:04,  San-in Line “bound for Sonobe”,  arrive at Sonobe Station at 8:51 Depart Sonobe Station at 8:52,  San-in Line “bound for Goma”,  arrive at Hiyoshi Station at 9:01 Depart Hiyoshi Station at 9:10,   Miyama Sonobe Line “bound for Kyu Chii Elementary School”,  arrive at Miyama Clinic at 9:45 Total fare: Yen 1,370 I got off at the Miyama Clinic bus stop and rented a bicycle at the Kyoto Tamba Kogen Quasi-National Park Visitor Center to go to Miyama’s Thatched Village (Kayabuki-no-Sato). Electric bicycles were Yen 1,500 per day. However, the price will double to Yen 3,000 per day from July 1, 2022. The Kyoto Tamba Kogen Quasi-National Park Visitor Center (bike rental office) offers free luggage storage. It took about 20 minutes to get to “Miyama’s Thatched Villageread moreJune itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kyoto, Aichi prefecture)


June itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kyoto prefecture)

June itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kyoto prefecture) (Thursday, June 9)   Table of contents 1. Toji Temple 2. Fushimi Inari Taisha 3. Hotoji Temple 4. Tofukuji Temple 5. Saisho Kongoin Temple / Funda-in (Sesshuji Temple) 6. Unryu-in 7. Sennyuji Temple   1. Toji Temple I went to Toji Temple at 8:00 in the morning on June 9. Toji Temple is registered as a World Heritage site as a component of “Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities),” and its Kondo and five-story pagoda are designated as national treasure buildings. The five-story pagoda of Toji Temple is visible from the Shinkansen, making it the most viewed temple by visitors to Kyoto. Toji Temple was founded in 796. It was built as an national temple for the protection of the Heian-kyo capital. Later, in 823, Emperor Saga bestowed Toji Temple to Kukai (Kobo Daishi), who made it the Konpon Dojo (fundamental training hall) of Shingon esoteric Buddhism. Toji Temple is the only remaining structure from the Heian-kyo period. Due to several fires, no buildings from the time of its foundation remain in Toji Temple. However, the orderly arrangement of the temple buildings in a straight line from south toread moreJune itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kyoto prefecture)

Kanshinji Temple

June itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Osaka prefecture)

June itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Osaka prefecture) (Wednesday, June 8)   Table of contents 1. Tsutenkaku Tower 2. Yasui Shrine 3. Shoman-in 4. Shitennoji Temple 5. Sumiyoshi Taisha 6. Kanshinji Temple 7. Eboshigata Hachiman Shrine 8. Nagano Shrine   1. Tsutenkaku Tower Traveled to Osaka and Kyoto prefectures from June 8th (Wednesday) to 10th (Friday). It was a sunny day for all three days on the trip just before the rainy season. I often cycled around sightseeing spots on all three days, and my face and arms were tanned black. On Wednesday, June 8th, I flew from Haneda Airport to Itami Airport, took a limousine bus to Osaka City, and then went around sightseeing spots in Osaka. The transportation I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:30,  JAL103,  arrive at Itami Airport at 8:35 Depart Itami Airport at 9:05,  limousine bus “bound for Namba Station”,  arrive at Namba Station at 9:30,  Fare Yen 650 The limousine bus is fast and convenient from Itami Airport to Namba Station. Since the limousine bus uses the highway, it only takes 25 minutes from Itami Airport to Namba Station. By the way, it takes 16 minutes by subway from Shin-Osaka stationread moreJune itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Osaka prefecture)


Summary of May itinerary in Japan (Kumamoto trip)

Summary of May itinerary in Japan (Kumamoto trip) I travelled to Kumamoto Prefecture (partly Fukuoka Prefecture) from Tuesday, 17 May to Thursday, 19 May. On this trip I was able to eat a lot of seasonal seafood and local cuisine and visit wonderful tourist attractions such as World Heritage Sites, national treasures and national important cultural properties. As my main objective was to eat local cuisine, I was able to eat more local dishes than I have on previous trips. I would strongly recommend this May Japan itinerary to everyone. A summary of this trip and some notes are reported below.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. May 17 (Tuesday) Day 1 6. May 18 (Wednesday) Day 2 7. May 19 (Thursday) Day 3   As I repeat every time, this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, Iread moreSummary of May itinerary in Japan (Kumamoto trip)


May itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kumamoto prefecture)

May itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kumamoto prefecture) (Thursday, May 19)   Table of contents 1. Einoo Tsurugi Shrine 2. Misumi Port Ferry Terminal (Pyramid of the Sea) 3. Misumi Station 4. Misumi West Port 5. Miike Coal Mine Manda Pit 6. Miike Coal Mine Miyanohara Pit   1. Einoo Tsurugi Shrine I went to “Einoo Tsurugi Shrine”, which is about a 10-minute walk from the accommodation “Kappo Ryokan Shoukin-kan” on the morning of May 19th. Einoo Tsurugi Shrine was founded in 713. It is said that Kaidogami (Tamayori-Hime) came on the back of a huge “Ray (Batoidea)” and was enshrined. At the dinner I had at Nishiki Sushi the day before, the master told me about Einoo Tsurugi Shrine. Residents around Einoo Tsurugi Shrine still do not eat “Ray (Batoidea)” as a god’s companion. A torii stood in the sea overlooking the Shiranui Sea. The precincts of Einoo Tsurugi Shrine (Uki City) are known as a viewing point for the Shiranui phenomenon. It has been designated as a national scenic spot as “Shiranui and Mizushima”. In 2022, the Shiranui phenomenon is scheduled to appear on the night of August 26th.   2. Misumi Port Ferry Terminal (Pyramid of theread moreMay itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kumamoto prefecture)


May itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kumamoto prefecture)

May itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kumamoto prefecture) (Wednesday, May 18)   Table of contents 1. Shin-Yatsushiro Station / Yatsushiro Station 2. Kumamon Port Yatsushiro 3. Former Gunchiku-Shinchi Kogo sluice gate 4. Yatsushiro Municipal Museum 5. Shohinken 6. Yatsushiro Castle Ruins / Yatsushiro-gu 7. Ryuo Shrine 8. Shunkoji Temple 9. Yatsushiro Shrine (Myoken shrine)   1. Shin-Yatsushiro Station / Yatsushiro Station I moved from Hitoyoshi City to Yatsushiro City in the morning of May 18th (Wednesday). The transportation I used is as follows. Depart Hitoyoshi IC at 9:54,  highway bus “bound for Shin-Yatsushiro station”,  arrive at Shin-Yatsushiro station at 10:34 Depart Shin-Yatsushiro Station at 10:46, Kagoshima Main Line “bound for Yatsushiro”,  arrive at Yatsushiro station at 10:50,  total fare Yen 1,590 At Shin-Yatsushiro Station, there is Kumamon with a fireworks shaku ball. Kumamon with this shaku ball is named after the “Yatsushiro National Fireworks Competition Festival“. The “Yatsushiro National Fireworks Competition Festival” is held in October every year. In Yatsushiro City, there are more than 100 Kumamon in the city. There is also a Kumamon map. I didn’t know in advance that there were so many Kumamon in Yatsushiro, but I did see so many Kumamon in the city. Ifread moreMay itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kumamoto prefecture)

Aoi shrine

May itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kumamoto Prefecture)

May itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kumamoto Prefecture) (Tuesday, May 17)   Table of contents 1. Aoi Aso Shrine 2. Oikami Shrine, Hitoyoshi Castle Ruins 3. Iwaya-kumanoza Shrine 4. bridges, railroad tracks 5. Gansei-ji Temple 6. Kamada Shoyury / Tateyama Shop 7. Hitoyoshi Railway Museum, Hitoyoshi Station 8. Yamada Daio Shrine   1. Aoi Aso Shrine I traveled to Kumamoto prefecture from May 17th (Tuesday) for 2 nights and 3 days. First, I flew from Haneda Airport to Kagoshima Airport. The planes I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:40,  ANA2471,  arrive at Kagoshima Airport at 9:30 When I arrived at Kagoshima Airport, there was a footbath called “Oyattosa” near the bus stop. The great thing about “Oyattosa” is that people in wheelchairs can use the footbath while riding in a wheelchair. I think it’s a great initiative. I went to Hitoyoshi City by limousine bus. The limousine bus I used are as follows. Kagoshima Airport is overwhelmingly closer to Hitoyoshi City than Kumamoto Airport, so I used Kagoshima Airport. Depart Kagoshima Airport at 9:45,  arrive at Hitoyoshi IC at 10:37,  Fare Yen 1,420 After arriving in Hitoyoshi city, I had lunch and rented a bicycle to seeread moreMay itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kumamoto Prefecture)

Bonito no tataki

Summary of April itinerary in Japan ( Kochi, Ehime )

Summary of April itinerary in Japan ( Kochi, Ehime )   I traveled to Kochi and Ehime prefectures from April 18th (Monday) to April 21st (Thursday). On this trip, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal seafood such as first bonito of season and local dishes such as Uwajima Tai-meshi. In addition, I was able to visit many wonderful tourist destinations such as national treasures, national important cultural properties, and national Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings. This is the April Japan itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes. As I repeat every time, this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, I aimed to visit as many tourist spots as possible, such as national treasures, national important cultural properties , and national Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travelread moreSummary of April itinerary in Japan ( Kochi, Ehime )

Taisanji Temple

April itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Ehime Prefecture)

April itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Ehime Prefecture) (Thursday, April 21)   Table of contents 1. Taisanji Temple 2. Taihoji Temple 3. Bansuiso 4. Matsuyama Castle, Ishiteji Temple, Dogo Onsen (for 2020 visit)   1. Taisanji Temple I went to Taisanji Temple on the morning of April 21st (Thursday). The transportation from the Okaido where I was staying to Taisanji Temple is as follows. Depart city hall at 8:33,  Iyotetsu Bus “bound for the Driver’s License Center”,  arrive at Katamawari at 9:05,  Fare Yen 720 It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the Katamawari bus stop to the Taisanji main hall. It is a little over 5 minutes on foot to the Ninomon (Deva gate), which is a national important cultural property, but you need to walk a gentle slope for about 10 minutes from the Ninomon to the main hall of Taisanji Temple. The slope to the main hall gets tired when we walk. It was sung in a Buddhist pilgrim’s hymn as “If you go up to Taisan, you may sweat. No suffering shall later come the next life”. Ninomon (Deva gate) is an eight-legged gate built by Irimoya (building with a gabled, hipped roof), which wasread moreApril itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Ehime Prefecture)


April itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Ehime Prefecture)

April itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Ehime Prefecture) (Wednesday, April 20)   Table of contents 1. Uwajima Historical Museum / Kabasaki Battery Site 2. Warei Shrine / Taga Shrine 3. Tensha-en Garden, Nanyo Gokoku Shrine, Kiya Ryokan 4. Uno-machi cityscape 5. Ozu cityscape 6. Uchiko cityscape   1. Uwajima Historical Museum / Kabasaki Battery Site In the morning of April 20th (Wednesday), I rented a bicycle at the Uwajima City Tourist Information Center “Shiroshita” and went around the city of Uwajima. I think that the rental cycle is the best because the distance for sightseeing in Uwajima city is too long to go around on foot and the number of buses is small for going around by bus. Uwajima City Tourist Information Center “Shiroshita” is a new facility that just opened in August 2021 at the entrance of Uwajima Castle. The rental cycle fee is Yen 2,000 a day for GIANT’s E-bike. The Uwajima Historical Museum has been relocated and used as a building built as the Uwajima Police Station in 1884. The light pink building creates a soft atmosphere that does not seem to be a former police station. The architectural style is pseudo-Western style architecture. It is aread moreApril itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Ehime Prefecture)

rice field

April itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kochi, Ehime)

April itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kochi, Ehime) (Tuesday, April 19)   Table of contents 1. Shimanto River Cycling 2. Ekawasaki Station 3. Matsumaru Station 4. Okuuchi rice terraces (Yuzuriha rice terraces) 5. Uwajima Station 6. Uwajima Castle     1. Shimanto River Cycling I went cycling on the Shimanto River from 8 am on April 19th (Tuesday). It is a 42km long-distance cycling from Nakamura station downstream to Ekawasaki station upstream. It is exactly the same distance as the marathon course. Since it is a “luggage-free trip”, it is possible to cycle by dropping off (borrowing at Nakamura Station and returning at Ekawasaki Station).  The route goes upstream of the river, but the slope is so gentle that it didn’t bother me. It took three and a half hours. I thought there were other cyclists besides me, but I never saw them. I rented a bicycle at the Shimanto Tourism Association at Nakamura Station the day before for a fee of Yen 2,000 for 24 hours, so I was able to leave the hotel in the morning. The Shimanto River is the longest river in Shikoku with a total length of 196 km. It is the 11th longest riverread moreApril itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kochi, Ehime)


April itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kochi Prefecture)

April itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kochi Prefecture) (Monday, April 18)   Table of contents 1. Kochi Prefectural Kochi Otemae High School 2. Landscape of Kure Port and Fisherman Town 3. Kure Hachimangu Shrine 4. Nishioka Brewery 5. Ichijo Shrine 6. Fuba Hachimangu Shrine   1. Kochi Prefectural Kochi Otemae High School I traveled to Kochi and Ehime prefectures from April 18th (Monday) for 3 nights and 4 days. This time as well, I sent my luggage to my travel destination and enjoyed the “Luggage-free trip”. I flew from Haneda Airport to Kochi Ryoma Airport. The planes I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:55,  ANA561,  arrive at Kochi Ryoma Airport at 9:15 Planes before takeoff were lined up at Haneda Airport. I could see the Yokohama Bay Bridge from the plane, but after that I couldn’t enjoy the scenery with the clouds. However, the weather improved over Kochi, and I was able to enjoy the view of Kochi Prefecture from the sky. I arrived at Kochi Ryoma Airport and took a limousine bus to Kochi Station. The limousine buses I used are as follows. Depart Kochi Ryoma Airport at 9:20,  Limousine Bus Kochi Airport Line,  arrive atread moreApril itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kochi Prefecture)


Sightseeing in Japan will be possible in May and June

Sightseeing in Japan will be possible in May and June On May 5, Prime Minister Kishida gave a lecture at London’s City of London, expressing his intention to significantly ease Japan’s border controls in June. In his speech, Prime Minister Kishida said, “We will further relax border controls so that foreigners can enter Japan as smoothly as other G7s. in June” In addition, according to some reports on May 6, the Japanese government ” is considering accepting only a small number of package tours as early as this month.” Finally, foreigners will be able to take a sightseeing trip to Japan. We have summarized the G7 border controls for each country. Basically, if you are vaccinated, you can enter the country without quarantine. We are trying to provide accurate information by referring to the latest information regarding travel regulations in each country, as of May 6th, such as embassies in each country. However, the infection status of the COVID-19 is changing day by day, so please be sure to refer to the embassies of each country for the latest information.   Table of contents 1. United States 2. Germany 3. United Kingdom 4. France 5. Italy 6. Canada 7. Worldread moreSightseeing in Japan will be possible in May and June


Create an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.7

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations recommended by JNTO   No.7 The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)’s wonderful Japanese guidebook “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” does not include “traffic information” for public transportation. In order to make a better itinerary for overseas travelers, we will post traffic information for arriving at the tourist spots listed in “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” from Tokyo Station and Osaka Station by 12:00 noon as much as possible. Traffic information, travel time, and fares are based on Google map and Yahoo route information. Please contact us if your desired arrival time is different or if you have traffic information from places other than Tokyo Station and Osaka Station.   RELAXATION Table of contents for RELAXATION 1. Luxury floating ryokan in Setouchi (Hiroshima Prefecture) 2. Stayover at this unique new Yamagata concept hotel (Yamagata Prefecture) 3. A night to remember at a traditional boathouse (Kyoto Prefecture) 4. Paradise awaits at a UNESCO world heritage site (Kagoshima Prefecture) 5. Starlit camping on the Goto Islands (Nagasaki Prefecture) 6. Luxury lodging in Japan’s paradise (Okinawa Prefecture) 7. Embrace rural charm in one of Japan’s most scenic villages (Gifu Prefecture) 8. Heartwarming farm stays in rural Japan (Akita Prefecture) 9. Loseread moreCreate an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.7

towada art center

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.6

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations recommended by JNTO   No.6 The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)’s wonderful Japanese guidebook “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” does not include “traffic information” for public transportation. In order to make a better itinerary for overseas travelers, we will post traffic information for arriving at the tourist spots listed in “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” from Tokyo Station and Osaka Station by 12:00 noon as much as possible. Traffic information, travel time, and fares are based on Google map and Yahoo route information. Please contact us if your desired arrival time is different or if you have traffic information from places other than Tokyo Station and Osaka Station.   ART Table of contents for ART 1. Voted as the best Japanese garden in the world (Shimane Prefecture) 2. Experience the wonder of art on a canvas of islands! (Kagawa Prefecture) 3. A world-class modern art museum in the heart of scenic Aomori (Aomori Prefecture) 4. Create your own lacquerware masterpiece to take home (Fukui Prefecture) 5. The secrets of bonsai unveiled:living works of art (Saitama Prefecture) 6. East Asian art galore in a striking, scenic setting (Kanagawa Prefecture) 7. Explore Japan’s rich history of cultural exchange withread moreCreate an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.6


Summary of March itinerary in Japan (Hiroshima, Okayama)

Summary of March itinerary in Japan (Hiroshima, Okayama)   I traveled to Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures from March 22nd (Tuesday) to March 25th (Friday). I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, and visited wonderful tourist destinations such as World Heritage Sites, National Treasures, National Important Cultural Properties, and National Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings on this trip. It was the most visited tourist destination in the four-day domestic trip so far. I was able to enjoy fresh seafood such as seasonal oysters and agricultural products unique to the production areas such as Kuwai (sagittaria rhizome, Fukuyama City) and Yellow Chinese chives (Kurashiki City), which are overwhelmingly produced in Japan on this trip. In addition, I was able to eat Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki and Onomichi ramen, which are typical local gourmet foods. This is the March Japan itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for itinerary in Japan moreSummary of March itinerary in Japan (Hiroshima, Okayama)

Abuto Kannon

March itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Hiroshima, Okayama)

March itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Hiroshima, Okayama) (Friday, March 25)   Table of contents 1. Stone light house 2. Ota family residence 3. Hosenji Temple, Myorenji Temple, Nunakuma Shrine, Ankokuji Temple 4. Masuya Seiemon House, Ryoma’s hidden room 5. Fukuzenji Temple, Taichoro 6. Bandaiji Temple, Abuto Kannon 7. Myooin Temple 8. Kusado Inari Shrine 9. Ohashi family residence 10. Ohara Museum of Art, Shin-Kojima-Kan (provisional name) 11. Walk around Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter 12. Former Ohara’s house, Yurinso   1. Stone light house I went to Tomonoura by bus from Fukuyama Station on the morning of March 25. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Fukuyama Station at 8:20,  Tomo Railway Bus “bound for Tomo Port”,  arrive at Tomonoura at 8:50,  fare Yen 530 I got off at Tomonoura bus stop, but if you want to start walking around the all‐night light stone lantern, it is more convenient to get off at Tomo Port bus stop, which is the end point. The Tomonoura Tourist Information Center is just off the Tomonoura bus stop. You should get off at Tomonoura bus stop to collect tourist information. Tomonoura is an old town that has been a village since ancient times,read moreMarch itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Hiroshima, Okayama)

Jodoji Temple

March itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hiroshima prefecture)

March itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hiroshima prefecture) (Thursday, March 24)   Table of contents 1. Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings 2. Taketsuru Sake Brewery 3. Shunpu-kan / Fukko-kan 4. Onomichi Hondori Shopping Street 5. Tenneiji Temple 6. Saikokuji Temple 7. Saigoji Temple 8. Jodoji Temple 9. Fukuyama Castle     1. Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings On the morning of March 24, I took a bus from Hiroshima Station to the “Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings”. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Hiroshima Station at 8:34,  Geiyo Bus “bound for Tadanoumi Station”,  arrive at Takehara Station at 9:38,  fare Yen 1,210 It is a little over 10 minutes on foot from Takehara Station to “Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings”. I went to Takehara Station, but from Hiroshima Station, getting off at the bus stop “Takehara chuo(in the center of Takehara)” is closer to the “Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings”. You can also go from Hiroshima Station to Takehara Station by train instead of by bus. However train takes more than two hours, because train operates on winding seaside railroad. It is almost twice as long as aread moreMarch itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hiroshima prefecture)


March itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hiroshima prefecture)

March itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hiroshima prefecture) (Wednesday, March 23)   Table of contents 1. Hokoku Shrine, Five-storied Pagoda 2. Mt. Misen 3. Hayashi family residence 4. Daishoin Temple 5. Itsukushima Shrine 6. Daiganji Temple 7. Kokuzenji Temple   1. Hokoku Shrine, Five-storied Pagoda I went to Miyajima (the Island of Itsukushima) on March 23rd. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Hiroshima Station at 7:50,  Sanyo Line “bound for Iwakuni”,  arrive at Miyajima-guchi Station at 8:18 Depart JR Miyajima Ferry at 8:30,  “bound for Miyajima Pier”,  arrive at Miyajima Pier at 8:40,  Total fare Yen 600 I left early in the morning, but Miyajima Ferry was quite crowded with junior high school and high school students on school trips. Miyajima is famous as one of the three most scenic spots of Japan. Matsushima in Miyagi and Amanohashidate in Kyoto are also the three most scenic spots of Japan. I went to Matsushima in September 2021 and Amanohashidate in October 2021. Therefore, by visiting Miyajima this time, I was able to go to all the three most scenic spots in Japan within a year. The statue of Kiyomori Taira is located just off Miyajima Pier. Itsukushima Shrineread moreMarch itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hiroshima prefecture)


Create an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.5

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations recommended by JNTO   No.5 The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)’s wonderful Japanese guidebook “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” does not include “traffic information” for public transportation. In order to make a better itinerary for overseas travelers, we will post traffic information for arriving at the tourist spots listed in “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” from Tokyo Station and Osaka Station by 12:00 noon as much as possible. Traffic information, travel time, and fares are based on Google map and Yahoo route information. Please contact us if your desired arrival time is different or if you have traffic information from places other than Tokyo Station and Osaka Station.   NATURE Table of contents for NATURE 1. Find your spiritual side on the famous Kumano Kodo Trail (Wakayama Prefecture) 2. Explore Kumamoto’s active volcano Mount Aso up close (Kumamoto Prefecture) 3. Explore a ravine in a land of myth and legend (Miyazaki Prefecture) 4. Magnificent unspoiled beech forest in Tohoku (Aomori Prefecture) 5. Hike the Hachimantai Hills (Iwate Prefecture) 6. Natural therapy in Nagano’s forests (Nagano Prefecture) 7. A sheltered and secluded Shikoku Valley (Tokushima Prefecture) 8. Stroll beneath the majestic Great Wisteria (Tochigi Prefecture) 9. A singularlyread moreCreate an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.5


Create an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.4

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations recommended by JNTO   No.4 The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)’s wonderful Japanese guidebook “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” does not include “traffic information” for public transportation. In order to make a better itinerary for overseas travelers, we will post traffic information for arriving at the tourist spots listed in “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” from Tokyo Station and Osaka Station by 12:00 noon as much as possible. Traffic information, travel time, and fares are based on Google map and Yahoo route information. Please contact us if your desired arrival time is different or if you have traffic information from places other than Tokyo Station and Osaka Station.   CITIES Table of contents for CITIES 1. Immerse your body and mind ina high-tech museum without borders (Tokyo) 2. Explore Japan by luxury train (Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka) 3. A hidden gem of samuraiera streets in Kurashiki (Okayama Prefecture) 4. Prepare yourself for the ultimate Japanese denim experience (Okayama Prefecture) 5. Set sail to the “abandoned city” of Gunkanjima (Nagasaki Prefecture) 6. Japan’s “underground temple”: a must-visit for urban architecture fans (Saitama Prefecture) 7. A deep dive into a rich legacy of manufacturing technology (Aichi Prefecture) 8. Expand yourread moreCreate an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.4

snow crab

Summary of February itinerary in Japan (Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane)

Summary of February itinerary in Japan (Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane trip)   I traveled to Hyogo, Tottori, and Shimane prefectures from Wednesday, February 23rd to Sunday, February 27th. I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, and I was able to visit wonderful tourist destinations such as national treasures and national important cultural properties on this trip. Since this trip was mainly on the Sea of ​​Japan side of Hyogo, Tottori, and Shimane prefectures, I was able to enjoy the fresh seafood of the Sea of ​​Japan such as live snow crab. In addition, I was able to fully eat food of the mountains such as “Botan nabe (wild boar meat hot pot)”. This is the February Japanese itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes. I will comment repeatedly every time, but this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, we aimed to visit as many tourist spots as possible, such as national treasures and national important cultural properties.   Tableread moreSummary of February itinerary in Japan (Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane)

Matsue Castle

February itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Tottori, Shimane)

February itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Tottori, Shimane) (Sunday, February 27)   Table of contents 1. Walk around Yonago city 2. Yakumo Honjin 3. Kamosu Shrine 4. Matsue Castle 5. Jozan Inari Shrine 6. Karakoro Art Studio 7. Yuushien 8. Yonago Kitaro Airport   1. Walk around Yonago city I took a walk in Yonago city on the morning of February 27. First, I went to the Yonago Castle Ruins. Yonago Castle once had a five-storied castle tower and a four-storied turret, and was called “the best castle in the Sanin region.” It is said that Yonago Castle started around 1591 when Kikkawa Hiroie built a castle on Minatoyama at an altitude of about 90m. Honmaru, Ninomaru, etc. are designated as national historic sites. In addition, Yonago Castle was selected as the strongest castle in the NHK New Year’s special feature “Japan’s Strongest Castle Special 10th-A Castle with a Superb View That You Want to Visit Someday” broadcast on New Year’s Day 2022. This is because the magnificent view from the castle tower overlooking Oyama, Nakaumi, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the city area was highly evaluated. I wanted to climb to the castle tower ruins, but I gave upread moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Tottori, Shimane)

Kurayoshi Shirakabe Dozo-gun

February itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Tottori prefecture)

February itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Tottori prefecture) (Saturday, February 26)   Table of contents 1. Tottori Sand Dunes 2. Tottori Station / Kurayoshi Station 3. Kurayoshi Shirakabe Dozo-gun 4. Walk around Kurayoshi 5. Toyoda family residence 6. Kurayoshi Yodoya 7. Hasedera temple 8. Yonago Station   1. Tottori Sand Dunes I took a bus from Tottori Station to Tottori Sand Dunes on the morning of February 26. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Tottori Station 9:10,  39 Tottori Sand Dunes Line “bound for Sand Dunes Hall”,  arrive at Sand Dunes Hall 9:32,  fare Yen 380 Tottori Sand Dunes is about a 1-minute walk from the Sand Dunes Hall. Tottori Sand Dunes is a tourist destination that represents Tottori prefecture, and I have visited it several times. However, this was my first winter visit. The Tottori Sand Dunes is a vast sand dune 2.4km north-south and 16km east-west. It is the largest sand dune in Japan that can be visited. It has been selected as a national natural monument. Although the Tottori Sand Dunes in winter had a little snow, it wasn’t completely piled up, so the scenery was not good. There was a lot of snow inread moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Tottori prefecture)

Kaibara Hachiman Shrine

February itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hyogo prefecture)

February itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hyogo prefecture) (Thursday, February 24)   Table of contents 1. Taiko Yagura 2. Kaibara Hachiman Shrine 3. Tanba City Hall Kaibara Branch, Great Zelkova tree (Kinone bashi) 4. Oda Shrine / Takeisao Shrine 5. Former Hikami Junior High School Building 6. Kaibara feudal lord Oda clan former residence Nagaya-mon, Kaibara Domain Jinya 7. Shinkoro 8. Izushi Castle Ruins 9. Meiji-kan 10. Sukyoji Temple (Takuandera Temple) 11. Izushi Sake Brewery 12. Former Fukutomi House 13. Sakuraya 14. Kogoro Katsura dwelling site 15. Oryu lantern 16. Eirakukan 17. Hide Shrine     1. Taiko Yagura I had breakfast at the hotel and took a bus to Kaibara station. The bus I got on is as follows. Depart Sasayamahoncho 9:12,  Shinki Bus “bound for Tanba Medical Center”,  arrive at Kaibara Station 9:42,  fare Yen 720 The main purpose of Kaibara is to visit “Kaibara Hachiman Shrine”, a national important cultural property. It was my first visit to Kaibara. It was a fun city to walk around. When you go to Tanba Sasayama, I definitely want you to go to Kaibara. First of all, I went to “Taiko Yagura”. It is less than 5 minutes walk from Kaibararead moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hyogo prefecture)

tanba sasayama

February itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hyogo prefecture)

February itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hyogo prefecture) (Wednesday, February 23)   Table of contents 1, Taisho Romankan 2, Sasayama Castle Ruins 3, Aoyama Historical Village & Dekanshokan museum 4, Sasayama samurai districts 5, Sasayama merchant districts 6, Makekirai Inari 7, Tanba Sasayama City Historical Museum 8, Kasuga Shrine 9, Seiganji Temple 10, Sasayama Castletown Hotel NIPPONIA   1, Taisho Romankan From Wednesday, February 23, I traveled to Hyogo, Tottori, and Shimane prefectures for 4 nights and 5 days. This time as well, I sent my luggage to my travel destination and enjoyed the “luggage-free trip”. First, I flew from Haneda Airport to Osaka Itami Airport and headed for Tanba Sasayama City. The planes I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:25,  JAL103,  arrive at Osaka Itami Airport at 8:35 Arrived at Osaka Itami Airport and went to Tanba Sasayama city by monorail, Hankyu Railway, JR and bus. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Osaka Airport Station at 8:53,  Osaka Monorail,  arrive at  Hotarugaike Station at 8:55 Depart Hotarugaike Station at 9:03,  Hankyu Railway Takarazuka Main Line Express for Takarazuka,  arrive at Takarazuka Station at 9:23 Depart JR Takarazuka Station,  Limited Express Kounotori No. 3, read moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hyogo prefecture)

Mt. Fuji golf

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.2

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations recommended by JNTO  No.2 The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)’s wonderful Japanese guidebook “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” does not include “traffic information” for public transportation. In order to make a better itinerary for overseas travelers, we will post traffic information for arriving at the tourist spots listed in “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” from Tokyo Station and Osaka Station by 12:00 noon as much as possible. Traffic information, travel time, and fares are based on Google map and Yahoo route information. Please contact us if your desired arrival time is different or if you have traffic information from places other than Tokyo Station and Osaka Station. This time it’s “OUTOOORS”, so almost all of them are inconveniently accessible by public transportation. We recommend that you always check the travel time when making a plan. OUTOOORS Table of contents for OUTOOORS 1. An exceptional island paradise (Okinawa Prefecture) 2. Swoosh down the snowy slopes of a volcano (Hokkaido) 3. Ultimate stand-up paddling awaits (Hiroshima Prefecture) 4. Sea-view cycling at its best (Ehime Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture) 5. Experience rural hearts and homes (Shiga Prefecture) 6. Soar above sweeping sands by paraglider (Tottori Prefecture) 7. Explore a primevalread moreCreate an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.2


Create an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.1

Create an itinerary to tourist destinations recommended by JNTO   No.1 The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)’s wonderful Japanese guidebook “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” does not include “traffic information” for public transportation. In order to make a better itinerary for overseas travelers, we will post traffic information for arriving at the tourist spots listed in “100 EXPERIENCES IN JAPAN” from Tokyo Station and Osaka Station by 12:00 noon. For tours that start before noon, we will post an example of traffic information in time for the tour to start. Traffic information, travel time, and fares are based on Google map and Yahoo route information. Please contact us if your desired arrival time is different or if you have traffic information from places other than Tokyo Station and Osaka Station. TRADITION OUTDOORS CUISINE CITIES NATURE ART RELAXATION   Table of contents for TRADITION 1. An enticing evening with authentic geiko awaits (Ishikawa Prefecture) 2. Train with a true mountain mystic in Yamagata (Yamagata Prefecture) 3. Dance like no-one’s watching in historic Tokushima (Tokushima Prefecture) 4. Watch sacred dance and feel yourself whisked away to bygone times (Hiroshima Prefecture) 5. Learn lost arts at the ancestral home of the ninja! (Mie Prefecture) 6. Experience oneread moreCreate an itinerary to tourist destinations by JNTO No.1

Five-Story Pagoda

Summary of January itinerary in Japan (Yamagata trip)

Summary of January itinerary in Japan (Yamagata trip)   I traveled to Yamagata prefecture (Tohoku region) from January 25th (Tuesday) to January 28th (Friday). On this trip, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, and I was able to visit wonderful tourist destinations such as the national treasure and national important cultural properties. Although it was a trip within the same prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture had different cultures and food cultures depending on the region, so it was a very satisfying trip. This is the January itinerary in Japan that I highly recommend to everyone. In addition, I will report a summary of this trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 selections of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” eaten in this Japanese itinerary 3. Travel precautions (local trains) for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. January 25 (Tuesday) Day 1  6. January 26 (Wednesday) Day 2 7. January 27 (Thursday) Day 3 8. January 28 (Friday) Day 4   As I repeat every time, this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eatingread moreSummary of January itinerary in Japan (Yamagata trip)

The former Tsuruoka Police Office

January itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Yamagata Sightseeing+Meal)

January itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Yamagata Sightseeing+Meal) (Friday, January 28)   This time, I traveled a long time and visited few sightseeing spots, so I will write the sightseeing and meals in one blog. Thank you for your understanding.   Table of contents 1. Konpiraso 2. Chido Museum 3. Shonai Clan School Chidokan 4. Fruit shop Aomoriya 5. Mitsubo   1. Konpiraso After enjoying the bath at SHONAI HOTEL SUIDEN TERRASSE from the morning, I had a ramen as a brunch at the ramen shop “Konpiraso” in Sanze. The means of transportation from Suiden Terrace to “Konpiraso” are as follows. A taxi from SUIDEN TERRASSE to Tsuruoka Station takes less than 10 minutes and costs about Yen 1,000 Depart Tsuruoka Station at 10:17,  Uetsu Line “bound for Murakami”,  arrive at Sanze Station at 10:32,  fare Yen 330 It is less than 20 minutes on foot from Sanze Station to “Konpiraso”. I arrived at “Konpiraso” at 10:50, but the numbered ticket was already 29th. “Konpiraso” is open at 11 o’clock, but it seems that the store will open shortly before it opens, and it was already full. “Konpiraso” is still a very popular ramen shop. This was my third moreJanuary itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Yamagata Sightseeing+Meal)

Five-Story Pagoda

January Itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Yamagata)

January Itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Yamagata) (Thursday, January 27)   Table of contents 1. Mt. Haguro Five-story Pagoda 2. Mt. Haguro Sanjin Gosaiden 3. Kamo Aquarium   1. Mt. Haguro Five-story Pagoda In the morning, I left the Suiden Terrasse Hotel and headed for Mt. Haguro via Tsuruoka Station. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Science Park at 8:37,  Shonai Airport shuttle bus,  arrive at Tsuruoka station at 8:46,  fare Yen 330 Depart Tsuruoka Station at 9:43,  Tsuruoka Haguro Sancho Line “bound for Ideha cultural museum”,  arrive at Ideha cultural museum at 10:20 I bought a one-day ticket for Shonai Kotsu’s fixed‐route bus for Yen 2,000 at the Tsuruoka City Tourist Information Center in front of Tsuruoka Station on the 1st floor of FOODEVER. The round trip from Tsuruoka Station to Mt. Haguro costs Yen 2,500, so the one-day ticket is a great deal. There were few passengers other than me on the round-trip bus to Mt. Haguro. There is a bus stop called Science Park in front of the Suiden Terrasse Hotel, but the hotel staff said that the Suiden Terrasse Hotel has no means of transportation for local buses. This is because the bus stop atread moreJanuary Itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Yamagata)


January itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Yamagata)

January itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Yamagata) (Wednesday, January 26)   Table of contents 1. Move from Oishida Station to Tsuruoka Station 2. Heishindo Merchant House 3. Tsuruoka Catholic Church 4. Taihokan 5. Shonai Shrine 6. Tsuruoka Art Forum 7. Sanno Hie Shrine 8. SUIDEN TERRASSE HOTEL   1. Move from Oishida Station to Tsuruoka Station I left Ginzan Onsen at 10:30 by the shuttle bus from Notoya Ryokan and arrived at Oishida Station at 11:00. At Ginzan Onsen, there was no snow in the passage, but there was deep snow in the mountains. After arriving at Oishida station, I moved to Tsuruoka station. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Oishida Station at 11:11,  Yamagata Line “bound for Shinjo”,  arrive at Shinjo Station at 11:32 Depart Shinjo Station at 13:10,  Rikuu West Line “bound for Amarume”,  arrive at Amarume Station at 13:57 Depart Amarume Station at 14:03,  Uetsu Line “bound for Atsumi Onsen”,  arrive at Tsuruoka Station at 14:19,   total fare Yen1,520 I enjoyed a leisurely trip using all local lines. From the train, I could see the snowy landscape as far as I could see and the Mogami River with snow on both banks, and enjoyedread moreJanuary itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Yamagata)

Obanazawa beef and Yonezawa pork

January itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata Meal edition)

January itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata Meal edition) (Tuesday, January 25) Table of contents 1. FURUSAWA SAKE BREWERY Sawa Masamune 2. Ekiben 3. Local beer, local sake 4. Notoya Ryokan   1. FURUSAWA SAKE BREWERY Sawa Masamune After sightseeing in Yamagata city, I had a light meal of Yamagata prefecture’s local cuisine and local sake at “FURUSAWA SAKE BREWERY Sawa Masamune” in the Yamagata Station Building “S-PAL Yamagata”. Yamagata Prefecture is a prefecture that boasts of gastronomy and delicious sake, which is called “Yamagata, the best gastronomic and best sake prefecture in Japan.” There is even a homepage called “Oishii (Delicious) Yamagata“. I also think that Yamagata Prefecture’s food and sake are very delicious. The names of the airports in Yamagata Prefecture are “Oishii (Delicious) Yamagata Airport” and “Oishii (Delicious) Shonai Airport”, and both airports are appealing to Gourmand Prefecture. In addition, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture is the only city in Japan that has been certified as a “UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy“. However, I don’t think Yamagata Prefecture is very well known nationwide as a prefecture for gastronomy and best sake. I did some research on the national evaluation. Yamagata Prefecture ranked 4th in the questionnaire survey (12,299read moreJanuary itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata Meal edition)

Ginzan onsen

January itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata)

January Itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata) (Tuesday, January 25)   Table of contents 1. Yamagata Prefectural Museum Educational Resources Museum 2. Yamagata Prefecture Local Museum “Bunshokan” (Former Prefectural Office and Assembly Building) 3. Yamagata Manabikan (former Yamagata Daiichi Elementary School) 4. Walk around Yamagata city 5. Yamagata Marugoto-kan Beni-no-kura 6. Kajo、Yamagata City Local History Museum (former Saiseikan Hospital) 7. Ginzan Onsen   1. Yamagata Prefectural Museum Educational Resources Museum I traveled to Yamagata prefecture from January 25th for 3 nights and 4 days. This time as well, I sent my luggage to my travel destination and enjoyed the “luggage-free trip”. First, I headed from Haneda Airport to Yamagata Airport and went sightseeing in Yamagata City. The planes I used are as follows. Mt. Fuji looked beautiful from Haneda Airport. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:15,  JAL175,  arrive at Yamagata Airport at 8:15 I arrived at Yamagata Airport and took an airport bus to Yamagata City. The airport buses I used are as follows. Depart Yamagata Airport at 8:30,  Airport shuttle bus,  arrive at Yamagata Station East Exit at 9:05,   fare Yen 980 After arriving in Yamagata City, I first took a bus to the “Yamagata Prefectural Museum Educational Resources Museum”.read moreJanuary itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata)


Summary of December itinerary in Japan (Aomori / Akita trip)

Summary of December itinerary in Japan (Aomori / Akita trip)   In Tohoku (Aomori and Akita prefectures), where I traveled from Saturday, December 11th to Tuesday, December 14th, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, which was a very satisfying trip. This is the December Japan itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. In addition, I was able to visit many wonderful tourist destinations such as national important cultural properties. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 selections of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” eaten in this Japanese itinerary 3. Travel precautions (local trains) for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. December 11 (Saturday)  Aomori Prefecture Day 1 6. December 12 (Sunday)  Aomori Prefecture Day 2 7. December 13 (Monday)  Aomori Prefecture Day 3 8. December 14 (Tuesday)  Akita Prefecture Day 1   This itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal seafood and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, we aimed to visit asread moreSummary of December itinerary in Japan (Aomori / Akita trip)

Hirosaki Neputa

December itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Aomori Day 3)

December itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Aomori Day 3) (Monday, December 13th)   Table of contents 1. Saishoin Five-storied Pagoda 2. Kimura Industrial Research Institute 3. Sazaedo 4. Kuromon 5. Choshoji Temple 6. Former Kaikousha Building 7. Former Fujita Family Residence (Dazai Osamu Manabi no Ie) 8. Tsugaru-han Neputa Village   1. Saishoin Five-storied Pagoda The third day of my trip to Aomori and Akita was heavy snow from the morning. Even so, I decided to visit as many sightseeing spots as possible, so I went to the “Saishoin Five-storied Pagoda” near my hotel. The “Saishōin Five-storied Pagoda” was completed in 1667. It is said that it was built as a memorial service for enemies and allies who died in the process of unifying Tsugaru by clan ancestor, Tamenobu Tsugaru in Hirosaki Domain (Tsugaru Domain) . As a five-storied pagoda, it is a national important cultural property of the northernmost in Japan. It is said to be the most beautiful tower in the Tohoku region. It was very beautiful with snow. The precincts were also quiet and had a solemn atmosphere in the snow.   2. Kimura Industrial Research Institute There was “Kimura Industrial Research Institute” on the way fromread moreDecember itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Aomori Day 3)

Hirosaki castle

December itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Aomori Day 2)

December itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Aomori Day 2) (Sunday, December 12)   Table of contents 1. Move from Aomori Station to Kuroishi Station 2. Nakamachi Komise Street 3. Former main branch of the 59th National Bank (Aomori Bank Memorial Museum) 4. Hirosaki Castle 5. Former Too Gijuku Missionary Residence 6. Former Hirosaki City Library 7. Fujita Memorial Garden 8. Senguin 9. Seiganji Temple   1. Move from Aomori Station to Kuroishi Station In the morning of the second day of my trip to Aomori and Akita, I moved from Aomori station to Kuroishi station and went sightseeing in Kuroishi. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Aomori Station at 9:04,   JR Limited Express Tsugaru No. 2,  arrive at  Hirosaki Station at 9:38,   fare Yen1,200 (including limited express fare) Depart Hirosaki Station at 9:50,    Konan Railway Konan Line,   arrive at Kuroishi Station at 10:26,    fare Yen 470 Limited express Tsugaru runs on the Ou Line that connects Aomori Station and Akita Station. Personally, I don’t think the appearance of the limited express Tsugaru is a very cool design. However, the interior was clean and I liked it. There weren’t many passengers. I enjoyed the view fromread moreDecember itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Aomori Day 2)