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Travel Divide

An Analysis of the “Travel Divide” (Summary)

An Analysis of the “Travel Divide” (Summary)   Table of Contents 1: The Cause of the ‘Travel Divide’ Isn’t Money or Time 2: Heavy Luggage Identified as a Key Factor in Reduced Travel Frequency 3: Decreased Travel Leads to Lower Dementia Risk and Significant Economic Benefits 4: Achieving the SDGs’ Goal of Leaving No One Behind in the Travel Industry   The ‘Travel Divide’ refers to the significant reduction in travel frequency among specific groups such as seniors, people with disabilities, and families with infants. This series has explored the background of the ‘Travel Divide,’ its impacts, and strategies for resolution.   1: The Cause of the ‘Travel Divide’ Isn’t Money or Time Data from 2019 shows a 34% decrease in domestic travel and a 72% decrease in international travel for those over 70. There’s also a significant reduction in international travel for people with disabilities and families with infants. The reasons for this decline in travel are intriguing. Source: JTB Travel Yearbook 2020 Source: JTB Travel Yearbook 2020   According to a 2018 survey by the Tourism Agency, the main reasons for not traveling were ‘lack of time’ and ‘household budget constraints.’ However, there is a negative correlation ofread moreAn Analysis of the “Travel Divide” (Summary)


Would you still bring your luggage on board a plane after looking at this data?

Would you still bring your luggage on board a plane after looking at this data? Table of Contents 1:Comparison of reductions in daily carbon dioxide emissions 2:Number of days of reduction against per capita carbon dioxide emissions 3:If all visitors to Japan did not carry their luggage onto the plane 1:Comparison of reductions in daily carbon dioxide emissions We have previously analyzed the carbon dioxide emission reductions produced by not carrying 20 kg of checked baggage on board an airplane. We have compared the effect of this reduction in daily carbon dioxide emissions with the various other measures this time. In conclusion, we have found that the carbon dioxide emission reductions achieved by reducing the amount of baggage carried on board an airplane are overwhelming. Its carbon dioxide emissions reduction is 74.5 kg for a one-way trip to Japan alone. (Average figure based on the distance from 19 countries to Japan). The carbon dioxide emissions of the 20 kg of checked baggage are based on the data provided by ECTA (The European Clean Trucking Alliance) in their “Guidelines for Measuring and Managing CO2 Emission from Freight Transport Operations” by ECTA (The European Clean Trucking Alliance). The carbon dioxide emissions intensityread moreWould you still bring your luggage on board a plane after looking at this data?

airplane and luggage

Are LCC checked baggage charges “fines imposed by the earth on travelers”?

Are LCC checked baggage charges “fines imposed by the earth on travelers”?   Table of contents 1:Low-cost carrier (LCC) deposit baggage charges 2:The impact of heavy checked baggage on climate change 3:Will full-service airlines (FSAs) follow the LCCs? 4:The challenges of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel)   1:Low-cost carrier (LCC) deposit baggage charges Low-cost carriers (LCCs) have achieved low operating costs by offering only the minimum necessary services and have been able to provide air transport services at lower fares compared to full-service airlines (FSAs). They are also known for charging for checked baggage. For Japanese and Asian LCCs, one-way charges for 20 kg of checked baggage to Japan range from JPY 3,200 to JPY 3,700 (at the time of booking the ticket), as LCCs are aware that carrying extra checked baggage increases fuel costs.   20 kg checked luggage fee (one way to Japan, Yen)   However, the carriage of heavy checked baggage by aircraft not only consumes extra fuel but also hurts climate change by emitting additional carbon dioxide emissions. Deposit baggage charges may therefore be seen as a ‘fine from the earth’ for travelers who fly with heavy baggage. 2:The impact of heavy checked baggage on climate changeread moreAre LCC checked baggage charges “fines imposed by the earth on travelers”?



行李箱將會有重大改變   目次 1: 行李箱的歷史 2: 各種產品的進化史 3: 產品的進化特點(小型化・輕量化・省能源化・減碳化) 4: 行李箱要朝向何種方向進化呢   1 : 行李箱的歷史 在最初,行李袋是為了便於搭乘蒸汽船及蒸汽火車而推出的產品,但即使已經來到了主要搭乘飛機到國外旅行的年代,行李袋款式及外型與發明、販賣之初比起來並無太大變化,由此可見在1854年由Louis Vuitton推出的行李袋,已經是一個完成度相當高的產品。 行李箱是直到1972年,美國的貝爾納・薩多夫(Bernard Sadow)為手提行李箱加裝上輪子,並開始販賣這種「帶輪行李箱」(Rolling Luggage),才讓行李箱有了一個與以往不同的改變。雖然因為加裝輪子而增加了便利性,但是在尺寸、重量部分,並沒有做到小型化、輕量化的功用,這麼一來,並無助於改變在搭飛機時因為托運行李所造成的二氧化碳排放量,甚至可能會為了讓輪子在平坦道路上能夠更好拖行,將行李箱的尺寸做得更大,重量做得更重。 2 : 各種產品的進化史 各種產品的進化史   至於在行李箱沒有重大演進的期間,其他產品有無任何變化呢?在Louis Vuitton發明行李袋6年後的1860年,英國的約瑟夫・斯萬(Joseph Swan)發明了白熾燈,但是到了現代,照明已經發展至使用省電的LED燈泡為主流,並且各國也開始限制生產白熾燈。在2022年4月26日,美國能源部(DOE)發表了新法規,禁止銷售每瓦能效低於45 流明的燈泡,目標在促使照明趨勢,從能源效率低的白熾燈轉變到高效的LED燈泡。 在白熾燈發明10年後的1870年,奧地利人齊格弗里德・馬庫斯(Siegfried Marcus)發明了以汽油為驅動方式的汽車,在汽車問世當時雖然也已經有了電動車的存在,不過因為行駛距離等差異,讓汽車在當時成為主流。在那以後,1997年時TOYOTA推出了混合動力車 (Hybrid Vehicle)Prius,並以廣告標語「趕上21世紀了」讓大家留下非常深刻印象。在現在這個高度關注氣候變遷議題的年代,為了達成降低溫室氣體排放,社會有逐漸從汽車轉型為電動車的趨勢。歐盟也在2022年10月27日時發表了,將於2035年起禁止販售燃油車等以内燃機驅動的汽車。 在汽車問世隔年,1871年時義大利的安東尼・奧穆齊(Antonio Meucci)發明了我們所熟知的有線電話,而到現代,電話的外型也轉變成更小型、更輕便於攜帶的手機,甚至進步到現在的智慧型手機。 再來看到音樂器材,在1877年時湯瑪斯・愛迪生發明了留聲機,這個留聲機影響到後來錄放音機的發展,並且在之後也出現了更小型、更輕量的CD及MP3等產品。 而在攝像領域,在1889年時美國的伊士曼柯達公司開始販售一種使用合成樹脂賽璐珞製成膠卷的相機,後來也了有更小型、更輕便,不需要使用到膠卷的數位相機及智慧型手機可以拍照。 在底片相機問世8年後的1897年,卡爾・費迪南德・布勞恩(Karl Ferdinand Braun)發明了映像管(CRT),到了現代,則有了更輕薄的液晶螢幕及OLED螢幕。2000年1月時,日本夏普的電視廣告請來演員吉永小百合來代言,而廣告標語「在20世紀時放在原地的東西,在21世紀時成為能帶著走的東西」,來形容從映像管電視進步到液晶電視這個劃時代的發明。 時間進入1900年代,1962年飛利浦公司研發了卡式錄音帶(儲存聲音用的磁帶),之後這種儲存聲音用的產品,也有了更輕薄的CD及更小型的MP3錄音機。 而卡式錄音機與FM調頻、AM調幅的結合,促成了收音機音響的發明,這個是在1967年時日本松下電器(現Panasonic)開始販賣的產品,後來也有了更輕薄短小的CD隨身聽及MP3播放器等產品。 說到電腦設備,1971年美國IBM開發了可以儲存資料的磁片(Floppy disks),後來磁片被淘汰了,取而代之的是儲存容量更大的傳統硬碟HDD,以及更小、更輕的固態硬碟SDD。   3 : 產品的進化特點(小型化・輕量化・省能源化・減碳化) 回顧了從1800年代至今的各種產品,就可以發現這些產品的轉變不外乎就是小型化、輕量化,或是省能源化、減碳化。 小型化・輕量化 有線電話 → 攜帶的手機,智慧型手機 留聲機 → CD,MP3 底片相機 → 數位相機,智慧型手機 映像管 → 液晶螢幕,OLED螢幕 卡式錄音帶,卡式錄音機 → CD,MP3 磁片(Floppy disks) → HDD,SSD   省能源化・減碳化 白熾燈 → LED燈泡 燃油車 → 電動車   4 : 行李箱要朝向何種方向進化呢 就像各種產品都在不停進化一樣,我們認為行李箱進化、改變的時期也正在到來。由於在搭飛機時托運行李會產生非常大量的二氧化碳排放量,因此,就如同現在各國開始限制白熾燈及汽車(燃油車)的生產及販售一樣,我們預測總有一天會頒布「禁止托運個人重物或行李箱」這樣的規定。 比起需要科技革新才能有所演進的其他產品,行李箱要做到省能源化、減碳化其實一點也不難!只要在旅行目的地直接租用衣服等旅行必需品,立刻就能夠達成上述目標。並且將行李縮小、減輕,這對於高齡者及身心障礙人士、親子旅行等,這些因為在旅行時需要拖著沈重行李而感到沈重壓力的族群而言,能達成真正的「輕旅行」,變得更輕易出門。到世界各處遊覽的機會提高了,也就是解決了「旅行落差」的問題。所以,請務必要試試看我們的旅行用品租借服務! 行李箱在1972年時多了輪子這樣的裝置,只帶來便利性。從那時起到現在正好經過了50年,時代走到了現在的2022年,我認為是時候透過以分享(在旅行目的地租借)旅行必需品的形式,來實現小型化、輕量化、省能源化、減碳化這樣的目標,讓我們一起為實踐永續旅行帶來貢獻。 若是往返日本及海外國家時沒有托運20公斤行李的話,平均一個人能夠降低的二氧化碳排放量為11日份,換算成日常生活中會產生的二氧化碳排放量,約能降低179日份,其效果大約等於186棵樹木在一年間能夠消減的二氧化碳量。更詳細說明請見我們的部落格文章「減少行李,實現可持續發展的旅行」,「減少行李的CO2減排效果顯著」。 從2022年Booking.com的調查中可以看到,全世界旅人中有81%、日本旅人中有73%認為「對自己而言實踐永續旅行是非常重要的事」。不如從現在就開始改變,實現與全世界旅人們相同理念的旅遊型態!   通知 本公司計劃從明年春天開始推出旅行租賃服務,除了能減少攜帶上飛機的行李以外,也能讓大家更輕鬆方便地到處旅行。 在租賃服務開始之前,我們計劃為先到的 10 位客人提供免費的行程規劃。 本人在國內外以每兩個月一次的頻率旅行了200多次,並製定過許多不同的行程。 此外,本公司也為各位編輯了一個可以查看日本 20,000 多個旅遊景點的數據庫。 我們將根據毎位客人的喜好制定行程,如果您有興趣,請通過“註冊/諮詢”與我們聯繫。    


Recommended Japanese Movies Before Traveling to Japan

Movies That You Must See Before Traveling to Japan     Japan is a country full of culture and information that can seem overwhelming when you first come to this country. But there is a way for you to enjoy your trip and understand the customs better. That is watching movies about Japan made in Japan. There are several films, mostly American, about Japan that reflect a fictitious and even stereotypical image of the country. Many people watch these films and when they arrive in Japan they realize that everything is very different from what they saw and can cause confusion and even misunderstandings. So we decided to do deep research, based on calculating the number of tags on social media and the number of web searches and we managed to create a list of the best 20 movies to watch about Japan before coming on a trip. We have also included some 5 films in a special selection because the latter was not included in any other list and in our opinion they are important films about Japanese history and culture. We hope you enjoy them and learn a lot about our wonderful country, Japan.     Japanese Movies Rankingread moreRecommended Japanese Movies Before Traveling to Japan


10 BEST Art Museum in Hokkaido & Tohoku

10 BEST Art Museum in Hokkaido & Tohoku       Japan’s local museums are treasure boxes for people who love art. They got a number of searches and tags and some of them are higher than the ones in big cities such as Tokyo. For example, for the number of tags of The Miyagi Museum of Art, there were 12,000~ in SNS. If you recognize that the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo is only 15,000 tags in SNS, you will know that 12,000~tags is a huge number for a local museum.     日本鄕下的美術館絕對是藝術愛好者的寶箱。 它們獲得了大量的搜索量和標籤數,其中一些更高於東京等大城市。例如宮城美術館在SNS上的tags數就有12,000。如果你知道連東京都現代美術館都只有 15,000 個tags數時,你就會明白 12,000~個tags數對於一個地方美術館來說是一個巨大的數字了。   Hokkaido & Tohoku Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata   Ranking 1.The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture) 2. Yamagata Museum of Art (Yamagata prefecture) 3. Towada Art Center (Aomori prefecture) 4. Aomori Museum Of Art (Aomori prefecture) 5. Rokuhana Forest (Hokkaido) 6. Sapporo Art Park (Hokkaido) 7. Iwate Museum of Art (Iwate prefecture) 8. Otaru Municipal Museum of Art (Hokkaido) 9. Hokkaido Asahikawa Museum of Art (Hokkaido) 10. Hokkaido Museum of Art (Hokkaido)   1. The Miyagi Museum of Art (Miyagi prefecture) Address : 34-1, Kawauchi-Motohasekura, Aoba-ku, Sendai URL : 2. Yamagata Museum of Art (Yamagata prefecture) Address : 1-63 Otemachiread more10 BEST Art Museum in Hokkaido & Tohoku


Best 100 cycling roads in Japan

Best 100 cycling road in Japan      We present the model routes for cycle tourism set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. We have now listed 100 model routes. The Japanese Government designated six “NATIONAL CYCLE ROUTES,” of 100 routes, which meet strict standards in terms of both tangible and intangible. We looked at English and traditional Chinese websites for foreigners who do not fully understand Japanese to experience cycle tourism in Japan. As a result, we listed 60 English websites and 46 traditional Chinese websites with links. Foreign travelers can easily understand the foreign language websites of Okayama and Fukuoka prefectures. Both prefectures have a wide variety of cycling routes, making them a good choice for many cyclists. As travelers need to rent bicycles, we have also listed 66 sites where we were able to find information on bike rental on their official websites. We hope that you will include cycle tourism as one of your travel options in Japan. 這次將為各位介紹國土交通省制定的100條自行車旅遊示範路線。並且其中 6 條為日本政府嚴格篩選、符合標準路線的指定“全國自行車道”。 我們搜索了各自行車路線的英文及中文網站,以便不懂日文的旅客能於日本體驗自行車旅遊。現時已發布了 60 個英文網站及 46 個中文網站。 岡山縣和福岡縣均設有翻譯網站以便外國遊客閱覧。兩個縣均有多種自行車路線,因此非常推薦給許多騎自行車的人。 此外,我們也考量到各位旅客可能需要租用自行車,並於官方網站上發布了 66 個提供自行車租用服務的網站。期待各位旅客能把自行車旅遊作為到訪日本理由之一。   National Cycle Route Hokkaido & Tohoku Hokkaido, Miyagi, Fukushima Kanto Ibaraki, Tochigi, Chiba, Kanagawa Chubu Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Shizuoka, Aichiread moreBest 100 cycling roads in Japan


Summary of July itinerary in Japan (Hokkaido)

Summary of July itinerary in Japan (Hokkaido) From Saturday, July 2 to Monday, July 4, I traveled to Hokkaido (Kushiro and Akkeshi). On this trip, I was able to eat more seasonal seafood and local cuisine than on any previous trip. I was also able to enjoy the great national parks at Lake Akan and the Kushiro Marshland, as well as the wonderful flora and fauna, including nationally protected species like the marimo and the Japanese (tancho) crane. Even in early July, when it was extremely hot in Japan, the temperatures in Kushiro and Akkeshi were 5 to 10°C cooler than in Honshu, making it the perfect summer vacation. I strongly recommend this itinerary for July in Japan. Here is a summary of the trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for the itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. July 2 (Saturday) Day 1 6. July 3 (Sunday) Day 2 7. July 4 (Monday) Day 3   Again, each time, this itinerary was also created withread moreSummary of July itinerary in Japan (Hokkaido)

Crane Park

July itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hokkaido)

July itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hokkaido) (Monday, July 4th)   Table of contents 1. Kushiro Shitsugen (Kushiro Marshland) 2. Kushiro Japanese Crane Reserve   1. Kushiro Shitsugen (Kushiro Marshland) On the last day of my trip to Kushiro and Akkeshi, I went to Kushiro Marshland by “Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go“. The Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go I used is as follows. Depart Kushiro Station at 11:06,  arrive at Kushiro Shitsugen Station at 11:32,  Fare Yen 440 The “Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go” has unreserved seats in Car No. 1 and reserved seats in Cars No. 2 to 4. Cars No. 2 to 4 are observation cars with large windows, so you can fully enjoy the view of Kushiro Marshland. The observation car (reserved seat) costs Yen 530 in addition to the fare, but it is worth it. There are two types of seats in the observation car (reserved seats): box seats and bench seats for two. Bench seats are located on the right side of the train in the direction of travel, at right angles to the window, so they offer a better view of the scenery. However, it is the box seats that offer the best view of Kushiro Marshland. Box seats areread moreJuly itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hokkaido)

Kushiro sunset

July itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido)

July itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido) (Sunday, July 3)   Table of Contents 1. Kokutaiji Temple 2. Akkeshi Shrine 3. Shogyoji Temple 4. Akkeshi Taste Terminal, Conchiglie 5. Akkeshi-Ohashi Bridge 6. Lupin the Third Wrapping Train 7. Flower Clock and Kushiro Sunset     1. Kokutaiji Temple I headed from Kushiro City to Akkeshi-cho to fully enjoy sightseeing in Akkeshi on July 3 (Sun.). I used the following transportation to Akkeishi-cho. Depart Kushiro Station at 8:18,  Nemuro Line “bound for Nemuro Station”,  arrive at Akkeshi Station at 9:11,  Fare Yen 1,130 After arriving at Akkeshi Station, I immediately changed to a bus and headed for Kokutaiji Temple. The transportation I used was as follows. Depart Akkeshi station at 9:15,  Kokutaiji line,  arrive at  Kokutaiji Temple at 9:22,  Fare Yen 170 Kokutaiji Temple was built by the Edo Shogunate in 1804 and is one of the three official temples in Ezo. The other two are Usu Zenkoji Temple (Date City) and Samani Tojuin Temple (Samani Town). The three official temples in Ezo were intended to provide funeral rites for Japanese who died in Ezo (present-day Hokkaido) and to propagate Buddhism to the Ainu people. They were also meant as aread moreJuly itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hokkaido)

Ainu theater

July itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hokkaido)

July itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hokkaido) (Saturday, July 2)   Table of Contents 1. Ainu Kotan 2. Lake Akan Cruise 3. Ainu Theater 4. Nusamai Bridge   1. Ainu Kotan I traveled to Kushiro City and Akkeshi City in Hokkaido for three days and two nights from July 2 (Sat) to 4 (Mon). Of course, we also delivered our luggage and enjoyed “luggage-free travel” on this trip. Flights from Haneda Airport to Kushiro Airport are as follows Depart Haneda Airport at 8:05,  JAL541, arrive at Kushiro Airport at 9:40 Kushiro Airport is nicknamed “Tancho Kushiro Airport”. It is named after the red-crowned cranes that breed in the Kushiro Marshlands and other areas around Kushiro. A crane monument is placed at the bus stop after arriving at Kushiro Airport. I took a bus from Kushiro Airport to Lake Akan. The bus I used is as follows. Depart Kushiro Airport at 10:00,  Airport Liner No.1,  arrive at Akanko Onsen at 11:15,  Fare Yen 2,190 It takes 45 minutes (about 20 km) from Kushiro Airport to Kushiro Station. On the other hand, the distance from Kushiro Airport to Lake Akan is 55 km, more than twice the distance from Kushiro Station, butread moreJuly itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hokkaido)


Fed up with too much luggage for travel with children

Fed up with too much luggage for international travel with children   Table of Contents 1. Oh, I want to travel abroad!  2. What is this? This amount of luggage! 3. Wish we could rent locally.   1. Oh, I want to travel abroad!  Traveling, especially overseas travel had always been a hobby of mine, and I had enjoyed traveling abroad every year since I was a student and even after I got married. However, I always had the thought in the back of my mind, “If I have children, I will not be able to travel abroad as often as I would like. In fact, for several years after the birth of my child, I gave up on the idea of traveling abroad. But in my heart, the desire to travel abroad was simmering. Oh, I want to go, I want to travel. I want to go abroad. Finally, I reached the end of my patience and took on the challenge of traveling abroad with my child. The destination was Italy, which my husband and I love and have visited many times before. We decided to go on a free tour because a time-limited tour is a bit difficultread moreFed up with too much luggage for travel with children

Sumiyoshi taisha

Summary of June itinerary in Japan ( Osaka, Kyoto )

Summary of June itinerary in Japan ( Osaka, Kyoto )   I traveled to Osaka, Kyoto, and Aichi Prefectures from Wednesday, June 8 to Friday, June 10. On this trip, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal seafood and local cuisine such as sea bass and sweetfish, and visit wonderful sightseeing spots such as world heritage sites, national treasures, and national important cultural properties. I strongly recommend that you travel in June, especially in Osaka, Kyoto, and Aichi Prefectures, which are not suitable for travel in July and August due to the extremely hot weather. Here is a summary of our trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. June 8 (Wednesday) Day 1 6. June 9 (Thursday) Day 2 7. June 10 (Friday) Day 3   Again, each time, this itinerary was also created with the objective of “eating all the seasonal seafood and local cuisine”. Food is the first priority, and sightseeing spots are second. Nevertheless,read moreSummary of June itinerary in Japan ( Osaka, Kyoto )

Miyama's Thatched Village

June itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kyoto, Aichi prefecture)

June itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kyoto, Aichi prefecture) (Friday, June 10)   Table of contents 1. Miyama’s Thatched Village (Kayabuki-no-Sato) 2. Miyama folklore museum 3. Chii Hachiman Shrine 4. Kobayashi Family Residence 5. Nagoya City Hall / Aichi Prefectural Office   1. Miyama’s Thatched Village (Kayabuki-no-Sato) I went to Miyama, Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture, in the morning on June 10. The transportation I used was as follows Depart Kyoto Station at 8:04,  San-in Line “bound for Sonobe”,  arrive at Sonobe Station at 8:51 Depart Sonobe Station at 8:52,  San-in Line “bound for Goma”,  arrive at Hiyoshi Station at 9:01 Depart Hiyoshi Station at 9:10,   Miyama Sonobe Line “bound for Kyu Chii Elementary School”,  arrive at Miyama Clinic at 9:45 Total fare: Yen 1,370 I got off at the Miyama Clinic bus stop and rented a bicycle at the Kyoto Tamba Kogen Quasi-National Park Visitor Center to go to Miyama’s Thatched Village (Kayabuki-no-Sato). Electric bicycles were Yen 1,500 per day. However, the price will double to Yen 3,000 per day from July 1, 2022. The Kyoto Tamba Kogen Quasi-National Park Visitor Center (bike rental office) offers free luggage storage. It took about 20 minutes to get to “Miyama’s Thatched Villageread moreJune itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kyoto, Aichi prefecture)


June itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kyoto prefecture)

June itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kyoto prefecture) (Thursday, June 9)   Table of contents 1. Toji Temple 2. Fushimi Inari Taisha 3. Hotoji Temple 4. Tofukuji Temple 5. Saisho Kongoin Temple / Funda-in (Sesshuji Temple) 6. Unryu-in 7. Sennyuji Temple   1. Toji Temple I went to Toji Temple at 8:00 in the morning on June 9. Toji Temple is registered as a World Heritage site as a component of “Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities),” and its Kondo and five-story pagoda are designated as national treasure buildings. The five-story pagoda of Toji Temple is visible from the Shinkansen, making it the most viewed temple by visitors to Kyoto. Toji Temple was founded in 796. It was built as an national temple for the protection of the Heian-kyo capital. Later, in 823, Emperor Saga bestowed Toji Temple to Kukai (Kobo Daishi), who made it the Konpon Dojo (fundamental training hall) of Shingon esoteric Buddhism. Toji Temple is the only remaining structure from the Heian-kyo period. Due to several fires, no buildings from the time of its foundation remain in Toji Temple. However, the orderly arrangement of the temple buildings in a straight line from south toread moreJune itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kyoto prefecture)

Kanshinji Temple

June itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Osaka prefecture)

June itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Osaka prefecture) (Wednesday, June 8)   Table of contents 1. Tsutenkaku Tower 2. Yasui Shrine 3. Shoman-in 4. Shitennoji Temple 5. Sumiyoshi Taisha 6. Kanshinji Temple 7. Eboshigata Hachiman Shrine 8. Nagano Shrine   1. Tsutenkaku Tower Traveled to Osaka and Kyoto prefectures from June 8th (Wednesday) to 10th (Friday). It was a sunny day for all three days on the trip just before the rainy season. I often cycled around sightseeing spots on all three days, and my face and arms were tanned black. On Wednesday, June 8th, I flew from Haneda Airport to Itami Airport, took a limousine bus to Osaka City, and then went around sightseeing spots in Osaka. The transportation I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:30,  JAL103,  arrive at Itami Airport at 8:35 Depart Itami Airport at 9:05,  limousine bus “bound for Namba Station”,  arrive at Namba Station at 9:30,  Fare Yen 650 The limousine bus is fast and convenient from Itami Airport to Namba Station. Since the limousine bus uses the highway, it only takes 25 minutes from Itami Airport to Namba Station. By the way, it takes 16 minutes by subway from Shin-Osaka stationread moreJune itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Osaka prefecture)

International Travel Stories of Wheelchair Users

Wheelchair users want to travel abroad without any worries! Read about my experiences!   Table of Contents 1. My first trip abroad was to Hawaii 2. Any difficulties would be moving my luggage 3. Summary   Dear wheelchair users! I’d love to travel abroad! But, “I’m in a wheelchair…”? But do you ever think, “I’m in a wheelchair…” But, have you been holding back because you are in a wheelchair? I have been in a wheelchair due to a disability I was born with, but I have experienced international travel! So, before you give up, please read about my experiences! I am sure you will have passion and hope to travel abroad! ~My first trip abroad was to Hawaii~ My first trip abroad was to Hawaii as a graduation gift from high school. I chose Hawaii for two reasons. I wanted to test my English language skills because I was going to study English literature at the time, and I thought it would be an easy place to live in a wheelchair. The local people and bus drivers were very kind to me, and it was a wonderful trip. ~Any difficulties would be moving my luggage~ Overall, the trip wasread moreInternational Travel Stories of Wheelchair Users


Summary of May itinerary in Japan (Kumamoto trip)

Summary of May itinerary in Japan (Kumamoto trip) I travelled to Kumamoto Prefecture (partly Fukuoka Prefecture) from Tuesday, 17 May to Thursday, 19 May. On this trip I was able to eat a lot of seasonal seafood and local cuisine and visit wonderful tourist attractions such as World Heritage Sites, national treasures and national important cultural properties. As my main objective was to eat local cuisine, I was able to eat more local dishes than I have on previous trips. I would strongly recommend this May Japan itinerary to everyone. A summary of this trip and some notes are reported below.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. May 17 (Tuesday) Day 1 6. May 18 (Wednesday) Day 2 7. May 19 (Thursday) Day 3   As I repeat every time, this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, Iread moreSummary of May itinerary in Japan (Kumamoto trip)


May itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kumamoto prefecture)

May itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kumamoto prefecture) (Thursday, May 19)   Table of contents 1. Einoo Tsurugi Shrine 2. Misumi Port Ferry Terminal (Pyramid of the Sea) 3. Misumi Station 4. Misumi West Port 5. Miike Coal Mine Manda Pit 6. Miike Coal Mine Miyanohara Pit   1. Einoo Tsurugi Shrine I went to “Einoo Tsurugi Shrine”, which is about a 10-minute walk from the accommodation “Kappo Ryokan Shoukin-kan” on the morning of May 19th. Einoo Tsurugi Shrine was founded in 713. It is said that Kaidogami (Tamayori-Hime) came on the back of a huge “Ray (Batoidea)” and was enshrined. At the dinner I had at Nishiki Sushi the day before, the master told me about Einoo Tsurugi Shrine. Residents around Einoo Tsurugi Shrine still do not eat “Ray (Batoidea)” as a god’s companion. A torii stood in the sea overlooking the Shiranui Sea. The precincts of Einoo Tsurugi Shrine (Uki City) are known as a viewing point for the Shiranui phenomenon. It has been designated as a national scenic spot as “Shiranui and Mizushima”. In 2022, the Shiranui phenomenon is scheduled to appear on the night of August 26th.   2. Misumi Port Ferry Terminal (Pyramid of theread moreMay itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Kumamoto prefecture)


May itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kumamoto prefecture)

May itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kumamoto prefecture) (Wednesday, May 18)   Table of contents 1. Shin-Yatsushiro Station / Yatsushiro Station 2. Kumamon Port Yatsushiro 3. Former Gunchiku-Shinchi Kogo sluice gate 4. Yatsushiro Municipal Museum 5. Shohinken 6. Yatsushiro Castle Ruins / Yatsushiro-gu 7. Ryuo Shrine 8. Shunkoji Temple 9. Yatsushiro Shrine (Myoken shrine)   1. Shin-Yatsushiro Station / Yatsushiro Station I moved from Hitoyoshi City to Yatsushiro City in the morning of May 18th (Wednesday). The transportation I used is as follows. Depart Hitoyoshi IC at 9:54,  highway bus “bound for Shin-Yatsushiro station”,  arrive at Shin-Yatsushiro station at 10:34 Depart Shin-Yatsushiro Station at 10:46, Kagoshima Main Line “bound for Yatsushiro”,  arrive at Yatsushiro station at 10:50,  total fare Yen 1,590 At Shin-Yatsushiro Station, there is Kumamon with a fireworks shaku ball. Kumamon with this shaku ball is named after the “Yatsushiro National Fireworks Competition Festival“. The “Yatsushiro National Fireworks Competition Festival” is held in October every year. In Yatsushiro City, there are more than 100 Kumamon in the city. There is also a Kumamon map. I didn’t know in advance that there were so many Kumamon in Yatsushiro, but I did see so many Kumamon in the city. Ifread moreMay itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kumamoto prefecture)

Aoi shrine

May itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kumamoto Prefecture)

May itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kumamoto Prefecture) (Tuesday, May 17)   Table of contents 1. Aoi Aso Shrine 2. Oikami Shrine, Hitoyoshi Castle Ruins 3. Iwaya-kumanoza Shrine 4. bridges, railroad tracks 5. Gansei-ji Temple 6. Kamada Shoyury / Tateyama Shop 7. Hitoyoshi Railway Museum, Hitoyoshi Station 8. Yamada Daio Shrine   1. Aoi Aso Shrine I traveled to Kumamoto prefecture from May 17th (Tuesday) for 2 nights and 3 days. First, I flew from Haneda Airport to Kagoshima Airport. The planes I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:40,  ANA2471,  arrive at Kagoshima Airport at 9:30 When I arrived at Kagoshima Airport, there was a footbath called “Oyattosa” near the bus stop. The great thing about “Oyattosa” is that people in wheelchairs can use the footbath while riding in a wheelchair. I think it’s a great initiative. I went to Hitoyoshi City by limousine bus. The limousine bus I used are as follows. Kagoshima Airport is overwhelmingly closer to Hitoyoshi City than Kumamoto Airport, so I used Kagoshima Airport. Depart Kagoshima Airport at 9:45,  arrive at Hitoyoshi IC at 10:37,  Fare Yen 1,420 After arriving in Hitoyoshi city, I had lunch and rented a bicycle to seeread moreMay itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kumamoto Prefecture)

Bonito no tataki

Summary of April itinerary in Japan ( Kochi, Ehime )

Summary of April itinerary in Japan ( Kochi, Ehime )   I traveled to Kochi and Ehime prefectures from April 18th (Monday) to April 21st (Thursday). On this trip, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal seafood such as first bonito of season and local dishes such as Uwajima Tai-meshi. In addition, I was able to visit many wonderful tourist destinations such as national treasures, national important cultural properties, and national Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings. This is the April Japan itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes. As I repeat every time, this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, I aimed to visit as many tourist spots as possible, such as national treasures, national important cultural properties , and national Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travelread moreSummary of April itinerary in Japan ( Kochi, Ehime )

Taisanji Temple

April itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Ehime Prefecture)

April itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Ehime Prefecture) (Thursday, April 21)   Table of contents 1. Taisanji Temple 2. Taihoji Temple 3. Bansuiso 4. Matsuyama Castle, Ishiteji Temple, Dogo Onsen (for 2020 visit)   1. Taisanji Temple I went to Taisanji Temple on the morning of April 21st (Thursday). The transportation from the Okaido where I was staying to Taisanji Temple is as follows. Depart city hall at 8:33,  Iyotetsu Bus “bound for the Driver’s License Center”,  arrive at Katamawari at 9:05,  Fare Yen 720 It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the Katamawari bus stop to the Taisanji main hall. It is a little over 5 minutes on foot to the Ninomon (Deva gate), which is a national important cultural property, but you need to walk a gentle slope for about 10 minutes from the Ninomon to the main hall of Taisanji Temple. The slope to the main hall gets tired when we walk. It was sung in a Buddhist pilgrim’s hymn as “If you go up to Taisan, you may sweat. No suffering shall later come the next life”. Ninomon (Deva gate) is an eight-legged gate built by Irimoya (building with a gabled, hipped roof), which wasread moreApril itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Ehime Prefecture)

rice field

April itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kochi, Ehime)

April itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kochi, Ehime) (Tuesday, April 19)   Table of contents 1. Shimanto River Cycling 2. Ekawasaki Station 3. Matsumaru Station 4. Okuuchi rice terraces (Yuzuriha rice terraces) 5. Uwajima Station 6. Uwajima Castle     1. Shimanto River Cycling I went cycling on the Shimanto River from 8 am on April 19th (Tuesday). It is a 42km long-distance cycling from Nakamura station downstream to Ekawasaki station upstream. It is exactly the same distance as the marathon course. Since it is a “luggage-free trip”, it is possible to cycle by dropping off (borrowing at Nakamura Station and returning at Ekawasaki Station).  The route goes upstream of the river, but the slope is so gentle that it didn’t bother me. It took three and a half hours. I thought there were other cyclists besides me, but I never saw them. I rented a bicycle at the Shimanto Tourism Association at Nakamura Station the day before for a fee of Yen 2,000 for 24 hours, so I was able to leave the hotel in the morning. The Shimanto River is the longest river in Shikoku with a total length of 196 km. It is the 11th longest riverread moreApril itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Kochi, Ehime)


April itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kochi Prefecture)

April itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kochi Prefecture) (Monday, April 18)   Table of contents 1. Kochi Prefectural Kochi Otemae High School 2. Landscape of Kure Port and Fisherman Town 3. Kure Hachimangu Shrine 4. Nishioka Brewery 5. Ichijo Shrine 6. Fuba Hachimangu Shrine   1. Kochi Prefectural Kochi Otemae High School I traveled to Kochi and Ehime prefectures from April 18th (Monday) for 3 nights and 4 days. This time as well, I sent my luggage to my travel destination and enjoyed the “Luggage-free trip”. I flew from Haneda Airport to Kochi Ryoma Airport. The planes I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:55,  ANA561,  arrive at Kochi Ryoma Airport at 9:15 Planes before takeoff were lined up at Haneda Airport. I could see the Yokohama Bay Bridge from the plane, but after that I couldn’t enjoy the scenery with the clouds. However, the weather improved over Kochi, and I was able to enjoy the view of Kochi Prefecture from the sky. I arrived at Kochi Ryoma Airport and took a limousine bus to Kochi Station. The limousine buses I used are as follows. Depart Kochi Ryoma Airport at 9:20,  Limousine Bus Kochi Airport Line,  arrive atread moreApril itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Kochi Prefecture)


Summary of March itinerary in Japan (Hiroshima, Okayama)

Summary of March itinerary in Japan (Hiroshima, Okayama)   I traveled to Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures from March 22nd (Tuesday) to March 25th (Friday). I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, and visited wonderful tourist destinations such as World Heritage Sites, National Treasures, National Important Cultural Properties, and National Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings on this trip. It was the most visited tourist destination in the four-day domestic trip so far. I was able to enjoy fresh seafood such as seasonal oysters and agricultural products unique to the production areas such as Kuwai (sagittaria rhizome, Fukuyama City) and Yellow Chinese chives (Kurashiki City), which are overwhelmingly produced in Japan on this trip. In addition, I was able to eat Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki and Onomichi ramen, which are typical local gourmet foods. This is the March Japan itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 best of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions for itinerary in Japan moreSummary of March itinerary in Japan (Hiroshima, Okayama)

Abuto Kannon

March itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Hiroshima, Okayama)

March itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Hiroshima, Okayama) (Friday, March 25)   Table of contents 1. Stone light house 2. Ota family residence 3. Hosenji Temple, Myorenji Temple, Nunakuma Shrine, Ankokuji Temple 4. Masuya Seiemon House, Ryoma’s hidden room 5. Fukuzenji Temple, Taichoro 6. Bandaiji Temple, Abuto Kannon 7. Myooin Temple 8. Kusado Inari Shrine 9. Ohashi family residence 10. Ohara Museum of Art, Shin-Kojima-Kan (provisional name) 11. Walk around Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter 12. Former Ohara’s house, Yurinso   1. Stone light house I went to Tomonoura by bus from Fukuyama Station on the morning of March 25. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Fukuyama Station at 8:20,  Tomo Railway Bus “bound for Tomo Port”,  arrive at Tomonoura at 8:50,  fare Yen 530 I got off at Tomonoura bus stop, but if you want to start walking around the all‐night light stone lantern, it is more convenient to get off at Tomo Port bus stop, which is the end point. The Tomonoura Tourist Information Center is just off the Tomonoura bus stop. You should get off at Tomonoura bus stop to collect tourist information. Tomonoura is an old town that has been a village since ancient times,read moreMarch itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Hiroshima, Okayama)

Jodoji Temple

March itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hiroshima prefecture)

March itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hiroshima prefecture) (Thursday, March 24)   Table of contents 1. Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings 2. Taketsuru Sake Brewery 3. Shunpu-kan / Fukko-kan 4. Onomichi Hondori Shopping Street 5. Tenneiji Temple 6. Saikokuji Temple 7. Saigoji Temple 8. Jodoji Temple 9. Fukuyama Castle     1. Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings On the morning of March 24, I took a bus from Hiroshima Station to the “Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings”. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Hiroshima Station at 8:34,  Geiyo Bus “bound for Tadanoumi Station”,  arrive at Takehara Station at 9:38,  fare Yen 1,210 It is a little over 10 minutes on foot from Takehara Station to “Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings”. I went to Takehara Station, but from Hiroshima Station, getting off at the bus stop “Takehara chuo(in the center of Takehara)” is closer to the “Takehara Preservation District of Important Historical Buildings”. You can also go from Hiroshima Station to Takehara Station by train instead of by bus. However train takes more than two hours, because train operates on winding seaside railroad. It is almost twice as long as aread moreMarch itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hiroshima prefecture)


March itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hiroshima prefecture)

March itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hiroshima prefecture) (Wednesday, March 23)   Table of contents 1. Hokoku Shrine, Five-storied Pagoda 2. Mt. Misen 3. Hayashi family residence 4. Daishoin Temple 5. Itsukushima Shrine 6. Daiganji Temple 7. Kokuzenji Temple   1. Hokoku Shrine, Five-storied Pagoda I went to Miyajima (the Island of Itsukushima) on March 23rd. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Hiroshima Station at 7:50,  Sanyo Line “bound for Iwakuni”,  arrive at Miyajima-guchi Station at 8:18 Depart JR Miyajima Ferry at 8:30,  “bound for Miyajima Pier”,  arrive at Miyajima Pier at 8:40,  Total fare Yen 600 I left early in the morning, but Miyajima Ferry was quite crowded with junior high school and high school students on school trips. Miyajima is famous as one of the three most scenic spots of Japan. Matsushima in Miyagi and Amanohashidate in Kyoto are also the three most scenic spots of Japan. I went to Matsushima in September 2021 and Amanohashidate in October 2021. Therefore, by visiting Miyajima this time, I was able to go to all the three most scenic spots in Japan within a year. The statue of Kiyomori Taira is located just off Miyajima Pier. Itsukushima Shrineread moreMarch itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hiroshima prefecture)


March itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hiroshima prefecture)

March itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hiroshima prefecture) (Tuesday, March 22)   Table of contents 1. Fudoin 2. Memorial Cathedral for World Peace 3. Shukkeien (Asano Park) 4. Hiroshima Castle 5. Atomic Bomb Dome 6. Children’s Peace Monument 7. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum 8. Shirakami-sha Shrine   1. Fudoin I traveled to Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures from March 22 (Tuesday) for 3 nights and 4 days. This time as well, I sent my luggage to my travel destination and enjoyed the “luggage-free trip”. I flew from Haneda Airport to Hiroshima Airport. The planes I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 8:15,  ANA673,  arrive at Hiroshima Airport at 9:45 I arrived at Hiroshima Airport and went to Hiroshima city by limousine bus. The limousine buses I used are as follows. Depart Hiroshima Airport at 10:05,  arrive at Hiroshima Station Shinkansen Exit at 10:55,   Fare Yen 1,370 After arriving in Hiroshima city, I ate okonomiyaki and headed to Fudoin. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Hiroshima Station at 12:00,  Sanyo Line “bound for Onoura”,  arrive at Shin-Hakushima Station at 12:03 Depart Shin-Hakushima Station at 12:10,  Astramline “bound for Chorakuji”,  arrive at Fudoin-mae Station at 12:14,  total fareread moreMarch itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hiroshima prefecture)

snow crab

Summary of February itinerary in Japan (Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane)

Summary of February itinerary in Japan (Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane trip)   I traveled to Hyogo, Tottori, and Shimane prefectures from Wednesday, February 23rd to Sunday, February 27th. I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, and I was able to visit wonderful tourist destinations such as national treasures and national important cultural properties on this trip. Since this trip was mainly on the Sea of ​​Japan side of Hyogo, Tottori, and Shimane prefectures, I was able to enjoy the fresh seafood of the Sea of ​​Japan such as live snow crab. In addition, I was able to fully eat food of the mountains such as “Botan nabe (wild boar meat hot pot)”. This is the February Japanese itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes. I will comment repeatedly every time, but this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, we aimed to visit as many tourist spots as possible, such as national treasures and national important cultural properties.   Tableread moreSummary of February itinerary in Japan (Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane)

Matsue Castle

February itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Tottori, Shimane)

February itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Tottori, Shimane) (Sunday, February 27)   Table of contents 1. Walk around Yonago city 2. Yakumo Honjin 3. Kamosu Shrine 4. Matsue Castle 5. Jozan Inari Shrine 6. Karakoro Art Studio 7. Yuushien 8. Yonago Kitaro Airport   1. Walk around Yonago city I took a walk in Yonago city on the morning of February 27. First, I went to the Yonago Castle Ruins. Yonago Castle once had a five-storied castle tower and a four-storied turret, and was called “the best castle in the Sanin region.” It is said that Yonago Castle started around 1591 when Kikkawa Hiroie built a castle on Minatoyama at an altitude of about 90m. Honmaru, Ninomaru, etc. are designated as national historic sites. In addition, Yonago Castle was selected as the strongest castle in the NHK New Year’s special feature “Japan’s Strongest Castle Special 10th-A Castle with a Superb View That You Want to Visit Someday” broadcast on New Year’s Day 2022. This is because the magnificent view from the castle tower overlooking Oyama, Nakaumi, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the city area was highly evaluated. I wanted to climb to the castle tower ruins, but I gave upread moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Tottori, Shimane)

Kurayoshi Shirakabe Dozo-gun

February itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Tottori prefecture)

February itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Tottori prefecture) (Saturday, February 26)   Table of contents 1. Tottori Sand Dunes 2. Tottori Station / Kurayoshi Station 3. Kurayoshi Shirakabe Dozo-gun 4. Walk around Kurayoshi 5. Toyoda family residence 6. Kurayoshi Yodoya 7. Hasedera temple 8. Yonago Station   1. Tottori Sand Dunes I took a bus from Tottori Station to Tottori Sand Dunes on the morning of February 26. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Tottori Station 9:10,  39 Tottori Sand Dunes Line “bound for Sand Dunes Hall”,  arrive at Sand Dunes Hall 9:32,  fare Yen 380 Tottori Sand Dunes is about a 1-minute walk from the Sand Dunes Hall. Tottori Sand Dunes is a tourist destination that represents Tottori prefecture, and I have visited it several times. However, this was my first winter visit. The Tottori Sand Dunes is a vast sand dune 2.4km north-south and 16km east-west. It is the largest sand dune in Japan that can be visited. It has been selected as a national natural monument. Although the Tottori Sand Dunes in winter had a little snow, it wasn’t completely piled up, so the scenery was not good. There was a lot of snow inread moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Tottori prefecture)

White Stork

February itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hyogo, Tottori)

February itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hyogo, Tottori) (Friday, February 25)   Table of contents 1. Sakataru Shrine 2. Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork 3. Walk around Toyooka city 4. Tottori Castle Ruins, Jinpukaku 5. Minoura family samurai gate 6. Tottori Toshogu 7. Tottori City History Museum 8. Fukuda family house   1. Sakataru Shrine I took a taxi to Sakataru Shrine in the morning of February 25. I really wanted to go to Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork by bus, but I missed the bus, so I had no choice but to take a taxi to Sakataru Shrine at the end of Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork. However, this led to a lucky event as described below. As a result, it was all right. As the name suggests, Sakataru Shrine is a shrine related to sake. The god of worship is Sakamizuo no Mikoto and Sakamizume no Mikoto, the ancestor of Toji and the guardian deity of the sake brewer. I couldn’t go this time, but in Toyooka City, there is a shrine called Nakajima Shrine that enshrines the gods of sweets (Tajimamori), and is revered by confectionery companies nationwide. The main shrineread moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Hyogo, Tottori)

Kaibara Hachiman Shrine

February itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hyogo prefecture)

February itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hyogo prefecture) (Thursday, February 24)   Table of contents 1. Taiko Yagura 2. Kaibara Hachiman Shrine 3. Tanba City Hall Kaibara Branch, Great Zelkova tree (Kinone bashi) 4. Oda Shrine / Takeisao Shrine 5. Former Hikami Junior High School Building 6. Kaibara feudal lord Oda clan former residence Nagaya-mon, Kaibara Domain Jinya 7. Shinkoro 8. Izushi Castle Ruins 9. Meiji-kan 10. Sukyoji Temple (Takuandera Temple) 11. Izushi Sake Brewery 12. Former Fukutomi House 13. Sakuraya 14. Kogoro Katsura dwelling site 15. Oryu lantern 16. Eirakukan 17. Hide Shrine     1. Taiko Yagura I had breakfast at the hotel and took a bus to Kaibara station. The bus I got on is as follows. Depart Sasayamahoncho 9:12,  Shinki Bus “bound for Tanba Medical Center”,  arrive at Kaibara Station 9:42,  fare Yen 720 The main purpose of Kaibara is to visit “Kaibara Hachiman Shrine”, a national important cultural property. It was my first visit to Kaibara. It was a fun city to walk around. When you go to Tanba Sasayama, I definitely want you to go to Kaibara. First of all, I went to “Taiko Yagura”. It is less than 5 minutes walk from Kaibararead moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Hyogo prefecture)

tanba sasayama

February itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hyogo prefecture)

February itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hyogo prefecture) (Wednesday, February 23)   Table of contents 1, Taisho Romankan 2, Sasayama Castle Ruins 3, Aoyama Historical Village & Dekanshokan museum 4, Sasayama samurai districts 5, Sasayama merchant districts 6, Makekirai Inari 7, Tanba Sasayama City Historical Museum 8, Kasuga Shrine 9, Seiganji Temple 10, Sasayama Castletown Hotel NIPPONIA   1, Taisho Romankan From Wednesday, February 23, I traveled to Hyogo, Tottori, and Shimane prefectures for 4 nights and 5 days. This time as well, I sent my luggage to my travel destination and enjoyed the “luggage-free trip”. First, I flew from Haneda Airport to Osaka Itami Airport and headed for Tanba Sasayama City. The planes I used are as follows. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:25,  JAL103,  arrive at Osaka Itami Airport at 8:35 Arrived at Osaka Itami Airport and went to Tanba Sasayama city by monorail, Hankyu Railway, JR and bus. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Osaka Airport Station at 8:53,  Osaka Monorail,  arrive at  Hotarugaike Station at 8:55 Depart Hotarugaike Station at 9:03,  Hankyu Railway Takarazuka Main Line Express for Takarazuka,  arrive at Takarazuka Station at 9:23 Depart JR Takarazuka Station,  Limited Express Kounotori No. 3, read moreFebruary itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Hyogo prefecture)

Five-Story Pagoda

Summary of January itinerary in Japan (Yamagata trip)

Summary of January itinerary in Japan (Yamagata trip)   I traveled to Yamagata prefecture (Tohoku region) from January 25th (Tuesday) to January 28th (Friday). On this trip, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, and I was able to visit wonderful tourist destinations such as the national treasure and national important cultural properties. Although it was a trip within the same prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture had different cultures and food cultures depending on the region, so it was a very satisfying trip. This is the January itinerary in Japan that I highly recommend to everyone. In addition, I will report a summary of this trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 selections of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” eaten in this Japanese itinerary 3. Travel precautions (local trains) for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. January 25 (Tuesday) Day 1  6. January 26 (Wednesday) Day 2 7. January 27 (Thursday) Day 3 8. January 28 (Friday) Day 4   As I repeat every time, this itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eatingread moreSummary of January itinerary in Japan (Yamagata trip)

The former Tsuruoka Police Office

January itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Yamagata Sightseeing+Meal)

January itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Yamagata Sightseeing+Meal) (Friday, January 28)   This time, I traveled a long time and visited few sightseeing spots, so I will write the sightseeing and meals in one blog. Thank you for your understanding.   Table of contents 1. Konpiraso 2. Chido Museum 3. Shonai Clan School Chidokan 4. Fruit shop Aomoriya 5. Mitsubo   1. Konpiraso After enjoying the bath at SHONAI HOTEL SUIDEN TERRASSE from the morning, I had a ramen as a brunch at the ramen shop “Konpiraso” in Sanze. The means of transportation from Suiden Terrace to “Konpiraso” are as follows. A taxi from SUIDEN TERRASSE to Tsuruoka Station takes less than 10 minutes and costs about Yen 1,000 Depart Tsuruoka Station at 10:17,  Uetsu Line “bound for Murakami”,  arrive at Sanze Station at 10:32,  fare Yen 330 It is less than 20 minutes on foot from Sanze Station to “Konpiraso”. I arrived at “Konpiraso” at 10:50, but the numbered ticket was already 29th. “Konpiraso” is open at 11 o’clock, but it seems that the store will open shortly before it opens, and it was already full. “Konpiraso” is still a very popular ramen shop. This was my third moreJanuary itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Yamagata Sightseeing+Meal)

Five-Story Pagoda

January Itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Yamagata)

January Itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Yamagata) (Thursday, January 27)   Table of contents 1. Mt. Haguro Five-story Pagoda 2. Mt. Haguro Sanjin Gosaiden 3. Kamo Aquarium   1. Mt. Haguro Five-story Pagoda In the morning, I left the Suiden Terrasse Hotel and headed for Mt. Haguro via Tsuruoka Station. The buses I used are as follows. Depart Science Park at 8:37,  Shonai Airport shuttle bus,  arrive at Tsuruoka station at 8:46,  fare Yen 330 Depart Tsuruoka Station at 9:43,  Tsuruoka Haguro Sancho Line “bound for Ideha cultural museum”,  arrive at Ideha cultural museum at 10:20 I bought a one-day ticket for Shonai Kotsu’s fixed‐route bus for Yen 2,000 at the Tsuruoka City Tourist Information Center in front of Tsuruoka Station on the 1st floor of FOODEVER. The round trip from Tsuruoka Station to Mt. Haguro costs Yen 2,500, so the one-day ticket is a great deal. There were few passengers other than me on the round-trip bus to Mt. Haguro. There is a bus stop called Science Park in front of the Suiden Terrasse Hotel, but the hotel staff said that the Suiden Terrasse Hotel has no means of transportation for local buses. This is because the bus stop atread moreJanuary Itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Yamagata)


January itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Yamagata)

January itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Yamagata) (Wednesday, January 26)   Table of contents 1. Move from Oishida Station to Tsuruoka Station 2. Heishindo Merchant House 3. Tsuruoka Catholic Church 4. Taihokan 5. Shonai Shrine 6. Tsuruoka Art Forum 7. Sanno Hie Shrine 8. SUIDEN TERRASSE HOTEL   1. Move from Oishida Station to Tsuruoka Station I left Ginzan Onsen at 10:30 by the shuttle bus from Notoya Ryokan and arrived at Oishida Station at 11:00. At Ginzan Onsen, there was no snow in the passage, but there was deep snow in the mountains. After arriving at Oishida station, I moved to Tsuruoka station. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Oishida Station at 11:11,  Yamagata Line “bound for Shinjo”,  arrive at Shinjo Station at 11:32 Depart Shinjo Station at 13:10,  Rikuu West Line “bound for Amarume”,  arrive at Amarume Station at 13:57 Depart Amarume Station at 14:03,  Uetsu Line “bound for Atsumi Onsen”,  arrive at Tsuruoka Station at 14:19,   total fare Yen1,520 I enjoyed a leisurely trip using all local lines. From the train, I could see the snowy landscape as far as I could see and the Mogami River with snow on both banks, and enjoyedread moreJanuary itinerary in Japan Day 2 (Yamagata)

Ginzan onsen

January itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata)

January Itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata) (Tuesday, January 25)   Table of contents 1. Yamagata Prefectural Museum Educational Resources Museum 2. Yamagata Prefecture Local Museum “Bunshokan” (Former Prefectural Office and Assembly Building) 3. Yamagata Manabikan (former Yamagata Daiichi Elementary School) 4. Walk around Yamagata city 5. Yamagata Marugoto-kan Beni-no-kura 6. Kajo、Yamagata City Local History Museum (former Saiseikan Hospital) 7. Ginzan Onsen   1. Yamagata Prefectural Museum Educational Resources Museum I traveled to Yamagata prefecture from January 25th for 3 nights and 4 days. This time as well, I sent my luggage to my travel destination and enjoyed the “luggage-free trip”. First, I headed from Haneda Airport to Yamagata Airport and went sightseeing in Yamagata City. The planes I used are as follows. Mt. Fuji looked beautiful from Haneda Airport. Depart Haneda Airport at 7:15,  JAL175,  arrive at Yamagata Airport at 8:15 I arrived at Yamagata Airport and took an airport bus to Yamagata City. The airport buses I used are as follows. Depart Yamagata Airport at 8:30,  Airport shuttle bus,  arrive at Yamagata Station East Exit at 9:05,   fare Yen 980 After arriving in Yamagata City, I first took a bus to the “Yamagata Prefectural Museum Educational Resources Museum”.read moreJanuary itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Yamagata)


Summary of December itinerary in Japan (Aomori / Akita trip)

Summary of December itinerary in Japan (Aomori / Akita trip)   In Tohoku (Aomori and Akita prefectures), where I traveled from Saturday, December 11th to Tuesday, December 14th, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes, which was a very satisfying trip. This is the December Japan itinerary that I highly recommend to everyone. In addition, I was able to visit many wonderful tourist destinations such as national important cultural properties. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1.”100 selections of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” eaten in this Japanese itinerary 3. Travel precautions (local trains) for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. December 11 (Saturday)  Aomori Prefecture Day 1 6. December 12 (Sunday)  Aomori Prefecture Day 2 7. December 13 (Monday)  Aomori Prefecture Day 3 8. December 14 (Tuesday)  Akita Prefecture Day 1   This itinerary was also created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal seafood and local dishes.” Food is the highest priority, and tourist destinations are the second priority. However, we aimed to visit asread moreSummary of December itinerary in Japan (Aomori / Akita trip)

Munakata Taisha

Summary of November itinerary in Japan (Nagasaki / Fukuoka trip)

Summary of November itinerary in Japan (Nagasaki / Fukuoka trip)   In Kyushu (Nagasaki and Fukuoka prefectures), where I traveled from November 15th to November 20th as best itinerary in Japan, I was able to eat a lot of seasonal fish and shellfish and local dishes as well as the trips in September and October, which was a very satisfying trip. I was also able to visit many wonderful tourist destinations such as World Heritage Sites and National Treasure Buildings. Here is a summary of this trip and some notes.   Table of contents 1. “100 selections of local dishes” and “Local dishes loved by the nation” by this itinerary in Japan 2. Seasonal “PRIDE FISH” by this itinerary in Japan 3. Travel precautions (local trains, buses, hotels) for itinerary in Japan 4. Travel in a light style 5. November 15 (Monday) Nagasaki Day 1 6. November 16 (Tuesday) Nagasaki Day 2 7. November 17 (Wednesday) Fukuoka Day 1 8. November 18 (Thursday) Fukuoka Day 2 9. November 19 (Friday) Fukuoka Day 3 10. November 20 (Saturday) Fukuoka Day 4   Following the itinerary in September and October, this itinerary was created with the purpose of “eating out seasonal fishread moreSummary of November itinerary in Japan (Nagasaki / Fukuoka trip)

Mojiko Station

November itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Fukuoka Day 3)

November itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Fukuoka Day 3) (Friday, November 19th) Table of contents 1. Kashiigu Shrine 2. Mojiko Station 3. Moji Yusen Building 4. Old Moji Mitsui Club 5. JR Kyushu Headquarters (former Mitsui Bussan Moji Branch) 6. Kitakyushu Bank Moji Branch (former Yokohama Specie Bank Moji Branch) 7. Sakaemachi Shopping Arcade 8. Old Moji Customs Building 9. Dalian Friendship Memorial Hall 10. Mojiko Retro Observation Room 11. Old Mitsui O.S.K. Line Building 12. Holme Ringer & Co.Ltd. & Blue Wing Moji 13. NTT Moji Telecommunication History Hall 14. Sankiro 15. Kiyotaki neighborhood 16. Iwata family housing 17. Illuminations at Hakata Station   1. Kashiigu Shrine On the 5th day of my trip to Nagasaki and Fukuoka, I first went to Kashiigu in the morning. The trains I used are as follows. Depart Hakata Station at 8:10,   JR Kagoshima Line bound for Moji Port,   arrive at Kashii Station at 8:22,   fare Yen 230 It is about a 15-minute walk from Kashii Station to Kashiigu. There is Kashii Jingu Station on the Kashii Line, and it is about a 5-minute walk from Kashii Jingu Station. The Kashii Line runs about once every 30 minutes. The homepage of Kashiigu saysread moreNovember itinerary in Japan Day 5 (Fukuoka Day 3)

Special Kaisendon

November itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Fukuoka Day 2 Meal edition)

November itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Fukuoka Day 2 Meal edition) (Thursday, November 18) Table of contents 1. Ramen shop at Hakata Station 2. Kotobukiya Saburo 3. Hakata Issou Hakata Station East Main Store  4. Asahiken Kawabata store 5. Dive bar Hakata Katsuriki   1. Ramen shop at Hakata Station As I wrote in the BLOG two days ago, I went to Munakata Taisha on the fourth day of my trip to Nagasaki and Fukuoka. When I went to the platform of Hakata Station to catch the train to Munakata Taisha, there was a shop of “Hakata Ramen”. Usually, there are many soba and udon shops on the platform of the station, so I saw the “Hakata Ramen” shop for the first time. If I knew the existence of this ramen shop in advance, I ate it for breakfast, but I gave up because the train departure time was approaching. I love eating on the platform of the station. I have eaten standing noodles at many local stations such as “Shinshu Soba” at Nagano Station, “Kishimen” at Nagoya Station, and “Ekisoba” at Himeji Station. I posted about “Ekisoba” at Himeji Station in the Hokuriku / Kinki Travel Edition. Other thanread moreNovember itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Fukuoka Day 2 Meal edition)


November itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Fukuoka Day 2)

November itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Fukuoka Day 2) (Thursday, November 18)   Table of contents 1. Munakata Taisha “Hetsu-miya” 2. Munakata Taisha “Takamiya Saijo (Festival place)” 3. Munakata Taisha “Shinpokan” 4. Munakata Taisha “Okitsu-miya Yohaisho” (Oshima) 5. Munakata Taisha “Nakatsu-miya” (Oshima)   1. Munakata Taisha “Hetsu-miya” On the morning of the 4th day, I went to Munakata Taisha “Hetsu-miya” from Hakata Station. The public transportation I used is as follows. Depart Hakata Station at 8:07,   Kagoshima Line Rapid train bound for Moji Port,    arrive at Togo Station at 8:36,   fare Yen 570 Depart Togo Station at 8:56,   line 1 Nishitetsu bus bound for Konominato Wharf,   arrives at Munakata Taisha at 9:05 ,   fare Yen 240 Munakata Taisha “Hetsu-miya” is a 1-minute walk from the bus stop of Munakata Taisha. Munakata Taisha is one of the oldest shrines in Japan, which is also mentioned in “Nihon Shoki” and “Sequel Nihon Shoki”. It is the head shrine of more than 7,000 shrines in Japan that enshrine the Three Goddesses of Munakata, Itsukushima Shrine. Munakata was the first international port in Japan. As a port to the Korean Peninsula and China, it played the role of diplomacy, commerce, and national defenseread moreNovember itinerary in Japan Day 4 (Fukuoka Day 2)

Kamado Shrine

November itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Fukuoka Day 1)

November itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Fukuoka Day 1) (Wednesday, November 17)   Table of contents 1. Zendoji temple 2. Arima family mausoleum (Tamaya) 3. Kamado Shrine 4. Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine   1. Zendoji temple On the third day of my trip to Nagasaki and Fukuoka, I stopped by sightseeing spots while moving from Nagasaki prefecture to Fukuoka prefecture. First, I left Sasebo Station in the morning and headed for Zendoji temple in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The trains I got on are as follows. Depart Sasebo Station at 8:06,   JR Limited Express Midori No. 6, bound for Hakata,   arrive at Tosu at 9:30 Depart Tosu at 9:41,   JR Kagoshima line rapid train bound for Araki,  arrive at Kurume at 9:47 Depart  Kurume at 10:14,   JR Kyudai Line bound for Hita,  arrive at Zendoji at  10:33 Total fare Yen 3,120 (including limited express ticket) As I always think when I get on the train, the limited express trains of JR Kyushu are very cool. Mark is also cool, so I think there are good designers. The 787 series I boarded won the Japan Railfan Club Blue Ribbon Award in 1993. It started commercial operation in 1992, but the design thatread moreNovember itinerary in Japan Day 3 (Fukuoka Day 1)

Sofukuji Temple

November itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Nagasaki Day 1)

November itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Nagasaki Day 1) (Monday, November 15th) Table of contents 1. Takashima 2. Saruku (Dejima, Megane-bashi, Daikoji Temple) 3. Sofukuji Temple   I went on a trip to Nagasaki and Fukuoka prefectures for 5 nights and 6 days from November 15th (Monday) to November 20th (Saturday). This time as well, I created the itinerary from prefectures with a large amount of fish and shellfish that will be in season in November. Nagasaki and Fukuoka prefectures were 2nd and 4th in the national ranking. In addition, I was able to eat many local dishes from Nagasaki and Fukuoka prefectures (selected by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries). In addition, for this trip as well, I sent luggage such as clothing to the accommodation in advance and carried out a “luggage-free trip” without carrying large luggage. “luggage-free trip” is easy while traveling, and it has also helped me to make effective use of my time. I sent the clothes I wore from my last accommodation to a laundry agency, so it was an easy trip without having to do the laundry.   1. Takashima Early in the morning, I traveled from Haneda Airport (departing at 7:40)read moreNovember itinerary in Japan Day 1 (Nagasaki Day 1)