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Company Profile


Company NameEDO KAGURA Corporation
Travel Business License No.Tokyo Metropolitan Government: Regional-8490
MemberCertified Hokkaido-University startup
Japan Climate Initiative
SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public-Private Partnership Platform
Waim Takadanobaba 606
1-31-16, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Common stockYen 9.0 million
Company establishmentDecember 7, 2021

ninja kotan



We will explain why we use the service name NINJA KOTAN, our registered trademark.

KOTAN means “Village” in the Ainu language. Therefore, NINJA KOTAN stands for “Ninja Village.”

We used the Ainu language because I am a graduate of Hokkaido University. The Ainu people are indigenous to Japan and still live mainly in Hokkaido. We see the Ainu people as a symbol of diversity and environmental protection. The Ainu language also aligns with the better society we aim for.

“Ninja” jumps lightly, so we used it as the name because the image of “light and not carrying luggage” matches “Easy travel.” It would be easy to understand that the Ninja is famous in Japan and foreign countries.

“Village” is attached to the meaning of the community. We believe that the participation and cooperation of many people are necessary to realize our “Purpose” of “Creating a society where everyone can move freely and make people happy.”

“Easy travel” is more than renting what you need at your destination. Travel destination information is also indispensable for “Easy travel.” Therefore, we will actively disseminate travel information. It would be great if all of these things developed as a community.

The above is the origin of NINJA KOTAN.