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The reason why we are tired of traveling abroad

The reason why we are tired of traveling abroad


Table of Contents

1: Main causes of tiredness when traveling abroad

2: Heavy luggage can create health risks

3: Various studies point to health risks from heavy luggage

4: Travelers carry 8.5 times heavier luggage than in everyday life



1: Main causes of tiredness when traveling abroad

Traveling abroad is fun, but many people feel tired after the trip. Do you know what causes travel fatigue?

In conclusion, heavy luggage is the leading cause of tiredness when traveling abroad. Moreover, heavy luggage can create health hazards.


2: Heavy luggage can create health risks

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the US federal agency that researches and recommends preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is a US federal agency that analyzes and recommends preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. The US NIOSH states that the maximum recommended load weight to be lifted under ideal conditions is 51 lb (23.1 kg).

Because of this NIOSH standard, many airlines set the checked baggage limit at 23 kg (50 lbs). However, this is only a standard to prevent health hazards for strong airport workers and is not a weight recommended to be carried by the average traveler.


Weight limit per piece of checked baggage (kg)


Note: In economy class

Source: Each airline’s website




The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare also stipulates in its Guidelines for Prevention of Back Pain in the Workplace that the weight limit for men aged 18 and over should be less than about 40% of their body weight. The weight limit for women should be no more than about 60% of the male limit. The average weight of men aged 18 and over is 67.6 kg, so the weight limit for men is 27.0 kg. The weight limit for Japanese women is 60% of the male weight limit, so the weight limit for women is 16.2 kg. The average weight limit for men and women is 21.6 kg. Average weights are data from 2019.



3: Various studies point to health risks from heavy luggage

In addition to NIOSH and the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, various other studies have pointed to the health risks of carrying heavy loads.

The European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology states, “Prolonged carrying in one hand of more than 6 kg or 10 kg for young, healthy women and men respectively should not be recommended, since it could lead to non-cardiovascular steady-states and EMG(ElectroMyoGram) signs of fatigue”.

The European Journal of Sport Science also states, “Walking with no load or carrying 10, 15, or 20 kg in a backpack for up to 60 min causes an increase in physiological, metabolic, and perceptual parameters.”


4: Travelers carry 8.5 times heavier luggage than in everyday life

The average weight limit for checked baggage is 23 kg, whereas the limit for cabin baggage is 7-10 kg. These weight limits mean many people travel abroad with a maximum of 30 kg or more luggage. The average weight shopping at a supermarket in daily life is 3.53 kg (in Shijonawate City, Osaka Prefecture), so they travel abroad with luggage that is 8.5 times heavier than that. Don’t you think it is natural to be tired?

Thus, heavy luggage during a trip weighing more than 23 kg may create health hazards. Why not reduce the luggage weight you carry by renting clothing for your journey and have a less tiring trip? Reducing the amount of checked baggage can also lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

Travel more light! For your health. For the sake of our planet.


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