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Do You Know Why Pine Trees Are Depicted on Noh Stages?

The Connection Between Bonsai and Noh Theater   The Symbolism of Pine Trees on Noh Stages Pine trees are always prominently depicted on Noh stages. When you enter a Noh theater, the first thing that catches your eye is the large pine tree painted at the back of the stage. Have you ever wondered what this pine tree means? In fact, the pine tree has a deep historical and cultural significance. Whether it’s Noh or Kyogen, a graceful or tragic play, the audience always watches the performers against the backdrop of the pine tree. The board with the painted pine tree is called the “Kagami-ita” (mirror board), and it is one of the stage props. At the Yarai Noh Theater in Kagurazaka, Shinjuku, a magnificent pine tree is also depicted on the Kagami-ita. Performing for the Gods: The Role of the Kagami-ita with the Pine Tree The name “Kagami-ita” is generally explained in connection with the “Yogo Pine” of Kasuga Taisha in Nara. “Yogo” refers to the descent of deities to the earthly realm. The pine tree, which is considered the incarnation of Kasuga Myojin, exists beside the audience, and the Kagami-ita mirrors this, implying that the actors on stageread moreDo You Know Why Pine Trees Are Depicted on Noh Stages?

Shinjuku’s Kagurazaka: Deep Connections with the Third Shogun of the Edo Shogunate

Shinjuku’s Kagurazaka: Deep Connections with Tokugawa Iemitsu, the Third Shogun of the Edo Shogunate   Tokugawa Iemitsu, the Third Shogun who Consolidated the Foundations of the Edo Shogunate Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third Shogun of the Edo Shogunate (in office from 1623 to 1651), had a deep connection with Kagurazaka. Iemitsu solidified the hierarchical feudal system of the Shogunate and mandated the Sankin-Kotai system, which required feudal lords to reside in Edo periodically. He was also instrumental in establishing the isolationist policies that defined the Edo period.   Kagurazaka Street in Shinjuku, Constructed by Shogun Iemitsu The most notable connection with Kagurazaka is the construction of Kagurazaka Street itself by Iemitsu. Designed as the ‘Onarimichi,’ or Shogun’s route, it connected the Ushigome gate of Edo Castle to the residence of the senior councilor Sakai Tadakatsu.   Shogun Iemitsu Named Denchuji Temple Denchuji Temple, located between Kagurazaka and Edogawabashi stations, is a historic Zen temple named by Iemitsu. In 1650, while on a falconry outing, Iemitsu visited the temple and, noting its location amidst the fields, named it Denchuji. This temple has deep ties with Eiheiji Temple in Fukui Prefecture, a prominent Zen temple of the Soto sect. Saishoji Temple Founded byread moreShinjuku’s Kagurazaka: Deep Connections with the Third Shogun of the Edo Shogunate