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The Best 19 Things to Do in Shinjuku (Dyeing Experience)

The Best 19 Things to Do in Shinjuku (Dyeing Experience)     Dyeing Experience at “Some no Sato Ochiai”: The Best 19 Things to Do in Shinjuku Today, we would like to introduce one of the experiences listed in ‘The Best 19 Things to Do in Shinjuku,’ published by the Shinjuku Ward Cultural and Tourism Industry Department, which our company offers as a tour: “Walk Along the Myoshoji River and Take Home Local Specialties as Souvenirs.” Particularly, the “Some no Komichi” event held every February is a must-see.    Shinjuku: One of Japan’s Key Dyeing Hubs The Myoshoji River originates from Myoshoji Pond in Myoshoji Park, Suginami Ward, Tokyo, named after the nearby Myoshoji Temple. It flows into the Kanda River near Tsumihashi Bridge in Shimo-Ochiai, Shinjuku Ward. Dyeing-related industries downstream of the Kanda River moved upstream to find clean water. They settled along the Myoshoji River in Ochiai and Nakai, making this area a major dyeing industry center. It is one of Japan’s key dyeing hubs alongside Kyoto and Kanazawa.  Edo Sarasa Dyeing Experience at “Some no Sato Ochiai” Our company offers dyeing experience tours at “Some no Sato Ochiai.” During these tours, artisans directly teach you how toread moreThe Best 19 Things to Do in Shinjuku (Dyeing Experience)