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Discover the Intricate Connection: Kumihimo Braiding and Samurai Spirit in Tokyo

Discover the Intricate Connection: Kumihimo Braiding and Samurai Spirit in Tokyo Unveiling the Art of Kumihimo in the Heart of Tokyo In Tokyo, a city where modern advancements intertwine with deep-rooted traditions, the ancient art of Kumihimo braiding stands as a testament to Japan’s rich cultural heritage. “Kumihimo Braiding and Samurai Spirit in Tokyo” takes you on a journey to explore how this meticulous craft played a pivotal role in the lives of the Samurai, weaving together threads of history, art, and spirituality. The Essence of Kumihimo: A Cord of Strength and Symbolism Kumihimo, once flourishing during the Edo period, saw its significance magnified as it became integral to Samurai attire. The primary use of these intricately braided cords was as ‘Sageo,’ the binding thread for a Samurai’s sword, meticulously crafted to mirror today’s obijime in dimensions. Serving not only to secure the scabbard and prevent accidental unsheathing, the Sageo also symbolized a Samurai’s intent, a declaration of peace in the absence of action. The Spirituality of Zen in Kumihimo Making Kumihimo making is a repetitive task requiring concentration that empties the mind, embodying the spirituality of Zen. For samurai in the Edo period, it was part of mental moreDiscover the Intricate Connection: Kumihimo Braiding and Samurai Spirit in Tokyo