Limit Climate Change through the Idea of Zen in Tokyo: A Path to Peaceful Living
Embracing Zen for a Sustainable Future

The Essence of Zen: Peacefulness and Sustainability
Embracing Peaceful Principles for a Healthier Planet: Limit Climate Change through the Idea of Zen in Tokyo
Enhancing Immersion with Clothing Rental for Environmental Impact

Integrating Zen Principles with Climate Action
Protect the green of the earth: Engage in activities that preserve natural ecosystems, reflecting the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Do not waste water: Embrace conservation in daily life, acknowledging water as the source of all life.
Conserve energy: Reduce consumption of fuel and electricity, aligning with the Zen practice of living simply and with intention.
Keep the air clean: Participate in community efforts to reduce air pollution, fostering a healthy environment for all.
Co-exist with nature: Embrace the Zen understanding that nature itself is the embodiment of Buddha, and our actions should reflect reverence for the natural world.

Experience Sustainable Zen at Denchuji Temple in Shinjuku

Peaceful Living for Climate Action
Let us embrace a peaceful way of living, where each action is taken with care for our inner selves and the world around us. Through Zen in Tokyo, we can inspire a movement towards peaceful living that actively supports environmental preservation and sustainability. Dogen Zenji said, ”If I take care of the mountains, they will take care of me.“Environmental conservation efforts also enhance the harmony of your mind.