Learn the difference by Samue: Zen vs. Mindfulness

Steve Jobs Also Admired Samue

The Simple Design of Samue is Ideal for Zen
Zen shares a deep connection with modern mindfulness in its practice of meditation. However, while meditation is a common aspect, the essence of Zen and mindfulness are fundamentally different, as widely believed in the Buddhist community.

Understand the Difference Between Zen and Mindfulness by Wearing Samue
The benefits of mindfulness, including alleviating anxiety, improving physical health, and fostering self-compassion, are commendable. Due to its scientifically proven effects, many people are interested in and practice it.

Try More Authentic Zen Meditation Experience by Wearing Samue
Through its history and functionality, samue allows one to learn the spirit of Zen. We hope that our initiative of samue rental will contribute to the allure of visiting Japan. By blending traditional Japanese culture with contemporary needs, we aim to provide richer experiences. Experience authentic Zen in samue at Denchuji Temple in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where our company offers tours.