Idaseni, the Leading Manufacturer of Samue, introduced our Company, EDO KAGURA

Idaseni: The Top Manufacturer of Samue in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture
Our Company Offers Traditional Cultural Experience Tours in Kagurazaka, Shinjuku

Providing an “Immersive Feeling” During Traditional Cultural Experiences with Samue Rentals
By wearing samue, travelers can share a sense of unity with the space and the people around them. Therefore, we started the samue rental business simultaneously with the launch of our traditional cultural experience tours. Of course, we purchase our same from Idaseni, which is known for its top quality.

Swedish Family Fully Satisfied with Zazen Experience While Wearing Samue
The feedback after the zazen experience was very positive, with comments such as “Very kind and clear instruction. Thank you very much! The guides were very generous, taking us to the temple and sharing many interesting things,” and we received a perfect score.

The monk who instructed the zazen was also very pleased, saying, “It makes me happy to see foreigners practicing zazen wearing samue, which I wear daily.”

Samue Rentals Bring Happiness to Both Travelers and Traditional Cultural Experience Providers

“Wasuian” and Kagurazaka Share the Common Theme of “Iki”

“Iki” is a Key Concept in Japanese Culture
“IKI” is a uniquely Japanese sensibility, and it is said to be difficult to express in a single English word. Candidates for translating “IKI” include sophistication, refined elegance, chic, stylishness, and tasteful elegance.