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日本旅行的拉麵攻略①   目錄 1、前言 2、拉麵的種類 2-1、醬油拉麵 2-2、鹽味拉麵 2-3、味噌拉麵 2-4、豚骨拉麵 2-5、雞白湯拉麵 2-6、沾麵 2-7、油拌麵 3、配料的種類 4、拉麵的點餐方式 5、拉麵消費金額最高的城市排行與前段班城市的在地拉麵介紹   1、前言 對於到日本旅遊的外國人來說,拉麵是一道受到許多人歡迎的料理。根據日本觀光廳發表的訪日外國人消費動向調查(2019年)指出,最讓人滿意的餐飲第1名是肉料理(26.7%),第2名即是拉麵(19.3%),由此可見拉麵的確獲得大家的喜愛。順帶一提,第3名是壽司(15.6%),第4名則是魚料理(12.6%)。 就如同大家所知道的,拉麵的根源來自於中國大陸的麵料理。至今仍有一些拉麵老店會使用「中華拉麵」等稱呼。 相傳是在江戶時代末期開港之後(1854年下田及函館開港),中國大陸的麵料理傳進日本。而後,由各店家運用創意巧思,再加上日本獨有的料理方式,演變成許多不同種類變化的拉麵。 身為一名一年大約會吃掉100碗拉麵的拉麵愛好者,希望大家來到日本旅行的時候可以更盡情、更美味地享受拉麵,所以想要以各種不同的觀點向大家介紹拉麵。 特別是在後面第4點會提到的「拉麵的點餐方式」,對於看不懂日文的外國旅客來說應該會是很實用的方法。因為從日本最大美食介紹網站TABELOG的資料看來,我發現有英文菜單的拉麵店只佔日本全部拉麵店的0.9%而已。 另外,在本篇最後的「拉麵消費金額最高的城市排行與前段班城市的在地拉麵」,將會為大家介紹拉麵意外很受歡迎的城市。在這些喜愛拉麵的城市裡,據說似乎有很多特別好吃又別具特色的在地拉麵喔。 2、拉麵的種類 拉麵大致上可以分為醬油拉麵、鹽味拉麵、味噌拉麵、豚骨拉麵、雞白湯拉麵、沾麵、油拌麵等種類,近幾年來還出現了小魚乾熬製拉麵、飛魚高湯拉麵、魚貝豚骨拉麵、豚骨醬油拉麵等較新的類型。本文將會為大家詳細介紹7種具代表性的拉麵風味。 2-1、醬油拉麵 關於醬油拉麵的起源,是在1910年時位於淺草的「來來軒」開始提供,讓醬油拉麵開始出現在大眾面前。醬油拉麵與鹽味拉麵皆是日本拉麵風味中擁有最長久歷史的兩種拉麵。醬油拉麵的湯頭是以雞骨或是各種不同的材料熬製,並加入濃口醬油來呈現其美味。 醬油拉麵與胡椒、黑胡椒的味道相當契合,也可以在醬油拉麵裡面加入醋來提升酸味,因此一碗醬油拉麵就能夠品嘗到多種風味變化。我個人是很喜歡在醬油拉麵中加入醋的這種吃法,但是每個人的口味都不盡相同,所以建議大家在一開始時先少量加入醋,以便確認是不是自己喜歡的味道。 醬油拉麵(山形縣 中華麵店 琴平莊) 醤油ラーメン(山形県 中華そば処 琴平荘) 醬油拉麵(北海道 MARUHIRA拉麵) 醤油ラーメン(北海道 ラーメン まるひら) 醬油拉麵(東京都 大至拉麵) 醤油ラーメン(東京都 ラーメン大至) 此外,醬油拉麵在配料方面與豬肉叉燒、溏心蛋、筍乾相當搭配;蔬菜的話建議可以添加蔥花或是燙菠菜。 而關於「在地拉麵」,旭川拉麵(北海道)、喜多方拉麵(福島縣)、白河拉麵(福島縣)、SUTAMINA拉麵(茨城縣)、佐野拉麵(櫪木縣)、八王子拉麵(東京都)等,都是屬於醬油拉麵的類型。 醬油拉麵(北海道 旭川拉麵青葉本店) 醤油ラーメン(北海道 旭川らぅめん青葉 本店) 前面提到的小魚乾熬製拉麵、飛魚高湯拉麵、豚骨醬油拉麵等,也是從醬油拉麵衍生而出的類別。一般來說,醬油拉麵的湯頭屬於比較清爽的口感,而家系拉麵(神奈川)等豚骨醬油拉麵、燕三條背脂拉麵(新潟縣)等,則屬於口感比較濃厚的湯頭。 小魚乾熬製拉麵 (東京都 FUKU流拉麵 轍) 煮干しラーメン(東京都 ふく流らーめん 轍)   2-2、鹽味拉麵 鹽味拉麵與醬油拉麵一樣,都是擁有久遠歷史的拉麵,據說鹽味拉麵的發祥是源自於1884年函館「養和軒」販售的南京拉麵。鹽味拉麵的湯頭是以雞骨等各種不同食材熬煮,再加入鹽味高湯來呈現其風味,清澈透明的湯頭顏色即是鹽味拉麵的特徵。 鹽味拉麵(東京都 麵屋宗) 塩ラーメン(東京都 麺屋宗) 鹽味拉麵跟將醬油拉麵比起來,較少與魚貝類或是豚骨相互做提味,所以與其他類型拉麵比較起來,提供鹽味拉麵的店家相對比較少。但是其清爽的口味對於年長的人來說不易造成腸胃不適,也是一種非常美味的拉麵。 知名的「在地拉麵」有函館拉麵(北海道),不過其他地區就少有以鹽味拉麵聞名的「在地拉麵」了。另外,加入大量高麗菜、豆芽等蔬菜的湯麵也是從日本開始發展的,這種湯麵即是鹽味拉麵衍生而出的一種拉麵類別。 關於鹽味拉麵的配料以雞肉叉燒、筍乾、炒青菜等最為搭配,與通常會使用豬肉做為配料的其他拉麵不同,在風味上與雞肉叉燒較為契合這點就是鹽味拉麵的特色之一。 鹽味拉麵(北海道 麵廚房繡球花) 塩ラーメン(北海道 麺厨房あじさい) 湯麵(東京都 中華料理 秀永) タンメン(東京都 中華料理 秀永)   2-3、味噌拉麵 味噌拉麵與擁有悠久歷史的醬油拉麵、鹽味拉麵不同的是,它是近年才開發出來的風味,起源於1955年時,北海道札幌市的一間小吃店「味之三平」開發了味噌拉麵,也因此味噌拉麵有時候會被稱作為「北海道味噌拉麵」。這是一種以日本調味料搭配中華拉麵而生、和漢合璧的拉麵種類。 味噌拉麵與豬肉叉燒、溏心蛋、筍乾、大蒜相當搭配,跟高麗菜、豆芽菜等炒青菜也很合,會加上玉米、奶油等北海道農特產的配料也是其特色之一。此外,不僅是胡椒,與辣油、唐辛子等調味料也很契合。 味噌拉麵(北海道 札幌純連) 味噌ラーメン(北海道 さっぽろ純連) 味噌拉麵(北海道 麵屋雪風) 味噌ラーメン(北海道 麺屋雪風) 而關於有名的「當地拉麵」,則有發源地的札幌拉麵,以及味噌咖哩牛乳拉麵(青森縣)、赤湯拉麵(山形縣)。其中,赤湯拉麵是一種在味噌拉麵中加入辣味噌而衍生出來的風味,稱為紅味噌拉麵。 雖然味噌拉麵是一年中各個季節都能夠品嚐的拉麵, 但是因為其發源地札幌是一個寒冷的地區,所以也讓人產生一種在寒冷時會特別想吃味噌拉麵的印象。不過據說味噌的確有提高代謝、使身體感到溫暖的作用。 味噌咖哩牛乳拉麵(青森縣 味之札幌 大西) 味噌カレー牛乳ラーメン(青森県 味の札幌 大西)     繼續第二篇  

hiroshima okonomiyaki

30 Best local delicacies ranking (Chugoku & Shikoku region)

30 Best local delicacies ranking (Chugoku & Shikoku region)   english       繁体中文(traditional chinese)     Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Local delicacies ranking (Chugoku & Shikoku region)   1. Introduction In Japan, many dishes are unique to each region. These dishes familiar to the locals are called variously “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” etc., and are very popular. They are many dishes that have been developed in recent years and include a variety of genres such as Western and Chinese cuisine.   On the other hand, “local cuisine” has a history of more than 100 years and is mainly Japanese cuisine that makes use of local ingredients and food culture. Many of these dishes have survived because they are supported by the local people, and basically, all of them are of a certain standard of taste.   However, it is impossible for foreign travelers with a limited number of travel days to eat all of the unique regional cuisines.   Therefore, we have compiled more than 1,000 types of “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” and “local cuisine” and ranked them by region in order of the number of hashtags on social networking services (SNS).read more30 Best local delicacies ranking (Chugoku & Shikoku region)


Ekiben available in Tokyo 4

  在東京即可購得的各地鐵路便當特輯來到了第4彈,這次也是選在新宿車站來購買鐵路便當。 從第1彈到這回第4彈,總共向大家介紹了40款鐵路便當,而這些鐵路便當大部分都是在新宿車站,也就是在第3彈時曾經跟大家介紹過的兩個站內便當店中購買到的,由此可知在新宿車站真的可以買到許多不同種類的鐵路便當。 「新宿車站就能買得到的鐵路便當」預計還有10款會在第5彈時介紹給大家,在第5彈之後,我希望能夠用這幾次在購買便當時所蒐集到的各種資料,與大家分享像是便當熱量排行這種有趣、特別的排行榜。     1. Ikura and grilled fatty salmon belly bento (Aomori Prefecture) 2. Gyu Ben (Beef bento) (Ibaraki Prefecture) 3. Makunouchi bento (Tokyo) 4. Sangenton tonkatsu bento (Tokyo) 5. Crab, salmon roe and grilled scallop bento (Tokyo) 6. Beef Bento (Tokyo) 7. Beef sukiyaki and grilled meat bento (Tokyo) 8. 30-item balanced bento (Tokyo) 9. Shinshu Beef Rice (Nagano Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture) 10. Sanzoku-yaki Bento (Nagano Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture)     1. Ikura and grilled fatty salmon belly bento (Aomori Prefecture) Features : Ekiben (Lunch box) at Hachinohe Station. A luxurious ekiben with grilled fatty salmon belly and plenty of salmon roe on top. Ekiben available : Shinjuku Station Price (incl. tax) : Yen1,480 Nutritional Information Calories (kcal) : 740.0Protein (g) : 39.0Fat (g) : 17.0Carbohydrate (g) : 107.0Salt equivalent (g) : 2.8 Main ingredients White rice (domestically produced rice)Grilled fatty salmon bellySalmon roe soaked in soy sauceSalmon flakesThick-omelettePickled nozawanaKyoto-style chopped vegetables pickled in salt with red shiso leaves   2. Gyu Ben (Beef bento) (Ibaraki Prefecture) Features : Ekiben (Lunch box) at Mito and Iwaki Stations in Ibaraki Prefecture. This sumptuous bento features a bed of shigureni (beef boiled and seasoned in soy sauce and sugar)read moreEkiben available in Tokyo 4


30 Best local delicacies ranking (Kansai region)

30 Best local delicacies ranking (Kansai region) english 繁体中文(traditional chinese) Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Local delicacies ranking (Kansai region)   1. Introduction In Japan, many dishes are unique to each region. These dishes familiar to the locals are called variously “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” etc., and are very popular. They are many dishes that have been developed in recent years and include a variety of genres such as Western and Chinese cuisine. On the other hand, “local cuisine” has a history of more than 100 years and is mainly Japanese cuisine that makes use of local ingredients and food culture. Many of these dishes have survived because they are supported by the local people, and basically, all of them are of a certain standard of taste. However, it is impossible for foreign travelers with a limited number of travel days to eat all of the unique regional cuisines. Therefore, we have compiled more than 1,000 types of “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” and “local cuisine” and ranked them by region in order of the number of hashtags on social networking services (SNS). We hope that this ranking will make it easier for foreign travelers toread more30 Best local delicacies ranking (Kansai region)


Recommended Japanese Movies Before Traveling to Japan

Movies That You Must See Before Traveling to Japan     Japan is a country full of culture and information that can seem overwhelming when you first come to this country. But there is a way for you to enjoy your trip and understand the customs better. That is watching movies about Japan made in Japan. There are several films, mostly American, about Japan that reflect a fictitious and even stereotypical image of the country. Many people watch these films and when they arrive in Japan they realize that everything is very different from what they saw and can cause confusion and even misunderstandings. So we decided to do deep research, based on calculating the number of tags on social media and the number of web searches and we managed to create a list of the best 20 movies to watch about Japan before coming on a trip. We have also included some 5 films in a special selection because the latter was not included in any other list and in our opinion they are important films about Japanese history and culture. We hope you enjoy them and learn a lot about our wonderful country, Japan.     Japanese Movies Rankingread moreRecommended Japanese Movies Before Traveling to Japan

Blackthroat seaperch

30 Best local delicacies ranking (Chubu region)

30 Best local delicacies ranking (Chubu region)   english       繁体中文(traditional chinese)     Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Local delicacies ranking (Chubu region)   1. Introduction In Japan, many dishes are unique to each region. These dishes familiar to the locals are called variously “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” etc., and are very popular. They are many dishes that have been developed in recent years and include a variety of genres such as Western and Chinese cuisine.   On the other hand, “local cuisine” has a history of more than 100 years and is mainly Japanese cuisine that makes use of local ingredients and food culture. Many of these dishes have survived because they are supported by the local people, and basically, all of them are of a certain standard of taste.   However, it is impossible for foreign travelers with a limited number of travel days to eat all of the unique regional cuisines.   Therefore, we have compiled more than 1,000 types of “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” and “local cuisine” and ranked them by region in order of the number of hashtags on social networking services (SNS).   We hope thatread more30 Best local delicacies ranking (Chubu region)

uni oyster

Ekiben available in Tokyo 3

Ekiben (lunch box) available in Tokyo 3 english list   This is the third post in a series of special features on ekiben available in Tokyo. This time, we purchased ekiben only at Shinjuku Station. There are two ekiben stores in Shinjuku Station. The first, which sells a larger variety of ekiben, is the Ekiben-ya Itadaki. It is located between Lines 11 and 12 and Lines 9 and 10 in the South Exit ticket gates of Shinjuku Station. It is open from 6:30 to 21:00 (as of 15:00 on 30 August 2022), which is a long opening hour, making it a good ekiben shop for travelers. Next is the Ekiben-ya Shinjuku 5 kiosk. It is located in the middle of platforms 9 and 10 where Chuo Line limited express trains arrive and depart. It is open from 6:30 to 20:00. Shinjuku Station has the highest number of passengers in the world, and many limited express trains arrive and depart from the station, so demand for ekiben is strong. Why not choose from a wide variety of ekiben at Shinjuku Station? The average daily number of passengers at Shinjuku Station, including JR, Odakyu, and Keio lines, is approximately 3.53 million (2017),read moreEkiben available in Tokyo 3


30 Best local delicacies ranking (Kanto region)

30 Best local delicacies ranking (Kanto region)   english       繁体中文(traditional chinese)     Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Local delicacies ranking (Kanto region)   1. Introduction In Japan, many dishes are unique to each region. These dishes familiar to the locals are called variously “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” etc., and are very popular. They are many dishes that have been developed in recent years and include a variety of genres such as Western and Chinese cuisine.   On the other hand, “local cuisine” has a history of more than 100 years and is mainly Japanese cuisine that makes use of local ingredients and food culture. Many of these dishes have survived because they are supported by the local people, and basically, all of them are of a certain standard of taste.   However, it is impossible for foreign travelers with a limited number of travel days to eat all of the unique regional cuisines.   Therefore, we have compiled more than 1,000 types of “local gourmet,” “B-class gourmet,” “soul food,” and “local cuisine” and ranked them by region in order of the number of hashtags on social networking services (SNS).   We hope thatread more30 Best local delicacies ranking (Kanto region)

wheel chair

Wheelchair Accessible Accommodation

Wheelchair Accessible Accommodation   English list   Traveling in a wheelchair in Japan can be challenging. It is hard to find which destinations are accessible, especially barrier-free hotels.   This site is for those who want to visit Japan and have the best time in a wheelchair. We made a list of 9 hotels that provide various accessible features for travelers in a wheelchair, and what is the best is that they provide bathing support services.   So you can enjoy a cozy time in a traditional Japanese bath or Onsen. This list is credible because it is based on a survey conducted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.   繁体字(Traditional chinese list)   在日本旅行時、乘坐輪椅的旅客可能會感到不便,並很難找到可以讓輪椅進入的地方,尤其是無障礙酒店。   這個網站是為了讓乘坐輪椅的旅客也能於日本無障礙地享受旅行、我們列出了 9 間能提供無障礙設施及服務的酒店,他們還能提供入浴的支援服務。您可以在傳統的日式浴池或温泉中享受舒適的時光。這份名單是参考了國土交通省的問卷調査而作成。     1. Suzunoyado Tofuya (Yamagata Prefecture) 2. Arimakan (Yamagata Prefecture) 3. Fuji Lake Hotel (Yamanashi Prefecture) 4. Saito Hotel (Nagano Prefecture) 5. Atagawa Prince Hotel ( Shizuoka Prefecture) 6. Seizanyamato ( Shizuoka Prefecture) 7. Senoumi (Shizuoka Prefecture) 8. Resort Hills Toyohama Sora no Kaze (Mie Prefecture) 9. Sentoro (Saga Prefecture)   1. Suzunoyado Tofuya Web : Wheelchair Accessible Taxi : Taxi-Himawari, Imamura Taxi, Sanyu Kaigo Taxi    Place to Visit: Uesugi Shrine Note: Japanese famous samurai,read moreWheelchair Accessible Accommodation

ikinari dago

Wagashi (Best 10 in Kyushu & Okinawa)

Wagashi (Japanese Traditional Dessert, Best 10 in Kyushu & Okinawa) english list    ”WAGASHI” is traditional Japanese confectionery, strongly connected to the four seasons. Youcan enjoy the visual beauty of WAGASHI as well as its delicious flavor. One way to enjoy WAGASHI is to learn about its history, which is deeply rooted in the motifs and events of the four seasons.   WAGASHI is made in various regions of Japan, taking advantage of local agricultural products. Here are our original best 10 rankings of WAGASHI in  Kyushu & Okinawa regions based on calculating the number of tags on social media and the number of web searches.   Why don’t you find your favorite WAGASHI ?   繁体字(traditional chinese list)   和菓子這詞是指跟四季緊密相連的日本傳統點心。這種傳統點心不但能從味覺上品味,也可以從視覺上享受它們的美感。而了解藏在和菓子上的圖案背後的歷史和它們與四季的關連,亦不失為一個品味它的方法。   另外,這些和菓子都是使用本地種植的農產物,在日本各地製造的。 為了讓大家更加了解在日本最受歡迎的和菓子,我們根據社交平台的引用次數和網絡搜索引擎的搜尋次數,為大家整理出九州&沖縄地區最受歡迎的十個和菓子排名!   你也快點來找你心目中覺得最好吃的和菓子吧!     Best 10 in Kyushu & Okinawa 1. Betamochi (Fukuoka Prefecture) 2. Akumaki (Kagoshima Prefecture) 3. Futsumochi (Saga Prefecture) 4. Ikinari Dango (Kumamoto Prefecture) 5. Karukan (Kagoshima Prefecture) 6. Jiriyaki (Oita Prefecture) 7. Sakemanjyu (Oita Prefecture) 8. Kanzarashi (Nagasaki Prefecture) 9. Kankoro Mochi (Nagasaki Prefecture) 10. Yaseuma (Oita Prefecture)   1. Betamochi (Fukuoka Prefecture) The traditional way of eating mochi is to sprinkle it with a generous amount of kinako (soybean flour withread moreWagashi (Best 10 in Kyushu & Okinawa)